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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


The IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science is a publication of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. It is published monthly, and covers the theory and application of plasma science and engineering.

The Transactions on Plasma Science (TPS) is viewed as a primary source of technical information in many of the areas it covers. It serves as a major vehicle for dissemination of technical information for the plasma science community, and for three Technical Committees of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society – the Plasma Science and Applications Committee, the Pulsed Power Science and Technology Committee, and the Fusion Technology Committee.

Manuscripts submitted to TPS for consideration for publication should meet the criteria as described elsewhere in this web site. Submissions should be made to the web site

Highlight Papers Made Freely Available

The Editor-in-Chief has selected papers that are likely to be of great interest to the community to be made freely available.


Wire Explosion in Vacuum

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Best Paper Award

Description: The IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Best Paper Award will be given annually to the paper deemed the best among those published in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science journal. The best paper will be selected in the spring.

Prize: The award will be a plaque, a certificate for each of the paper authors and a money prize. The money prize is $500 for each author, up to a maximum award of $1500; if the paper has more than 3 authors, the maximum award will be divided equally among all authors.

Funding: Funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: The authors of all papers published in the Transactions on Plasma Science in the year 3 prior to the year of the award are eligible for consideration.  For example, to be considered for the award presented in 2019, a paper must have been published in 2016.

Basis for Judging: The primary consideration in determining the best paper will be its quantifiable usefulness to the community. The primary factor in this assessment will be the number of downloads of the paper from Xplore. Supplemental factors, which will be examined, are literature citations to the paper, quality, clarity of presentation, originality, significance, and contributions to the field. To minimize any risk that unethical manipulation could influence the winning paper selection, all of the factors mentioned (number of citations, quality, clarity of presentation, originality, significance, and contributions to the field) will be considered during final evaluation of the top-ranked paper to insure that is deserves to be selected as the award winner.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually at the NPS Society conference most relevant to the topical area of the selected paper.

Frequency: One award presented annually.

Award Recipients:
2019: The 1st award was announced in an editorial in the September 2019 issue of TPS. The awardee recommendations came from TPS EIC & Senior Editor team, while the NPSS Publications Committee made the award decision. The 2019 awardee was Professor Noah Hershkowitz of the University of Wisconsin.  The award-winning paper was “43 Years of Fun Basic Plasma Physics Experiments,” that appeared in IEEE TPS volume 44, pages 347 – 363, in 2016.

2020: The 2nd award was announced in an editorial in the November 2020 issue of TPS.  The awardee recommendations came from TPS EIC & Senior Editor team, while the NPSS Publications Committee made the award decision. The 2020 awardee was Professor Chan Joshi of the University of California, Los Angeles.  The award-winning paper was Laser-Driven Plasma Accelerators Operating in the Self-Guided, Blowout Regime.”  This paper appeared in IEEE TPS volume 45, pages 3134 – 3146, in December 2017.

2021: The 3rd award was announced in an editorial in the November 2021 issue of TPS.  The awardee recommendations came from TPS EIC & Senior Editor team, while the NPSS Publications Committee made the award decision. The award-winning paper was “A Primer on Pulsed Power and Linear Transformer Drivers for High Energy Density Physics Applications.”  The award was presented to the lead author of this 40 author paper, Professor Ryan D. McBride, of the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA.  This paper was published in: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 46, Issue: 11, Nov. 2018, Pages: 3928 – 3967, and is an open access paper freely available to our readers.

2022: The 4th award was announced in an editorial in the September 2022 issue of TPS.  The awardee recommendations came from TPS EIC & Senior Editor team, while the NPSS Publications Committee made the award decision. The award-winning paper was Transfer learning to model inertial confinement fusion experiments.”  The award was presented virtually to the four co-authors of this paper: Kelli D. Humbird, J. Luc Peterson, and Brian K. Spears all from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA, and Ryan G. McClarren from the University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN, USA.  This paper was published in: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Jan. 2020, Pages: 61 – 70, and is an open access paper freely available to our readers.

2023: The 5th award was announced in an editorial in the December 2023 issue of TPS.  The awardee recommendations came from TPS EIC & Senior Editor team, while the NPSS Publications Committee made the award decision. The award-winning paper was Effect of Nonuniform Emission on Miram Curves.”  The award was presented virtually to the nine co-authors of this paper: David Chernin; John J. Petillo; and Serguei Ovtchinnikov from Leidos Inc., Reston, VA USA; Y. Y. Lau; and Abhijit Jassem from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI USA; Dongzheng Chen; Ryan Jacobs; Dane Morgan; and John Booske from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI USA.  This paper was published in: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Volume: 48, Issue: 1, Jan. 2020, Pages: 146 – 155, and is an open access paper freely available to our readers.

Journal Scope

The IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science is published monthly. The scope covers all aspects of the theory and application of plasma science. It includes the following areas: magnetohydrodynamics; thermionics and plasma diodes; basic plasma phenomena; gaseous electronics; microwave/plasma interaction; electron, ion, and plasma sources; space plasmas; intense electron and ion beams; laser-plasma interactions; plasma diagnostics; plasma chemistry and processing; solid-state plasmas; plasma heating; plasma for controlled fusion research; high energy density plasmas; industrial/commercial applications of plasma physics; plasma waves and instabilities; and high power microwave and submillimeter wave generation.

Considerations for the Suitability of Manuscripts for TPS

Manuscripts considered for publication should report original contributions to the theories, experimental results, or applications of the fields listed under the Journal Scope above; although papers of a tutorial or historical nature will be considered. Recent findings of a noteworthy nature will be considered for the Correspondence section; these will ordinarily be shorter length papers, thus facilitating the review process. IEEE’s policy on duplicate publication states “authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another refereed publication. If authors have used their own previously published work(s) as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s) and very briefly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s).”

Required Manuscript Content

The work should report new results, new applications, or new developments of interest. The manuscript must provide introductory material and context for the work. It must be clear what is new in the work and how it relates to other work in the field, and related work must be referenced appropriately. Models should be verified by data or some other means. There must be an analysis of data that provides conclusions that are general beyond the specific devices or system studied. The information provided must be sufficient for others to make use of the approach, results, etc. so that the impact is not limited to the particular system or application used in the manuscript. The paper should be sufficiently complete that others with comparable equipment could repeat the work. Overall the work needs to be of an archival nature (e.g., not only test results on a part that will be obsolete in a couple of years, or analysis of a particular design without illustration of generally applicable principles, or a description of the characteristics of a particular test facility, or an account of the existence and characteristics of a specific commercial product etc.).

Items for Authors to Address Before Submission

Reviewers of TPS manuscripts are requested to evaluate, at a minimum, the items listed below. Authors should be sure that their manuscript suitably addresses all these items before submitting their work to TPS.

1. Background and Context

  • Is the introductory and background material sufficient for someone not an expert in this area to understand the context and significance of this work?
  • Has related work been appropriately and adequately referenced?
  • Is it clear what is new in this work?
  • Is the relationship between this work and other work in the field adequately described?
  • Is it described how this work advances the state-of-the art?

2. Technical Quality

  • Is the work relevant and accurate, free from errors, misconceptions, ambiguities?
  • Are interpretations/models supported by data?
  • Is the data analysis complete?
  • Does the work contain new results, new applications, or new developments of interest?
  • Is the work of general applicability, i.e., not limited to the particular system or application used in the manuscript?
  • Are the conclusions significant and well-supported?

3. Clarity and Completeness

  • Is the work logically developed?
  • Is the presentation of data and/or modeling clear and easy to follow?
  • Is the discussion clear and unambiguous?
  • Is sufficient information provided for an expert reader to understand fully what was done, to repeat the experiment, or to duplicate the results presented?
  • Is enough detail presented to support the conclusions drawn?
  • Is the manuscript “complete”, i.e., not requiring extensive reference to other work to permit understanding?

4. Presentation

  • Are the English grammar and usage satisfactory?
  • Is the manuscript loosely written or repetitious?
  • Does the manuscript restate established scientific or engineering principles instead of merely providing the appropriate reference to such principles?

5. Figures and Tables

  • Are the figures and tables clearly labeled, legible, and with appropriate captions?
  • Are the figures and tables relevant, and referred to in the text?
  • Do the tables and figures show reduced rather than raw data?
  • Is the number of figures and tables appropriate?

6. Symbols, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

  • Are all nonstandard abbreviations and acronyms identified at first use?
  • Does the manuscript use proper and consistent symbols and abbreviations?

7. Length

  • Is the length of the manuscript appropriate for the amount and type of material presented? (Eight (8) pages is the maximum length of a “standard” manuscript. If the manuscript is longer than this, is that additional length necessary to develop and explain the material? If it is not, please suggest areas where material could be eliminated.)

8. Appropriateness

  • Is the work of an archival nature (e.g., not just test results on a part that will be obsolete in a couple of years, or analysis of a particular design without illustration of generally applicable principles, or description of the characteristics of a particular test facility, or an account of the existence and characteristics of a specific commercial product, etc.)?
  • Is the work a good “fit” for the Transactions on Plasma Science, and of interest to its readership?
  • Is this work overall appropriate for publication in the Transactions on Plasma Science?
  • Should this work be placed in the Correspondence section rather than as a full paper? Correspondences typically fall into two primary categories. One category is for comments on a previously published paper. The other category is for short papers that describe new ideas or results that are particularly newsworthy or of interest to the community, but with insufficient content to warrant a full paper. The length is typically expected to be less than 2 (or perhaps in special cases 3) journal pages.

Manuscript Preparation

Detailed information for the preparation of manuscripts for TPS is provided at

Note particularly that the abstract must be a concise yet comprehensive reflection of what is in your article. In particular:

  • The abstract must be self-contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, or references. It should be a microcosm of the full article.
  • The abstract must be between 150-250 words. Be sure that you adhere to these limits; otherwise, you will need to edit your abstract accordingly.
  • The abstract must be written as one paragraph, and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material.
  • The abstract should include three or four different keywords or phrases, as this will help readers to find it. It is important to avoid over-repetition of such phrases as this can result in a page being rejected by search engines.
  • Ensure that your abstract reads well and is grammatically correct.

IEEE supports the publication of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) author names in the native language alongside the English versions of the names in the author list of an article. For more information, please visit the IEEE Author Center at:

Manuscripts submitted for review should be in 2-column journal format, according to the standard IEEE template for all Transactions, also available at:

Submission Procedure

All manuscripts must be submitted to the TPS online peer review system at Instructions on the use of this web site are available at that URL. During the submission process, authors will be asked what type of manuscript they are submitting, i.e., what technical area the manuscript is associated with. These areas are:

  • Basic Processes in Fully and Partially Ionized Plasmas
  • Microwave Generation and Microwave-Plasma Interaction
  • Charged Particle Beams and Sources
  • High Energy Density Plasmas and Their Interactions
  • Industrial, Commercial, and Biological (non-medical) Applications of Plasmas
  • Plasma Diagnostics
  • Pulsed Power Science and Technology
  • Arcs and MHD
  • Space Plasmas
  • Dusty Plasmas
  • Fusion Science and Technology
  • Electromagnetic Launch Science and Technology
  • Terahertz Science & Technology
  • Computational Methods
  • Other Areas of Plasma Science

If the submitting author is unsure which manuscript type best describes the manuscript, he/she should choose the “Other Areas of Plasma Science” manuscript type. The Editor-in-Chief will then assess the suitability of the manuscript for TPS and assign it to the most appropriate category. TPS also regularly publishes special issues based upon manuscripts presented at a particular conference (e.g., International Conference on Plasma Science, Pulsed Power Conference, Symposium of Fusion Engineering, etc.) or in a particular subject area. A temporary Manuscript Type category is created for a limited time for authors from those conferences or in those subject areas to submit their work to the corresponding special issue.

Help/Questions about Web Submission: Questions about or help with problems using the submission web site should be directed to

Help/Questions about TPS Policy: Questions about TPS policies should be directed to the TPS Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Edl Schamiloglu, at

Review Process

The articles in this journal are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual ( Each published article is reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

Editorial Board


Edl Schamiloglu

Basic Processes in Fully and Partially Ionized Plasmas

Senior Editor: Francesco Taccogna – CNR, Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi (ISTP)

Microwave Generation and Microwave-Plasma Interactions

Senior Editor: Professor Xueying Lu – Northern Illinois University, DeKalb IL, USA and Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois USA

Charged Particle Beams and Sources

Senior Editor: Carl Ekdahl – Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico USA

High Energy Density Plasmas and Their Interactions

Senior Editor: Farhat Beg — University of California, San Diego, San Diego, California USA

Industrial, Commercial, and Biological Applications of Plasmas

Senior Editor: Luis Redondo – Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) – Lisbon, Portugal

Plasma Diagnostics

Senior Editor: Chao Chang – Xi’an Jiatong University, Xi’an, China

Pulsed Power Science and Technology

Senior Editor: Ravi Joshi – Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas USA

Arcs and MHD

Senior Editor: Matthew Domonkos – Verus Research, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA

Space Plasmas

Senior Editor: Shu Lai – Hanscom Air Force Base (retired), Massachusetts, USA

Dusty Plasmas

Senior Editor: Truell Hyde — Baylor University, Waco, Texas USA

Fusion Science & Technology

Senior Editor: Michael Kovari – UKAEA, Culham Campus, Abingdon, United Kingdom

Electromagnetic Launch Science & Technology

Senior Editor: Xinjie Yu – Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Terahertz Science and Technology

Senior Editor: Chao Chang – Xi’an Jaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China

Computational Methods

Senior Editor: Peter Stoltz – Zap Energy, Denver, Colorado USA

Review Papers

Senior Editor: Christine Coverdale – Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA

Social Media

Senior Editor: TBD

Other Areas of Plasma Science

Senior Editor: Steven Gitomer, Santa Fe, New Mexico USA

Upcoming Special Issues

  • March 2024 (tentative) – Special Issue on Selected papers from Third International Conference on Advances in Plasma Science and Technology – Senior Editor: Edl Schamiloglu; Guest Editors: K. Navaneetha Pandiyaraj (Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India); R.R.Deshmukh (Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT) , Mumbai, India); Tony Murphy (CSIRO Manufacturing, Lindfield NSW, Australia); and Rino Morent (Ghent University, Ghent Belgium); website:
  • March 2024 (tentative) – Special Issue on Plasma Assisted Technologies – Senior Editor: Edl Schamiloglu; Guest Editors: Igor Jose Lopez (Seton Hall University, South Orange, NJ, USA), Matveev (Applied Plasma Technologies, Falls Church VA USA) and Paolo Gessini (University of Brasillia, Brasillia, Brazil) and Rodrigo Sávio Pessoa (Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA), São José dos Campos – SP, Brazil)
  • April 2024 – Special Issue – Plenary, Invited & Selected Minicourse Papers from ICOPS2023 – Senior Editor: Edl Schamiloglu; Guest Editors: Jacob Stephens (Texas Tech, Lubbock, TX USA) and Peng Zhang (Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI USA) ; derived from the ICOPS 2023, held in May 2023 in Santa Fe NM USA; web site:
  • May 2024 – Special Issue on Z Pinch Plasmas – 2023 – Senior Editor: Farhat Beg (UCSD, San Diego, CA USA); Guest Editors: Ryan McBride (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI USA), Matthew Gomez (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM USA;, and Nicholas Jordan  (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI USA), … derived from Dense Z-pinch Conference, July 9-13, 202, Ann Arbor, MI USA … Web site:
  • June 2024 – Special Issue of Selected Papers from SOFE-2023 – Acting Senior Editor: Rhian Chapman (UKAEA, Culham, UK); Guest Editors: Lumsdaine, Arnold (Oak Ridge National Lab, Oak Ridge TN USA); Pawley, Carl (General Atomics, San Diego CA USA); Butler, Barry (UKAEA Culham, Abingdon, UK); Zheng, Jinxing (Institute of Plasma physics, Hefei, Anhui, China); Neilson, George (PPPL, Princeton NJ USA); Baus, Colin (Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd., Kyoto, Japan); Gorley, Michael (UKAEA Culham, Abingdon, UK); wang, minghuang (Institute of Nuclear Energy, Hefei, Anhui, China); Morris, James (UKAEA Culham, Abingdon, UK); Nieto-Perez, Martin (The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA USA); Joiner, Nathan (First Light Fusion Ltd, Yarnton, Oxfordshire, UK); Viezzer, Eleonora (University of Seville, Seville, Spain); Muldrew, Stuart (UKAEA Culham, Abingdon, UK);Yang, Qi (Internatioanl Academy of Neutron Science, Qingdao, Shandong, China); Warmer, Felix (Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Brabant,, Netherlands); Lux, Hanni (UKAEA Culham, Abingdon, UK); Candido, Luigi (Kyoto Fusioneering Ltd, Reading, UK); Lawless, Rachel (UKAEA Culham, Abingdon, UK); de Looz, Marc-André (PPPL, Princeton NJ USA); derived from SOFE conf held in July 2023 at UKAEA, Oxford, UK; web site:
  • July 2024 – Special Issue for Plenary, Invited and Selected Papers from the 2023 Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma and Terahertz Science (APCOPTS) — Acting Senior Editor: Chao Chang — Guest Editors: Chao Chang …  WEB SITE: … conf held in Busan, South Korea, 25 – 28 August 2023;  General Chair: Hae June Lee; Technical Program Chair: Chao Chang
  • August 2024 – Special Issue on Electrical Discharges in Vacuum – Senior Editor: Ken Struve (Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM USA [retired]); Guest Editors: Yasunori Tanaka  Kanazawa University <> [Lead Guest Editor]; Eiji Kaneko (Univiersity of Ryukyu <>); Akiko Kumana (The university of Tokyo <>); Hiroki Kojima (Nagoya University <>);  Yuki Inada (Saitama University <>); and Yasushi Yamano( Saitama University <>); web site: … derived from ISDEIV 2023, 25 – 30 June 2023, Okinawa, Japan
  • October 2024 – Special Issue on Pulsed Power Science and Technology — Senior Editor: Ravi Joshi (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA) … Guest Editors:  Jacob Stephens (Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA) Huiskamp, T. (Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands); Jiang, Weihua (Extreme Energy-Density Research Institute Nagaoka University, Nagaoka, Japan);; Jiang, Chunqi (Old Dominion University, Norfolk VA USA);  ? — PPC held in San Antonio TX USA Jun 25 to 29, 2023; website:


Suggestions for TPS

TPS is continually looking for ways to improve its value to its authors, subscribers, reviewers, and readers. Suggestions for improvement are always welcomed, and should be directed to the TPS Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Edl Schamiloglu, at

TPS E-Mail Blast

Month-by-month highlights from the Transactions on Plasma Science.


December 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2023 TPS Blast Newsletter


December 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2022 TPS Blast Newsletter


December 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2021 TPS Blast Newsletter

December 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2020 TPS Blast Newsletter

December 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2019 TPS Blast Newsletter

December 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2018 TPS Blast Newsletter

December 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2017 TPS Blast Newsletter

December 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2016 TPS Blast Newsletter

December 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
September 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
August 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
July 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
June 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
May 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
April 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
March 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
February 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter
January 2015 TPS Blast Newsletter

December 2014 TPS Blast Newsletter
November 2014 TPS Blast Newsletter
October 2014 TPS Blast Newsletter


On the TPS page on IEEE XPlore, authors will find TPS’ most recent bibliometrics, links to the all issues, early access articles, and popular articles, among other things.

IEEE Plagiarism Guidelines

It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. Full details are available at IEEE Copyright Policies.