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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


snl2The purposes of the Radiation Effects Committee of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society are to advance the theory and application of radiation effects and its allied sciences, to disseminate information pertaining to those fields, and to maintain high scientific and technical standards among its members.

The Committee aids in promoting close cooperation and the exchange of technical information among its members. This is done by running conferences for the presentation and discussion of original contributions, assisting in the publication of technical papers on radiation effects in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, coordinating development of radiation effects measurement definitions and standards within IEEE and other standards organizations, providing a sounding board for radiation effects specialists, providing for the continued professional development and needs of its members, and providing liaisons between IEEE and other technical organizations in the areas of radiation effects.

Each year, the REC provides a forum for the technical exchange of information by holding the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC). The NSREC is an international forum for presentation of research papers on nuclear and space radiation effects. This includes effects on electronic and photonic materials, devices, circuits, sensors, and systems, as well as semiconductor processing technology and design techniques for producing radiation-tolerant (hardened) devices and integrated circuits. Papers presented at the NSREC are submitted for possible publication in the December issue of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. The first NSREC was held in July 1964, at the University of Washington, and the conference has since been held annually every July. Beginning in 1980, a one-day tutorial Short Course has been conducted on the day immediately preceding the conference. A Short Course Notebook, consisting of formal notes based on Short Course presentations, is published each year. An Industrial Exhibit was added to NSREC in 1991. The Industrial Exhibits have grown from 18 exhibitors in 1991 to a record high of 57 in 2012. A Radiation Effects Data Workshop session was added to the conference in 1992. Proceedings from this session are published in the IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop Record.



YOU are member of the Radiation Effects Committee if you either:

  •  Attend the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference.
  •  Request membership in writing.

Membership expires three years from the date of last conference attendance or written request.

All members of the REC may attend the annual open meeting held in conjunction with the NSREC. Voting privileges are restricted to REC members who are also members of the IEEE and NPSS.


The purposes of the Radiation Effects Steering Group (RESG) of the REC are to:

  • Provide guidance and management of the activities of REC.
  • Provide for a yearly NSREC.
  • Provide for professional development of the members.
  • Provide liaison with IEEE and NPSS.
  • Select/approve conference committees.
  • Provide policy, rules, and guidelines for the operation of the REC and the NSREC.
  • Ensure fiscal integrity of the REC and NSREC.
  • Ensure fair play in NSREC paper selection and reviews of articles related to radiation effects submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science.
  • Include a wide cross-section of the community in all activities.
  • Promote opportunities for, and acknowledge accomplishments of its members.

Seven individuals comprise the voting members of the RESG: the chair, executive vice-chair, past chair, secretary, and three members-at-large. These positions are filled by election of the membership of the REC. Non-voting members of the committee typically include the past, present, and future NSREC chairs, a publicity chair, a publications chair, a finance chair (special assignment), the editor of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (special publications assignment), RADECS conference liaison, and REC-affiliated elected members of the NPSS Administrative Committee.

Current RESG Committee Members:

Kay Chesnut, Executive Chair
Raytheon Technologies
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Heather Quinn, Executive Vice-Chair
Air Force Research Laboratory
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Robert Reed, Past Chair
Vanderbilt University
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Elizabeth Auden, Secretary
Los Alamos National Laboratory
(Term expires 7/2027)

Megan Casey, Senior Member-at-Large
BAE Systems
(Term expires: 7/2025)

Laurent Artola, Member-at-Large
(Term expires: 7/2026)

Justin Likar, Junior Member-at-Large
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Michael Campola, Vice-Chair, Publicity
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Keith Avery, Vice-Chair, Exhibits & Supporters
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Paul Dressendorfer, Special Publications – IEEE TNS
Sandia National Laboratories (Retired)
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Dan Fleetwood, Vice-Chair, Publications
Vanderbilt University
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Marty Shaneyfelt, Vice-Chair, Finance
Sandia National Laboratories
(Term expires: 7/2024)

Marty Shaneyfelt, RESG Delegate to RADECS
Sandia National Laboratories
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Greg Allen, Web Developer
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratories
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Philippe Paillet, RADECS Liaison
(Term expires: 9/2025)

AdCom Members

Philippe Paillet
(Term expires 12/2026)

Marty Shaneyfelt
Sandia National Laboratories
(Term expires: 7/2027)

Conference Chairs

Heather Quinn, 2024 Conference Chair
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Dolores Black, 2025 Conference Chair
Sandia National Laboratory

Phillip Paillet, 2026 Conference Chair

Jonathan Pellish, 2027 Conference Chair
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Pascale Gouker, 2028 Conference Chair



Annual Open Minutes

Technical Committee Information

Constitution and Bylaws

Obtain the REC Constitution and Bylaws at: REC C and BL 07-16-2023 (pdf)

RESG Guidelines and Documents

REC Information Page (password protected)

Radiation Effects Award

Award Description

The purpose of this prestigious award is to recognize individuals who have had a sustained history of outstanding and innovative technical and/or leadership contributions to the radiation effects community.

Nominations are being accepted for this prestigious NPSS award. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 29 of each year.

Selection Criteria

The basis of the award is for individuals who have: (1) a substantial, long-term history of technical contributions that have had major impact on the radiation effects community. Examples include benchmark work that initiated major research and development activities or a major body of work that provided a solution to a widely recognized problem in radiation effects; and/or (2) a demonstrated long-term history of outstanding and innovative leadership contributions in support of the radiation effects community. Examples include initiation or development of innovative approaches for promoting cooperation and exchange of technical information or outstanding leadership in support of the professional development of the members of the radiation effects community. It is the intent of the RESG to give special consideration for this award to members of the community who are IEEE/NPSS members. It is also the intent of the RESG to not confer the Radiation Effects Award to members of the community who have previously been recognized with higher-level IEEE awards, which include the Merit Award, the Shea Award, or an IEEE Medal.

Award Presentation

A $3000 cash award and plaque will be presented at the IEEE NSREC each year.

Nomination Form

The online award nomination form is available here.

Nominations, Inquires, and Correspondence

Additional information can be obtained from Megan Casey, Senior Member at Large for the Radiation Effects Steering Group. Megan can be reached at

Past Recipients

2024 – Christian Poivey

Citation: For seminal leadership in the development of radiation hardness assurance (RHA) methods, ability to work across international borders, and unwavering support to the NSREC and RADECS communities

Christian Poivey graduated from l’Institut des Sciences de l’Ingénieur (ISI) Clermont-Ferrand, France in 1985. Then, he carried out research work on electrical simulation tools in the Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA) at Bruyeres Le Chatel, France. In 1988, he was awarded the degree of “docteur ingenieur” from the University of Clermont-Ferrand II for this work. In 1988 he joined Matra Marconi Space (MMS, now AIRBUS DEFENCE&SPACE), Velizy, France. From 1988 to 1992, he worked as a part engineer. In 1992, he moved to the position of radiation effect engineer in MMS radiation group. In 2000, he joined the radiation effect group of NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. There, he was the radiation lead on ST5, LRO, and MMS projects. He also conducted studies about Single Event Effects (SEE) in linear devices, Virtex-4 FPGA and flight data analysis. Since 2007, he works in the European Space Agency (ESA), Noordwijk, The Netherlands. There, he has supported numerous projects about Radiation Hardness Assurance (RHA) issues such as JWST, MTG, ALPHASAT, MTG, JUICE, ORION… He was also the lead for the drafting of European Cooperation for Space Standard (ECSS) RHA standard ECSS-Q-ST-60-15C issued in 2012. He is currently working on an update of this standard as well as the tailoring of the standard for lower mission classes. He is also the lead for 2 flight radiation experiments flown on ALPHASAT and PROBA-2 spacecraft.

Dr. Poivey has served the radiation effects community in numerous capacities. For the RADiation Effects in Components and Systems (RADECS) conference and the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) he has served as a Short Course Instructor, and Session Chair. He was the technical chair of NSREC 2012 and RADECS 2018. He has also served as editor and reviewer for the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science journal.

Dr. Poivey has authored or co-authored more than 100 papers and has given presentations at several conferences (including the IEEE NSREC, RADECS, and SEE Symposium).

2023 – Ken LaBel

Mr. Ken LaBel graduated with a BES in EECS with a minor in Mathematical Sciences from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU). His career at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) included work and leadership in:

  • Fault tolerant computing,
  • Hardware/software for ground systems electronics,
  • Advanced electronics and photonics technology (including fiber optic networks and data links),
  • Spaceflight hardware including command and data handling,
  • Systems engineering,
  • Radiation hardness assurance/research for >200 NASA flight projects and instruments and,
  • Microelectronics radiation effects and reliability assurance leadership and management.

He was the program manager (or co-manager) of the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program for 15 years and group leader for the Radiation Effects and Analysis Group (REAG) at GSFC. He has won multiple awards at NASA including the prestigious National Resource Award, the Moe I. Schneebaum Award (top engineering award at NASA/GSFC), and multiple Exceptional Service Medals and Group Achievement Awards. He was also a NASA representative to multi-Agency working groups such as the Radiation Hardened Oversight Council (RHOC) and the Joint Mission Assurance Council (JMAC) and is recognized for his ability to work across US Government organizations and with industry and academia. His broader view has looked at collaborating whenever possible with NASA’s international partners such as the European Space Agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Centre National D’Etudes Spatiales, and RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research, including joint efforts and flight experiments.

Mr. LaBel has published over 200 papers as author/co-author (multiple best papers in IEEE TNS), has taught short courses at the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC), Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology (HEART) Conference, Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference, and others, and is a recognized expert in radiation effects systems engineering. He has also been a frequent presenter at International School on the Effects of Radiations on Embedded Systems for Space Applications (SERESSA) and hosted an occurrence of this meeting in the U.S.

He has been active in the IEEE NSREC with multiple roles including: the 2009 IEEE NSREC Short Course Chair, the 2012 IEEE NSREC General Chair, and past RESG Member-at-Large. He has been a strong supporter of the RADECS Association and Conference since his early participation including being the first U.S.-based Topical Day Chair. Mr. LaBel is also on the Executive Committee for the Single Event Effects Symposium/Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices Workshop (SEE/MAPLD).

Mr. LaBel retired from NASA in January 2019 after 35+ years and is currently supporting Science Systems and Applications Inc (SSAI) in support of NASA, Trusted Strategic Solutions, LLC (TSS), and as an employee at the JHU Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). His current work passions are workforce development and radiation test facilities.

His citation reads: For sustained contributions to the radiation survivability of electronics in space and leadership across the radiation effects community.

2022 – Mike Xapsos

Mike Xapsos joined the Radiation Effects and Analysis group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in 2001, where he oversaw its space radiation environment work and supported space flight and research programs until retirement from full time work in 2018. His work has been used for many NASA missions, including the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope, Solar Dynamics Observatory and Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. He was the Project Scientist for the Living With a Star (LWS) Space Environment TestbedMike Xapsos joined the Radiation Effects and Analysis group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in 2001, where he oversaw its space radiation environment work and supported space flight and research programs until retirement from full time work in 2018. His work has been used for many NASA missions, including the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope, Solar Dynamics Observatory and Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. He was the Project Scientist for the Living With a Star (LWS) Space Environment TestbedMike Xapsos joined the Radiation Effects and Analysis group at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in 2001, where he oversaw its space radiation environment work and supported space flight and research programs until retirement from full time work in 2018. His work has been used for many NASA missions, including the James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble Space Telescope, Solar Dynamics Observatory and Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. He was the Project Scientist for the Living With a Star (LWS) Space Environment Testbed (SET), responsible for the mission scientific objective of improving the performance of space hardware. Prior to that he worked in the Radiation Effects Branch of the Naval Research Laboratory as a research physicist, investigating the space radiation environment and its effects at the device level. He received the B.Sc. degree in physics and chemistry from Canisius College in 1978 and the Ph.D. degree in physics from the University of Notre Dame in 1985. Mike led the development of the ESP/PSYCHIC solar particle event models that are widely used for spacecraft design requirements. He is the recipient of the NASA Exceptional Engineering Achievement Medal. He presented Short Courses for the Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference, Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology (HEART) Conference, and for the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) twice. He was lead author of an NSREC Outstanding Paper Award and a RADECS Outstanding Conference Oral presentation. He has been an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NSREC issue and held various positions for the NSREC including Conference Chair and Technical Program Chair. He has authored or co-authored over 100 technical publications. Citation: For contributions to the understanding of space radiation environments and their interactions with microelectronics.

2021 – Lloyd Massengill

Lloyd W. Massengill is a Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Prof. Massengill received the PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University in 1987 and joined Vanderbilt that same year. During his 30+ year academic career, Prof. Massengill has been involved in the development of modeling techniques to simulate the failure modes of integrated circuits in hostile environments, allowing designers to identify and correct potential risks prior to deployment.  He has led research into fundamental radiation exposure failures in modern integrated systems which led to the discovery of mechanisms such as rail-span collapse, single-event charge sharing, and pulse quenching.  Additionally, he has developed analytical models for single event upset and single event pulse broadening, and he has been involved in the creation of novel fault-tolerant circuit designs, including DILL, DCC, SNACC, and hardened A/MS subsystems including ADCs, PLLs, and SERDES.  This work has been supported by the DoD across DTRA, NRO, USN, USAF, OSD, DARPA; and by many of the commercial firms involved in the Defense Industrial Base.  He has over 400 publications in the area.

In the 1990’s, Dr. Massengill helped establish the Radiation Effects Research Group at Vanderbilt, now the world’s largest academic group specializing in the effects of radiation on ICs.  Over his career he has trained many young engineers in the fields of rad-effects modeling and rad-hard design of integrated circuits, many of whom remain in this field today.

In 2003, he co-founded the Vanderbilt Institute for Space and Defense Electronics, an academic center providing research-driven engineering support for mission-critical microelectronic circuits. This center has provided a radiation-vulnerability assessment for every major technology node to 7nm and the primary radiation-response models to the DoD in support of several major acquisition programs, including the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force.

In 2016, he founded Reliable MicroSystems LLC, a design services company specializing in concept-to-foundry creation of high-reliability electronics for fault-tolerant applications. He established Reliable MicroSystems to meet customer-driven needs for the application of advances in fundamental research to applied hi-reliability system design, both commercial and DoD.

Dr. Massengill has been Guest Editor for the IEEE Trans. on Nuclear Science, Technical Program Chair, Short Course Chair, and General Chair for the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference. He has also served as Chairman of the HEART Society Steering Group. He is a Fellow of the IEEE.

2020 – Philippe Calvel

Philippe Calvel has been actively engaged in and recognized as a leader in the understanding and modeling of radiation effects across a broad range of technologies for nearly 40 years.  He began his career as an engineering graduate from the Institute National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) de Toulouse, France, Semiconductor Physics Department in 1981. He joined Thomson-Espace, space equipment manufacturer in 1982 as a radiation effects engineer. In 1986, Philippe joined ALCATEL SPACE to head the Radiations Effects Group and was named the Head of Radiation Department at THALES ALENIA SPACE in 1998.  Philippe was nominated in 2006 as “Company Radiation Effects Skill Leader” and elected in 2013 as “THALES ALENIA SPACE Senior Radiation Expert”. Philippe retired from THALES in July 2019 and is currently a consultant at RADCONSULT.

Philippe published over 69 refereed papers and articles, many in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. His research spanned a broad range of topics, including single event effects mechanisms understanding, modeling, and calculations; total ionizing and non-ionizing dose mechanisms understanding, modeling, and calculations; and space radiation environment understanding and modeling. His work and leadership resulted in the development of successful radiation effects models, including the 1995 release of PROFIT, an empirical model to predict SEU proton sensitivity of digital parts from SEU heavy ions sensitivity data. The model is widely used in the community.

Philippe served as the Radiation Hardness Assurance Manager for major spacecraft development programs including: the SPACEBUS 4K family (1998); GLOBALSTAR-2 satellites constellation (2000) which had to mitigate huge total non-ionizing dose (TNID) stress from trapped protons on bipolar linear devices; IRIDIUM-NEXT satellite constellation (2008) which resulted in the development and implementation of a full COTS Radiation Hardness Assurance Program for massive implementation of COTS devices on IRIDIUM-NEXT satellites; and O3B satellites constellations (2011) which were launched into orbits which exposed the satellites to severe total ionizing dose levels.

In addition to his commercial work, Philippe has been actively engaged in the space radiation effects community, in particular the work beginning in 1987 to create and launch a European Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference and his subsequent support of the RADECS Committee. In 1996, he co-organized the first RADCOTS workshop together with TRAD and the University of Montpellier. In 2002, Philippe was elected as the RADECS Committee President for a 5-year term and was re-elected in 2007 and 2012 for a total of 15 years of service. During this period, he fostered the development of strong technical exchange and cooperation between the radiation effects communities and led the RADECS effort to hold the Conference across Europe including Russia.  In addition to his support of the RADECS Committee and Conferences, Philippe supported the IEEE Nuclear and Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC), being elected in 1992 to a 3-year term as a Member-at-Large on the IEEE Radiation Effects Steering Group (RESG). In 1995, he created the NSREC/RADECS Liaison positions on the NSREC RESG and the RADECS Committee. In 1995-2000, he served as RADECS Liaison on the IEEE RESG. Philippe also served several times as a reviewer and session chairman for both conferences.

The most important event of these excellent IEEE RESG and RADECS relations was the joint organization of IEEE NSREC/RADECS in 2014 in Paris. Philippe retired from RADECS President from September 2017, and the new generation is clearly acting in the same direction for the technical benefit of both radiation effects communities.

His citation reads: For leadership in the development of the RADECS Association, in the development of strong links between RADECS and IEEE/NPSS and the growth and federation of the Radiation Effects Community.

2019 – Gary Lum

Gary received his BS in physics from University of California, Berkeley in 1970 and his MS and Ph.D. in physics in 1973 and 1979, respectively from University of Oregon, Eugene. From 1973 to 1980, Gary was a graduate student under the tutelage of Dr. Cyde Wiegand (experimental physics) and Prof. Emilio Segré (Nobel Laureate) (theoretical physics) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA. Between 1978 to 1980 he received a postdoctoral fellowship from the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center to improve upon the detection efficiency of gamma rays in the nuclear imaging positron-electron tomography (PET) camera for locating cancer tumors. Subsequently, Gary joined Lockheed Missiles System Division, Sunnyvale, CA in 1980, to head the radiation effects analysis group. Between 1984 and 1986 he left Lockheed to work at Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA, as a device physicist to develop ONO (Oxy-Nitride-Oxy) nonvolatile Electrically Erasable memories and to understand integrated circuit fabrication process. Shortly after 1986, he returned to Lockheed to support the Navy Trident II strategic missile research and several commercial and military space programs. From 1987 until presently, Gary supported the Navy strategic Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM) program in understanding the effects of neutral particle beams and the space environment on electronics and headed the technical efforts in extending the service life of several electronic packages. His areas of interest/expertise are: (1) IC fabrication processes of MOS and bipolar technologies and (2) the understanding of radiation effects in semiconductor devices, circuit cards and system assemblies in the nuclear and the natural space environments. Currently he heads a survivability team in support of a strategic space program funded by the Air Force. He provides recommendations and technical guidance to designers, program managers and to the Air Force and Navy customers. He has given several invited lectures on space and nuclear radiation effects in electronics and system hardening techniques at Lockheed Martin sites across the nation, Stanford University, and the Naval Postgraduate School. He continues to lecture on radiation effects in electronics at the University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, CA. Gary continues to support both satellite and missile programs and SBIRs ventures (Small Business Independent Research) at Lockheed Martin in evaluating advanced technologies by testing and in risk assessment analyses of electronic components to radiation. Satellite and missile programs that he supported include: IMAX Inc, Iridium, Gravity Probe B, International Space Station, HIRDLS, Hubble Space Telescope, Milstar, THAAD and Star Tracker. In 2007 Gary served on the Defense Science Board Task Force on Nuclear Weapon Effects and in 2008, he served as a technical science advisor on the Defense Threat Reduction Agency TRAC (Threat Reduction Advisory Committee). Gary is currently a Lockheed Martin Fellow, a position ranked among the top 1% in the company for the past 11 years. Gary has collaborated research with Sandia National Laboratories and supported several military and space programs in understanding radiation effects in electronics and the implementation of strategic hardened to radiation tolerant or Commercial-Off-The Shelf components striving to balance hardening versus affordability. Gary was a member of the technical Independent Review Team at Sandia National Laboratories for the Qualification Alternative to Sandia Pulsed Reactor program. He was also a member of the Sandia National Laboratories’ Executive Advisory Board peer reviewing a Grand Challenge project.

Gary has published over 20 technical papers in the IEEE Transactions of Nuclear Science and the Journal of Radiation Effects Engineering and Technology. He has served in many roles at the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference and at the Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology Conference as Short Course speaker, Best Paper Awards Chair, Session Chair for Single Event Effects, Devices and ICs, and Technical Program Chair at both conferences. He is quite known for his inquisitive questions to help foster the understanding of the technical papers presented and to help engage the audience in appreciating the technical work by the presenters. For the past 28 years he has been a technical paper reviewer and has served over 9 times as a member of the best technical paper Awards committee.

His citation reads: For contributions to the fundamental understanding of space radiation effects in microelectronics influencing spacecraft survivability; through research, testing, and his inquisitive nature.

2018 – Rokutaro (Rocky) Koga

Rocky received his PhD in Physics at the Univeristy of California, Riverside. He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Case Western University where he performed research on high-energy astrophysical gamma rays and galactic cosmic rays using balloon-borne experiments. After joining the Aerospace Corporation in 1980, he performed some of the earliest tests at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bevalac and 88” accelerators demonstrating that single event effects (SEE) in microelectronic devices can be induced by cosmic rays. He played a critical role in developing the techniques for accelerator testing that are in common use at multiple facilities today. Through the course of his career, he tested hundreds of microelectronics devices spanning the entire range of available devices from simple memories to microprocessors. The devices that he tested have evolved in complexity as technology has matured to include the latest FPGA and ASIC products. Rocky has authored or co-authored 127 IEEE papers in the field of radiation effects. The topics run the entire gamut of single event effects, including single and multiple bit upsets, analog and digital transients, latchup, temperature and bias dependence on latchup, snapback, functional interrupts, burnout, gate rupture, and stuck bits. Many of his papers have reported either a first observation or some of the earliest available characterizations of a new single event phenomenon. Notably he is credited with the first observation of heavy ion induced snapback. In addition to reporting single event effects test results, he also characterized some of the earliest mitigation techniques such as, resistive loading, error detection and recovery schemes, and carious cell hardening methods. In his support for space programs, Rocky taught the art of SEE testing to numerous people across the industry, many of whom are now active testers and researchers in the radiation effects community. He is widely respected for his integrity, knowledge, and generosity in mentoring his colleagues.

His citation reads: For sustained contributions to the field of single-event testing.

2017 – Ronald L. Pease

Ron received a B. S. in Physics from Indiana University in 1965, and did graduate work at the University of Washington. He started his career at NAVSEA Crane in 1966, working on radiation effects in bipolar devices. He continued working on radiation effects at BDM (Albuquerque), Mission Research Corporation, and RLP Research until his retirement in 2015. Ron has had a long history of important technical contributions to radiation effects research and to the survivability of critical defense and space systems. This includes testing, analysis, and modeling of dose rate, total dose, displacement damage, and single-event effects in semiconductor devices and circuits. He is widely recognized as a leader in understanding radiation effects on bipolar transistors and bipolar linear circuits, and has published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers on radiation effects. He was one of the discoverers of Enhanced Low Dose Rate Sensitivity (ELDRS) in bipolar technologies, and has been a major contributor to ELDRS characterization and modeling. The original paper on that topic, published in 1991, has been cited 215 times in the published literature. Ron was elevated to IEEE Fellow in 2007.Ron has been an active participant in the IEEE Nuclear and Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) for more than 40 years, and has served on committees for several conferences, including Technical Program Chair in 1991, and General Conference Chair in 2000. He was the author or coauthor of four papers that received the Outstanding Paper Award. He has given two short courses at the NSREC, and invited papers and short courses at the European RADECS Conference. He has also been active in the HEART Conference, and received the Peter Haas Award from that committee in 2007.

His citation reads: “For contributions to testing, analysis, and modeling of radiation effects on semiconductor devices and circuits and to the understanding of the underlying physics and engineering.”

2016 – Jean-Luc Leray

Jean-Luc Leray received the M.S. in Engineering from Ecole Central, Paris, in 1978 and the Ph.D. in Physics from Paris Sud University in 1989. He joined the French Ministry Industry, working on silicon-on-insulator MOS technology, and was the first to develop protoyping methods for that technology. He received several awards for his work, including the Grand Prize from the Association of National Transmissions in 1994, and the Palmes Académique from the French Ministry of Research in 1995. He was appointed research director of the Center for Educational Affairs Headquarters (France) in 2002. He has been an active participant in the RADECS and Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conferences, and is the author or co-author of more than 70 publications on total dose and transient radiation effects in advanced MOS devices. He became an IEEE Fellow in 2004.

His citation reads: “For contributions to the understanding of basic mechanisms of radiation effects in microelectronic devices, and to the development of radiation-hardened SOI technologies in Europe”.

2015 – Cheryl J. Marshall

Cheryl J. Marshall received a B.S. in Chemistry and Physics from Georgetown University in 1979 and a Ph.D. in Physics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1986. She has been primarily interested in displacement damage and single event effects resulting from the natural space radiation environment in photonic devices and subsystems, first at the Naval research Laboratory (1986-1998), and since then at the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center. Dr. Marshall retired from NASA in September 2013, and is currently volunteering as a NASA Scientist Emeritus mentoring other scientists in radiation effects in scientific sensors for satellites.

Throughout her career, Cheryl has worked with colleagues at government, industry and university laboratories to develop an understanding of the effects of the space radiation environment on advanced scientific focal plane assemblies and fiber optic data buss applications. The resulting knowledge combined with experimental and analytical techniques enables the on-orbit prediction of the performance of these critical technologies so that the deployed subsystems can be designed to be robust during their mission lifetimes.

While at NASA, Cheryl lead the NASA Electronics Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Advanced Sensor efforts and supported the evaluation and qualification of scientific detector focal planes for numerous flight projects including the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (while at NRL), a series of Hubble Space Telescope detectors, the James Webb Space Telescope, the GOES mission and follow-on, the Landsat Data Continuity Mission instruments, Solar Orbiter, etc. Professional recognition includes a Robert H. Goddard Honor Award and 3 NSREC Outstanding paper awards. Cheryl has served the NSREC community as a reviewer, session chair, poster chair, short course presenter and technical program chair. Cheryl’s efforts have contributed to over 100 peer-reviewed publications.

Her citation reads: For contributions to the understanding of the basic mechanisms of displacement damage and single event effects in microelectronic and photonic devices.

2014 – Janet L. Barth

Janet L. Barth retired from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) and currently holds the position of an Emeritus Scientist. At her retirement she served as the Chief of the Electrical Engineering Division (EED) at GSFC where she was responsible for the delivery of spacecraft and instrument avionics to several of NASA’s science missions, including the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the SWIFT Burst Alert Telescope, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission, and the Magnetospheric Multiscale Mission. She also oversaw development of microwave and optical communications systems and suborbital avionics systems at the Wallops Flight Facility. In 2014, Ms. Barth was presented with the Robert H. Goddard Award of Merit, the highest individual honor that can be bestowed to a Goddard Space Flight Center employee. She began her NASA career as a cooperative education student at GSFC working in the area of radiation environments and effects research. Later she was a lead radiation hardness assurance engineer for NASA flight projects and supported the NASA Electronic Parts and Packaging (NEPP) Program, which focuses on the reliability of electronic parts for space programs. She was a member of the team that developed NASA’s systems engineering approach to radiation hardness assurance for emerging technologies. Starting in 1999, she worked on the development of NASA’s Living With a Star (LWS) Program as a member of the science pre-formulation/proposal team and the LWS Program Science Architecture Team. In 2001 she was selected as the Project Manager for the LWS’s Space Environment Testbed and from 2002 to 2008, she was a branch manager in the EED. Janet is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and is the President of IEEE’s Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. She is actively involved with the IEEE Nuclear and Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC), teaching the Short Course in 1997 and serving as a Guest Editor for December issues of the Transactions on Nuclear Science from 1998-2000, the Technical Program Chairwoman in 2001, and the General Conference Chairwoman in 2006. She is a regular participant in the European Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference and has served as a session co-chair, the NSREC liaison to the RADECS Conference Technical Committee in 2001, and as a Short Course instructor at the 2009 RADECS Conference.

Her citation reads: For contributions to understanding the space radiation environment and to the development of flight-qualified spacecraft systems.

2013 – Dale G. Platteter

Dale received his BSEE degree from the University of Wisconsin (1972). Upon graduation, he joined the radiation effects group at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Crane, Indiana, where he was employed for 35 years performing failure analysis and radiation hardening of integrated circuits. Dale managed the radiation effects group at Crane for 19 of those years. Dale is a recognized leader in the NSREC community, serving on the IEEE Radiation Effects Steering Group (RESG) for 12 years. He was General Chairman of the IEEE Nuclear and Radiation Effects Conference in Madison, Wisconsin (1995) and served as RESG Chairman (2000-2003). Dale was instrumental in developing several NSREC conference guideline documents, designing and maintaining the first NSREC website (1995-2006), and served as editor of the NSREC Archive of Radiation Effects Short Course Notebooks CDROM (1998, 2002, 2006).

As a researcher/manager, Dale directed rad-hard semiconductor process developments in support of Navy, Army, and Air Force strategic nuclear weapons programs. He performed radiation effects studies for Navy, NASA, Office of Naval Research, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency, and GPS Satellite program offices. He served as technical lead for bipolar technology research for Defense Threat Reduction Agency programs for 20 years.

During his career, Dale designed several bipolar technology “test chips” for studying low dose rate (ELDRS) effects and published more than 20 papers in IEEE journals. Dale was co-author of the Outstanding Conference Paper at NSREC (1983). He developed fault tolerant circuits to protect microprocessor chips from single event upsets (1980).

His citation reads: For significant contributions to the Radiation Effects Committee of the IEEE/NPSS.

2012 – Dave Alexander

Mr. Alexander received his BSEE in 1968 from the United States Air Force Academy and his MSEE, in 1973, from the University of New Mexico. He began his professional career in 1968 as an Air Force Second Lieutenant at the Transient Radiation Effects Branch of the Air Force Weapons Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico. His duties included radiation testing, model development, and circuit analysis of microcircuits exposed to nuclear radiation effects. In 1972, he received the Air Force Scientific Achievement Award for the development of a drift tube for high dose rate testing in the electron mode of a f lash X-ray machine. In 1973, he joined the BDM Corporation, where he continued development of transistor and microcircuit models for the SPICE circuit analysis code. He also performed electrical overstress modeling and testing on large samples of transistor and microcircuits. In 1980, he began work at Sandia National Laboratories, where he developed testing and data analysis techniques for radiation-hardened, high-reliability microcircuits fabricated in the Sandia Microelectronics Development Laboratory.

In 1982, Mr. Alexander moved to Mission Research Corporation (MRC), and was the Microelectronics Division manager from 1992 until 2002. He continued his work in radiation testing, microcircuit modeling, and circuit design. He served as a technical advisor to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and Space and Missile Defense Center for the development of radiation-hardened microcircuits. His team at MRC developed computer-aided techniques to evaluate radiation hardness from microcircuit layout files. He was an early advocate of the QML (Qualified Manufacturers List) approach for qualifying microelectronics for military and space applications. He assisted in writing several sections of Mil-Prf-38535 and served on the audit committee for qualifying radiation-hardened microelectronic manufacturers. He was an early advocate of hardening-by-design (HBD) techniques for developing radiation-tolerant microcircuits in commercial processes. In the 1996 NSREC Short Course entitled “Design Issues for Radiation Tolerant Microcircuits in Space” he described the foundational HBD approaches. In 2003, Mr. Alexander began work at the Institute for Space and Defense Electronics, at Vanderbilt University, that supports the Space Electronics Division of the Air Force Research Laboratory in Albuquerque, and in 2005 he became a member of the AFRL staff. In addition to his responsibilities for radiation testing and development of space-qualified, nanoscale electronics, he advocated and demonstrated techniques for reliability evaluation and qualification for small sample microcircuit designs fabricated in multiproject lots. He retired from government service in 2010 and is currently a consultant working through the COSMIAC (Configurable Space Microsystems Innovations & Applications Center) of the University of New Mexico. Mr. Alexander is author of numerous technical reports, presentations and papers in IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, the HEART Conference, International Reliability Physics Symposium, Electrical Overstress Symposium, and Government Microcircuit Applications Conference.

His citation reads: For contributions to the development of Qualified Manufacturers List (QML) procedures for radiation hardened components and to the foundations of radiation hardening by design concepts.

2011 – Lew Cohn

Lew Cohn received his B.S. in EE from the Milwaukee School of Engineering in 1965 and his M.S. in EE from Syracuse University in 1970. His professional history includes working as an electronic design engineer at GE and Rockwell, serving as a nuclear engineer in the US Navy, and as Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Project Officer for more than 20 years. He now works with the National Reconnaissance Office. Especially in his capacity at DTRA, Mr. Cohn was a relentless champion for radiation effects research and development activities, and was instrumental in creating and sustaining programs that have led to the development of multiple generations of radiation-hardened microelectronics, improved hardness assurance test methods, and helped the community to develop and sustain an expansive knowledge base on radiation effects in microelectronic devices and integrated circuits. He has been a tireless champion for the sustaining world-class radiation-hardened processing foundries through his strong support for both research and development and capital expansion, for the development of radiation-hardened by design (RHBD) capabilities and other resilient design programs, and stimulated the discovery of radiation effects basic mechanisms throughout his support of research and development activities through the community. In addition, Mr. Cohn has served the NSREC Conference as Guest Editor, Short Course Chairman, REDW Chairman, Finance Chairman, Technical Program Chairman, Session Chairman, Awards Chairman, and will be Local Arrangements Chair for 2012.

His citation reads: For sustained and enabling contributions to the development of radiation hardened technology, research on radiation effects in microelectronics, and the IEEE NSREC.

2010 – Clive Dyer

Following degrees at Christ’s College Cambridge and Imperial College London Clive Dyer spent some 40 years in the aerospace industry mainly researching radiation environments and their effects on electronics and personnel. After positions with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA and the Royal Naval College Greenwich Mr. Dyer spent most of his career at Farnborough where the Royal Aircraft Establishment has evolved to become QinetiQ. There Mr. Dyer founded and developed a research team to study radiation environments, effects and hardening and became Senior Fellow and Chief Scientist(Space). The initial emphasis was on Space Systems but in the late 1980s Mr. Dyer was one of the first to identify potential problems for avionics and this aspect has steadily grown. Mr. Dyer is co-author of several standards including the IEC TS62396 standard for SEE in avionics. Mr. Dyer has published some 167 papers in the open literature including 35 on aircraft radiation environments and effects. Mr. Dyer retired from full-time employment at QinetiQ in 2008 but continues to supply consultancy in his areas of expertise.

His citation reads: For outstanding contributions to the measurement and understanding of space and atmospheric radiation, for the development of new international radiation standards and for technical leadership over more than three decades.

2009 – Nick van Vonno

Mr. van Vonno received his Bachelor of Science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Florida in 1966. He joined Harris Semiconductor as a reliability engineer, device engineer and supervisor and in 1982 was promoted to Director, Analog Product Development. In 1994, Mr. van Vonno was promoted to Senior Scientist, with responsibilities in radiation effects in electronics, technology development and advanced projects. In the 1996-1997 timeframe, he led the development of an innovative direct fingerprint sensor using RF field technology. This project culminated in the successful spinoff of Authentec, Incorporated from Harris Semiconductor. Mr. Van Vonno retired from Intersil Corporation as an Intersil Fellow. Mr. van Vonno has participated in a wide range of professional activities including IEEE and international conference functions. He has been an active participant in the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC), serving as Poster Session Chair (1988), Guest Editor (1990, 1991, and 1992), Session Chair (1993), Awards Chair (1994), Short Course speaker (1995), Short Course Chair (1997), Local Arrangements Chair (2006), and Technical Program Chairman (2008). He served on the Radiation Effects Steering Group as Member at Large (1998-2001), and Vice Chair for Publications (2001-2004). He has also served as a reviewer and session chairman for the European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) and the Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology (HEART) conference and will be Chairman, Data Workshop for RADECS-2010. Mr. van Vonno holds 16 United States patents in the areas of silicon processing, optics, packaging and biometric sensing. He has over thirty publications and conference presentations and is a Senior Member of IEEE.

His citation reads: For contributions to the design, development, and manufacture of radiation-hardened integrated circuits that have been used in critical space and defense systems.

2008 – Mayrant Simons

Mayrant started his space career in 1961 when he joined Bell Telephone Labs in Greensboro, NC as an Electrical Design Engineer. In 1966 he moved to RTI International RTP, NC. Mayrant has had a sustained 46 year history of outstanding technical and leadership contributions in the Radiation Effects Community. His involvement spans from basic radiation damage mechanism research to DTRA Chair of technology development programs. Mayrant has held a number of volunteer positions in support of the NSREC (1992 Chairman), NPSS and the HEART Conference (General Chair 1989).

Mayrant has been the author or co-author of 36 papers appearing in the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Journal of Applied Physics, Government Microcircuit Application Conference Digest, IEEE Photovoltaic Conference Proceedings, IEEE Electron Device Letters, IEEE GaAs IC Symposium, Military Microwaves Conference Proceedings, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Journal of Radiation Effects and the IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop record.

His citation reads: For contributions to the dissemination and advancement of radiation effects research associated with hardened systems for space applications.

2007 – Reno Harboe-Sørensen

Reno Harboe-Sørensen started his space career in 1970 when he joined the components laboratory of the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) where he performed Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) on semiconductors, X-Ray analysis and supported other failure analysis work and evaluation activities. By 1975, when ESRO was integrated into the newly founded European Space Agency (ESA), Reno had started to turn his interest to radiation effects and employed the SEM as a micro radiation source and characterized device behavior under x-ray influence. In the following years, together with the late Len Adams, Reno developed a profound know-how on radiation effects and increased the awareness about radiation effects in ESA projects. Since that time he has planned, performed and reported hundreds of radiation test campaigns and initiated numerous studies on basic mechanisms and novel test approaches. In the process, Reno has become a widely recognized expert with a particular focus on Single Event Effects. His involvement in the development and improvement of European test facilities for radiation effects studies, such as the PIF, HIF and RADEF has been of crucial importance. Reno’s contribution to the space radiation effects community is impressively documented through his publications at NSREC and RADECS, through his forming influence on many of his young peers and through his constructive involvement in the RADECS Association.

His citation reads: For contributions to the dissemination and advancement of radiation effects research associated with hardened systems for space applications.

2006 – Dennis Brown

Dennis has made many important contributions in the radiation effects, and has contributed in areas such as time and energy dependence of radiation effects, radiation dose enhancement, kinetics of radiation induced interface state generation, annealing of radiation induced trapped charge, and the mechanism of low dose rate effects in bipolar semiconductor devices. He has been active in the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC), and has served the NSREC as an author, reviewer, session chair, short course presenter, Short Course Chairman, Technical Program Chairman, General Chairman, member of the Radiation Effects Steering Group, and most recently as Adcom representative for the NPSS Radiation Effects Committee from 2002-2005.

His citation reads: For contributions to the dissemination and advancement of radiation effects research and by his leadership in all aspects of the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference and the Radiation Effects Steering Group.

2005 – Jean Gasiot

Professor Gasiot is a radiation physics specialist who currently works on issues related to reliability of electronic devices and systems in space and nuclear environments. He showed the first experimental evidence of the importance of fast thermoluminescent dosimetry using laser CO2 heating, in both 1D and 2D dosimetry applications. He performed pioneering work on optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and played a key role in the development of high performance materials and systems currently used in 2D dosimetry. Jean Gasiot has developed in Montpellier a group dedicated to the study of radiation effects on materials and devices, with a special emphasis on basic mechanisms, device modeling, and radiation hardening. Jean Gasiot has been an invited researcher at Washington State University and with the U.S. Navy in Silver Spring, MD. He is the founder and the first President of the RADECS (Radiation and its Effects on Components & Systems) Association, and a member of various scientific associations. RADECS is the first European radiation effects conference.

His citation reads: For technical contributions and leadership that have enhanced the understanding of radiation effects in semiconductor devices, for strong contributions to the European radiation effects community, and for promoting radiation effects education.

2004 – Jim Ramsey

Jim served in the U.S. Navy from 1953-1957 and received a BS in Physics from Indiana University in 1962. He worked at the Naval Ammunition Depot, Crane, Indiana (now NAVSEA, Crane Division) from 1962-1989 and has worked as a consultant since 1989. While at Crane, Jim managed the radiation effect group that was responsible for radiation effects testing of microelectronics for the Navy Polaris/Poseidon/Trident missile systems. Under Jim’s leadership the group grew to become one of the largest radiation effects test groups in the U.S. Jim also served as a Principal Area Reviewer for the Defense Nuclear Agency (now the Defense Threat Reduction Agency) Bipolar Technology Development Program. He was also instrumental in founding the Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology (HEART) Conference. Jimm has been very active in the IEEE/NPSS radiation effects community over the years. In 1980 he was elected to a two year term on the RESG as a member-at-large. In 1982 he was the NSREC Conference Chairman, taking the conference to Caesar’s Palace Las Vegas, the first time that the NSREC was not held at a university site. In 1983 Jim was elected as Vice-Chairman of the RESG, a three year term. He then served a three year term as RESG Chairman and another three year term as Past Chairman. It is most fitting that Jim received this award, as he was instrumental in establishing the Radiation Effects Award while he served as Chairman of the RESG.

His citation reads: For contributions to the dissemination and advancement of radiation effects research by his leadership in all aspects of the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference and the Radiation Effects Steering Group.

2003 – Klaus Kerris

Klaus was educated at UCLA with a BA in physics (1957) and MA in physics (1959). He worked 10 years for Hughes Aircraft, but somehow made it to the east coast to put in another 31.5 years for the US Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, MD. He first published in the Transactions on Nuclear Science in 1969, back when we were holding the NSREC conference at universities. Klaus was Short Course presenter at two NSRECs, session chair in 1987 and local arrangements chair in 1989 at Marco Island. He spent 3 years as Member-at-Large on the Radiation Effects Steering Group (RESG), 3 years as secretary for the RESG, and nine more years as Executive Vice-Chairman, Chairman, and Past-Chairman of this group. That’s 15 years on the steering group.

His citation reads: For technical contributions to the dissemination and advancement of radiation effects research and by his leadership in all aspects of the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference and the Radiation Effects Steering Group.

2002 – Ken Galloway

Dr. Galloway is currently serving as Dean of the School of Engineering and Professor of Electrical Engineering at Vanderbilt University. As such, he has the administrative responsibility for academic programs in biomedical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, chemical engineering, electrical and computer engineering, engineering science, computer science, management of technology, and mechanical engineering. The Vanderbilt E-School, the oldest private engineering school in the South, has approximately 1275 students studying for bachelors degrees and 350 pursuing masters or Ph.D.degrees. Prior to joining Vanderbilt in 1996, he held professional appointments at Indiana University, the Naval Surface Warfare Center, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the University of Maryland and the University of Arizona. Dr. Galloway’s personal research and teaching interests include solid-state devices and semiconductor technology. He has authored or co-authored more than one hundred and fifty technical publications and was elected a Fellow of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 1986 for “Contributions to the study of radiation effects in microelectronics.” He served as General Chairman of the 1985 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference, Chairman of the IEEE NPSS Radiation Effects Committee (1991-94), and General Chairman of the 1997 IEDM (Int. Electron Devices Meeting). He is currently a member of the administrative committee of the IEEE Electron Devices Society and the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, Tau Beta Pi, AAAS (Fellow), ECS, ASEE, and APS. Dr. Galloway received the B.A. degree from Vanderbilt University in 1962 and the Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina in 1966.

His citation reads: For technical contributions and leadership that have enhanced the understanding of radiation effects in semiconductor devices, for meritorious service to the radiation effects community, and for promoting radiation effects education.

2001 – Andrew Holmes-Siedle

Born in Brighton, England, Dr. Holmes-Siedle served in the UK Royal Air Force, graduated in chemistry from Trinity College, Dublin in 1954, and completed a Ph.D and post-doctoral research at Cambridge University from 1954-1960 on the transfer of energy within biological and chemical systems. Following this, he worked on communication satellite designs with Hawker-Siddeley (now British Aerospace). In 1962, Dr. Holmes-Siedle moved to the US and became the Manager of Radiation Effects at RCA Space Center (now Lockheed-Martin), where he directed basic research and spacecraft engineering support. During his time at RCA, he also served as a Visiting Scientist with the Princeton University Aerospace Engineering Department, where he investigated the physics of defects in solids and the radiation hardening of then-novel devices developed by RCA (solar cells and MOS devices). He returned to Europe in 1972 as a Senior Fellow in the Physics Department of the University of Reading, England, initiating work on the effects of far-UV radiation in dielectric films on semiconductors. From 1975 to 1992, as a consultant for Fulmer Research Institute, he developed new business areas in industrial sensors and radiation effects testing with organizations including the European Space Agency, the UK Atomic Energy Authority and the UK Ministry of Defence. During this time, he also started a new company to develop and produce the RadFET dosimeter. He then moved to Brunel University as Honorary Professor where he formed the Centre for Radiation Damage Studies in the Physics Department. Work there included high-energy particle detection, silicon imaging devices and close collaboration with students. Dr Holmes-Siedle has been associated with several unique space experiments to detect environmental effects on spacecraft such as the development of systems measuring radiation doses and single event effects in space. With co-author, Len Adams, he evolved the Handbook of Radiation Effects published by Oxford University Press from a number of sponsored contract study reports. Testing detectors for use in astronomy, space instrumentation, and high energy physics detector systems has become his major research topic at Brunel University, while REM formed partnerships with the Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, MA and the Institute for Cancer Research in Genova, Italy, to design probes for radiotherapy. Dr. Holmes-Siedle is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP), a past member of the IOP Electronics Committee, a Senior Member of the IEEE and of the Radiation Effects Committee . He received NASA and IR-100 awards and a medal of the University of Montpellier for his work and has received patents on a gas detector and a micro-engineered detector for UV light. He has written 60 research papers, two books, and several industrial handbooks.

His citation reads: For contributions to the field of radiation dosimetry and his encouragement of young researchers in the field of radiation effects.

2000 – E.G. Stassinopoulos

Dr. Stassinopoulos received this honor for his pioneering work in the areas of test facility and methodology development, his leadership as a liaison between the US and European radiation effects communities and his notable contributions to the understanding and modeling of the radiation environment with emphasis on practical engineering applications. Dr. Stassinopoulos (know universally as ‘Stass’ in the space radiation effects community) received master’s degrees in mathematics and physics as well as a law doctorate. He has worked at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center since 1960 in positions of increasing responsibility and currently heads the Space Radiation Physics Office at that facility. He has made outstanding contributions in a broad range of areas, ranging from test facility development at the Brookhaven facility for heavy ion testing to his pioneering relationships with the European radiation effects community and the RADECS conference. He also led efforts in the development of user-friendly engineering codes for modeling the space environment, and authored the SOLPRO code for calculating solar proton fluences.

His citation reads: For his pioneering work in the areas of test facility and methodology development, his leadership as a liaison between the US and European radiation effects communities and his notable contributions to the understanding and modeling of the radiation environment with emphasis on practical engineering applications.

1999 – Jim Raymond

Jim Raymond has attended every NSRE Conference for the past 34 years (he only missed the first conference) and has served as Session Chairman, Short Course Presenter, Short Course Chairman, Guest Editor, Awards Chairman, Treasurer and General Chairman. He received the 1977 NSREC Outstanding Paper Award. Jim has worked for Northrop, served as a consultant, and is currently with Mission Research Corporation. He is married to Gracie and resides in Solon Beach, California.

His citation reads: For promoting the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference for 34 years through his example of conference leadership, short course leadership, and outstanding publications describing modeling of microcircuits in high dose-rate environments.

1998    Edward L. Petersen

1997    Robert E. McCoskey

1996    Robert S. Caldwell

1995    Robert L. Gregory; Joseph Pinel

1994    Itsu Arimura

1993    William E. Price

1992    Bobby Buchanan

1991     No award presented

1990     No award presented

1989    S. Clay Rogers

1988    Edward Burke

Radiation Effects Early Achievement Award

Award Description

The purpose of this award is to recognize an individual early in his or her career whose technical contributions and leadership have had a significant impact on the field of radiation effects.

Nominations are being accepted for this award. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 29 of each year.

Selection Criteria

The basis of the award is for individuals whose technical contributions and leadership during the first ten years of the recipient’s career that have had a major impact on the Radiation Effects Community. Examples include work that provides a solution to important technical problems in radiation effects or work that identifies significant new issues in the field. Other factors are cumulative research contributions over the first part of the career, internationally recognized leadership, and mentorship. It is the intent of the RESG to give special consideration for this award to members of the community who are IEEE/NPSS members.

Award Presentation

A $1500 cash award and plaque will be presented at the IEEE NSREC each year.

Nomination Form

The online award nomination form is available here.

Nominations, Inquires, and Correspondence

Additional information can be obtained from Megan Casey, Senior Member at Large for the Radiation Effects Steering Group. Megan can be reached at

Past Recipients

2024 – Adrian Ildefonso

Citation: For contributions to the study of pulsed lasers for single-event effects testing and dedication to service within the radiation effects community.

Dr. Adrian Ildefonso is a research engineer in the Photophysics and Radiation Effects Section at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in Washington, D.C., USA. In January 2025, he will join Indiana University Bloomington as an assistant professor of Intelligent Systems Engineering. Dr. Ildefonso received his B.S. degree in computer engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Mayagüez, PR, USA, in 2009. He earned his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 2017 and 2020, respectively.

At NRL, Dr. Ildefonso’s research has centered on understanding and mitigating the effects of ionizing radiation on semiconductor devices, circuits, and systems for space applications. He specializes in various techniques that complement accelerator-based testing for single-event effects (SEEs), including the use of pulsed lasers to emulate the SEEs produced by ionizing particles in microelectronic systems. Recently, his work has focused on intentionally tailoring laser-induced charge deposition profiles for accurate prediction of particle-induced SEEs.

Dr. Ildefonso actively contributes to the radiation effects community as a member of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society. He has served as a reviewer and technical committee member for the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) and the Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) conference. Passionate about STEM outreach, science communication, and workforce development, Dr. Ildefonso’s dedication extends beyond his research. From 2020 to 2023, he served as the social media coordinator for the IEEE NPSS Radiation Effects Steering Group (RESG), spearheading initiatives to modernize NSREC’s digital presence and develop informative content for young professionals, including videos on how to prepare a strong summary and how to deliver a great oral and poster presentation.

Dr. Ildefonso has co-authored over 50 peer-reviewed publications and has received several best paper awards, including the NSREC Outstanding Student Paper and Outstanding Conference Paper awards in 2018. He has also been honored with the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS) Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant and the IEEE NPSS Graduate Scholarship. Dr. Ildefonso’s transition to Indiana University will allow him to leverage his experience at NRL to continue advancing his research in microelectronics for extreme environments, while mentoring the next generation of engineers to strengthen the microelectronics workforce.

2023 – Rubén García Alía

Dr. Rubén García Alía is part of the “Radiation to Electronics” (R2E) project at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN, which he has led since 2018. After studying nuclear and high-energy physics at the Complutense University in Madrid (Spain), he started his career in radiation effects as a Young Graduate Trainee at the European Space Agency, in the Netherlands. From there, he completed his PhD with CERN and the University of Montpellier, focusing on the effect of highly energetic particles on Single Event Effects (SEE) in the Large Hardron Collider (LHC) accelerator. During this period, he was recognized with the “Best Student Paper” award at the 2012 Radiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) Conference and the IEEE NPSS Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant in 2015. Since then, he has kept a strong involvement in radiation effects research, focusing on high-energy accelerator applications, and has co-authored more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals. He has co-authored a RADECS Short Course, has been session chair at the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects (NSRE) and RADECS Conferences, and was the technical chair for RADECS 2021. In 2020 he was elected as a Member-at-Large of the IEEE NPSS Radiation Effects Steering Group (RESG). He also received the NSREC 2022 Meritorious Paper Award for his work on high-energy ion fragmentation for SEE testing.

At CERN, Rubén’s main task is managing the R2E project, which is responsible for all radiation effects in the LHC accelerator and its injector chair, with the mandate of ensuring successful operation with regards to stochastic failures and lifetime degradation induced by radiation. The project, which is composed of more than 50 members, embeds a rich variety of activities and expertise, ranging from the monitoring and calculation of radiation levels, the operation and upgrade of CERN radiation facilities, and testing for radiation effects at both component and system level.

Between 2017 and 2022, Rubén coordinated the RADSAGA (RADiation and reliability challenges for electronics used in Space, Aviation, Ground and Accelerators), an innovative training Marie Curie PhD network. Currently, he is leading the RADiation facility Network for the EXploration of effects for indusTry and research (RADNEXT) and High-Energy Accelerators for Radiation Testing and Shielding (HEARTS( European Union projects, the first related to a network of European irradiation facilities and the second focusing on the development of European capabilities for high-energy heavy ion testing.

His citation reads: For contribution to the understanding of single event effects in microelectronics used in accelerator and space applications.

2022 – Arto Javanainen

Dr. Arto Javanainen is a senior researcher and group co-lead in the RADEF group in the Accelerator Laboratory of the University of Jyväskylä (JYU), Finland. He received his Ph.D. in applied nuclear physics in August 2012. From 2015 to 2016, he held 1-year appointment as a Visiting Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering (EE) at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Since March 2016, he has held the appointment (concurrent with his appointment at JYU) as Adjoint Assistant Professor in EE at Vanderbilt.  Dr. Javanainen’s research has covered widely the radiation effects in semiconductor materials and devices, including experimental and theoretical studies of particle-matter interactions in solids, as well as experimental and modeling studies of heavy-ion induced effects in power devices. Recently his research has focused on the radiation effects in Silicon Carbide power devices, and also the proton direct ionization effects in deep submicron technologies. These research activities have been carried out in collaboration with CERN, ETH Zurich, Vanderbilt University, NASA, and ESA. In the past years, he has been involved in several research and educational projects funded by European Space Agency (ESA), and European Union (EU) (e.g., RADSAGA and RADNEXT). Most recently he has been acting as the local academic coordinator at JYU for an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree program called “Radiation and its Effects on MicroElectronics and Photonics Technologies” (RADMEP).

He is actively involved in the radiation effects community, having served as reviewer, session chair, and committee member in some of the past RADiation Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) and IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects (NSREC) conferences.  He is currently the elected Secretary of the Radiation Effects Steering Group. His honors include the Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant from IEEE NPSS in 2013. He was also a short course instructor in NSREC 2019 conference.

Dr. Javanainen has authored and co-authored more than 60 publications in the field of radiation effects in electronics, and he is Member of IEEE and NPSS. According to Web of Science the h-index for his publications is 14. More details on his academic records at

His citation reads: “For contributions to radiation effects research to understand heavy ion induced degradation in Silicon Carbide Schottky diodes and leadership in the radiation effects community.”

2021 – No Award Presented

2020 – Cédric Virmontois

Cédric Virmontois is a detection chain and radiation expert at Centre National d’Études Spatiales (CNES) in Toulouse. He received the Engineering degree in Physics from the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées (INSA) of Toulouse in 2008 and the Ph.D. degree in Microelectronic and radiation effects from the Institut Supérieur de l’Aéronautique et de l’Espace (ISAE Supaero) of Toulouse in 2012. His Ph.D. research focused on displacement damage-induced degradation effects in CMOS image sensors. Since receiving his Ph.D. degree, Cédric has been working on radiation effects on solid-state image sensors and optoelectronic devices. First, he has focused on radiation effects on CMOS Image Sensor (CIS), especially on radiation induced dark current. Cedric has also contributed to the understanding and modeling of dark-current Random Telegraph Signals (RTS) in CIS. He contributed to the discovery of total ionizing dose-induced RTS in silicon-based image sensors. Then, Cédric has extended his radiation effects knowledge to other solid-state imaging technologies and focused on dark current RTS similarities in CIS and CCD devices (silicon-based sensors). He was the first to highlight the RTS discrepancies between silicon, mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe), and indium gallium arsenic (InGaAs) image sensors.

At CNES, Cédric focused his work for more than five years on radiation effects in the most recent generation of pinned photodiode CIS to make it possible to use this advanced technology in space. Today, this technology is exploited in numerous space imaging missions and is used especially in the SuperCam imager developed by Cedric, which is employed on the Perseverance MARS2020 NASA Rover. Today, Cedric directs the development of 4 imaging instruments based on this advanced technology.

Cédric has published over 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is a Senior Member of IEEE. He has served in many roles at the IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference and Radiation Effects on Components and Systems Conference, as Short Course speaker, Session Chair Photonic Devices and ICs and member of the best technical award committee. For the past 10 years he has been a technical paper reviewer. Since 2012, Cédric was General Chairman of the annual Radiation Effects on Optoelectronic Detectors Workshop and Co-Chairman of the Space and Scientific CMOS Image Sensor Workshop organized by CNES.

His honors include four best conference paper awards, five outstanding student paper awards, and the IEEE Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant for recognition of contributions to the fields of nuclear and plasma.

His citation reads: For contributions to the understanding of radiation effects on solid-state image sensors, particularly the origins of radiation-induced dark current random telegraph signals.

2019 – T. Daniel Loveless

Dr. Daniel Loveless is a UC Foundation Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). He received a B.S. degree in electrical engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, in 2004 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. Prior to joining UTC in 2014, Dr. Loveless was a senior engineer and Research Assistant Professor at the Institute for Space and Defense Electronics (ISDE) at Vanderbilt University where he was involved in radiation effects research related to high-speed analog and mixed-signal circuits (AMS) and in the modeling and design of integrated circuits for the evaluation of radiation effects in advanced CMOS technologies. Dr. Loveless joined UTC in 2014 where he established a microelectronics research program focused on radiation effects and reliability in electronic and photonic integrated circuits and on the design of radiation hardening-by-design methodologies. Additionally, he founded the UTChattSat program focused on undergraduate research and education in small-satellites, space systems engineering, and radiation effects. Dr. Loveless has published over 90 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is a Senior Member of IEEE. His honors include five best conference paper awards and the IEEE NPSS Graduate Scholarship Award for recognition of contributions to the fields of nuclear and plasma.

His citation reads: For contributions to radiation effects research in high-speed analog and mixed-signal electronics and student mentorship in the radiation effects community.

Phelps Continuing Education Grant

Grant Description

To promote continuing education and encourage membership in NPSS.

Nominations are currently being accepted for the Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 29 of each year.

Selection Criteria

Exceptional promise as a student, postdoc or research associate in any of the fields of NPSS, or exceptional work in those fields by currently unemployed NPSS members with an expectation that attendance to one or more of the Short Courses will result in an improved possibility of obtaining a job in an NPSS field.


Outstanding members of NPSS who are either Student Members, Post-Doctoral Fellows or Research Associates, or unemployed members needing assistance in changing career direction.

Grant Presentation and Prize

$750 will be provided to each grant recipient to be used to cover tuition costs and/or travel costs to attend the current year IEEE NSREC Short Course and a certificate will be presented at the IEEE NSREC Short Course.

Nomination Form

The online award nomination form is available here.

Nominations, Inquires, and Correspondence

Additional information can be obtained from Laurent Artola, Member at Large for the Radiation Effects Steering Group. Laurent can be reached at

Past Recipients

2023 – Jeffrey Teng, Georgia Tech; Sarah Azimi, University of Trento; Tomasz Rajkowski, Université de Montpellier; Yoni Xiong, Vanderbilt University

2022 Jingchen Cao, Vanderbilt Univeristy; Cosimo Campanella, University of Saint Etienne; Alexis Vilas Bôas, FEI University; Andrea Coronetti, CERN and University of Montpellier.

2021Marine Aubry, University of Saint-Etienne & Politecnico di Bari; Fernando Fernandes dos Santos, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS); Mariia Gorchichko, Vanderbilt University.

2020Ygor Q. Aguiar, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande; Robert Johnson, Vanderbilt University; Stefania Peracchi, University of Wollongong; George N. Tzintzarov, Georgia Institute of Technology.

2019Stefano Bonaldo, University of Padova; Diego Di Francesca, University of St Etienne and Palermo; Patrick Goley, Georgia Institute of Technology; Alexandre Le Roch, ISAE-SUPAERO.

2018Huiqi Gong, Vanderbilt University; Adrian Ildefonso, Georgia Institute of Technology; Irène Reghioua, University Jean Monnet, St. Etienne; Jennifer Taggart, Arizona State University.

2017 ­– Yanran (Paula) Chen, Vanderbilt University; Adriana Morana, University of St. Etienne and University of Palermo; Hangfang Zhang, Vanderbilt University.

2016Zachary Fleetwood, Georgia Tech University; Serena Rizzoli, University de Saint Etienne; Jean-Marc Belloir, Institute Superior de l’Aeronautique et de l’Espace; Isaak Samsel, Vanderbilt University

2015Nelson E. Lourenco, Jin Chen, Rubén Garcia Alia, and Jean-Bernard Duchez

2014 – Lawakiléa Lionel Foro, Jeremy Davis, and Linh Tran

Radiation Effects Award for Exemplary Service to Meetings & Conferences

Award Description

The purpose of the award is to recognize a member of the Radiation Effects community who has demonstrated exemplary services to the meetings and conferences of the Radiation Effects Committee over a sustained period.

Nominations are being accepted for this award. The deadline for submitting nominations is January 29 of each year.

Selection Criteria

The basis of the award is for members of the Radiation Effects community who have demonstrated exemplary services to the meetings and conferences of the Radiation Effects Committee over a sustained period of at least five years.  Student members are not eligible to be nominated for the award. The nominee is not required to be a member of the IEEE and NPSS.

Award Presentation

A $1500 cash award and plaque will be presented at the IEEE NSREC.

Nomination Form

The nominator should be an IEEE Member at the time of nomination.

The online award nomination form is available here.

Nominations, Inquiries, and Correspondence

Additional information can be obtained from Megan Casey, Senior Member at Large for the Radiation Effects Steering Group. Megan can be reached at

Past Recipients

2024 – Teresa Farris

Citation: For exemplary service as a member of the IEEE Radiation Effects Steering Group and unwavering support to the NSREC and RADECS conference committees.

Teresa has demonstrated a long-term history of outstanding and innovative leadership contributions in support of the Radiation Effects Community, and the Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC) in particular. This specifically includes promoting cooperation and exchange of technical information to support the professional development and project design, manufacture and testing of hardware by members the Radiation Effects Community. From 1999 – 2023, she served as the NSREC Publicity Chair and the Radiation Effects Steering Group Publicity Chair. From 2018 – 2023, she also was the Radiation Effects Steering Group Exhibits Chair. She served as the Industrial Exhibits Chair for the 1995 NSREC and the Local Arrangements Chair for the 1997 NSREC. She organized and oversaw the production and distribution of the Call for Papers, the Short Course Announcement, and the Conference Brochure. She also lead the production of the quarterly article for the NPSS Newsletter, organized the yearly election, and arranged for NSREC coverage by the press. This contributes in a quiet but profound way to the smooth and successful operation of the Conference and the community.

Teresa is the coauthor of 13 Radiation Effects Data Workshop papers and 4 peer reviewed papers published just from 2003 to 2017. Topics include total ionizing dose and signal event effects characterization of devices and radiation hardness characterization of a 130nm ASIC library technology.

In addition to supporting the NSREC, Teresa has also had major roles in organizing and facilitating links to other radiation effects conferences and workshops including the RADiation and its Effects on Components and Systems Conference, the Government Microcircuit Applications & Critical Technology Conference, the Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology Conference, the Radiation Hardened Electronics Technology Conference, the Single Event Effects (SEE) Symposium, and the Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices (MAPLD) Workshop. While working with these additional venues, she actively promotes the IEEE/NPSS and NSREC to their leadership and attendees. Indeed, she is one of the primary reasons the IEEE NSREC is such a vital forum to report model and data acquisition progress to the radiation effects research and development community at large.

Awards of Excellence

Outstanding Conference Paper Awards


Radiation-Induced Faults Propagation in Quantum Bits and Quantum Circuits by Oliveira, E. Auden, and P. Rech


An SRAM SEU Cross Section Curve Physics Model by Kobayashi, K. Hirose, K. Sakamoto, Y. Tsuchiya, S. Okamoto, S. Baba, H. Shindou, O. Kawasaki, T. Makino, and T. Ohshima


Optical Single-Event Transients Induced in Integrated Silicon-Photonic Waveguides by Two-Photon Absorption by George N. Tzintzarov, Adrian Ildefonso, Jeffrey W. Teng, Milad Frounchi, Albert Djikeng, Prahlad Iyengar, Patrick S. Goley, Ani Khachatrian, Joel Hales, Ryan Bahr, Stephen P. Buchner, Dale McMorrow, and John D. Cressler


New Approach for Pulsed-Laser Testing That Mimics Heavy-Ion Charge Deposition Profiles by J. M. Hales, A. Khachatrian, S. Buchner, J. Warner, A. Ildefonso, G. N. Tzintzarov, D. Nergui, D. M. Monahan, S. D. LaLumondiere, B. Lotshaw, J. D. Cressler, and D. McMorrow. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (Volume: 67, Issue: 1, pp. 81-90, Jan. 2020)


Optimizing Optical Parameters to Facilitate Correlation of Laser- and Heavy-Ion-Induced Single-Event Transients in SiGe HBTs
A. Ildefonso, Z. E. Fleetwood, G. N. Tzintzarov, J. M. Hales, D Nergui, M. Frounchi, A. Khachatrian, S. P. Buchner, D. McMorrow, J. H. Warner, J. Harms, A. Erickson, K. Voss, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, and J. D. Cressler IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (Volume: 66, Issue: 1, pp. 359 – 367, Jan. 2019)


Effects of Heavy- Ion Irradiation in Vertical 3-D NAND Flash Memories
Marta Bagatin, Simone Gerardin, Alessandro Paccagnella, Silvia Beltrami, Emilio Camerlenghi, Massimo Bertuccio, Alessandra Costantino, Ali Zadeh, Véronique Ferlet-Cavrois, Giovanni Santin, and Eamonn Daly. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (Volume: 65, Issue: 1, pp. 318 – 325, Jan. 2018)

Influence of LDD Spacers and H+ Transport on the Total-Ionizing-Dose-Response of 65-nm MOSFETs Irradiated to Ultrahigh Doses
Federico Faccio, Giulio Borghello, Edoardo Lerario, Dan Fleetwood, Ron Schrimpf, Huiqi Gong, Enxia Zhang, Pan Wang, Stefano Michelis, Simone Gerardin, Alessandro Paccagnella, and Stefano Bonaldo. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, (Volume: 65, Issue: 1, pp. 164 – 174, Jan 2018)


M. A. Xapsos, C. A. Stauffer, A. M. Phan, S. S. McClure, R. L. Ladbury, J. A. Pellish, M. J. Campola and K. A. LaBel, “Inclusion of radiation environment variability in total dose hardness assurance methodology”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. ,vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 325-331, Jan. 2017.


N. A. Dodds, M. J. Martinez, P. E. Dodd, M. R. Shaneyfelt, F. W. Sexton, J. D. Black, D. S. Lee, S. E. Swanson, B. L. Bhuva, K. M. Warren, R. A. Reed, J. Trippe, B. D. Sierawski, R. A. Weller, N. Mahatme, N. J. Gaspard, T. Assis, R. Austin, S. L. Weeden-Wright, L. W. Massengill, G. Swift, M. Wirthlin, M. Cannon, R. Liu, L. Chen, A. T. Kelly, P. W. Marshall, M. Trinczek, E. W. Blackmore, S.-J. Wen, R. Wong, B. Narasimham, J. A. Pellish, and H. Puchner, “The contribution of low-energy protons to the total on-orbit SEU rate,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 62, no. 6, Dec. 2015, accepted for publication.


N. A. Dodds, J. R. Schwank, M. R. Shaneyfelt, P. E. Dodd, B. L. Doyle, M. Trinczek, E. W. Blackmore, K. P. Rodbell, M. S. Gordon, R. A. Reed, J. A. Pellish, K. A. LaBel, P. W. Marshall, S. E. Swanson, G. Vizkelethy, S. Van Deusen, F. W. Sexton, and M. J. Martinez, “Hardness Assurance for Proton Direct Ionization-Induced SEEs Using a High-Energy Proton Beam,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 61, no. 6, pp. 2904–2914, Dec. 2014.


M. P. King, R. A. Reed, R. A. Weller, M. H. Mendenhall, R. D. Schrimpf, B. D. Sierawski, A. L. Sternberg, B. Narasimham, J. K. Wang, E. Pitta, B. Bartz, D. Reed, C. Monzel, R. C. Baumann, X. Deng, J. A. Pellish, M. D. Berg, C. M. Seidleck, E. C. Auden, S. L. Weeden-Wright, N. J. Gaspard, C. X. Zhang, and D. M. Fleetwood, “Electron-induced single-event upsets in static random access memory,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 4122-4129, 2013.


V. Goiffon, M. Estribeau, O. Marcelot, P. Cervantes, P. Magnan, M. Gaillardin, C. Virmontois, P. Martin-Gonthier, R. Molina, F. Corbiere, S. Girard, P. Paillet and C. Marcandella, “Radiation Effects in Pinned Photodiode CMOS Image Sensors: Pixel Performance Degradation Due to Total Ionizing Dose”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 59, No. 6, pp. 2878-2887, 2012.


S. Buchner, N. Kanyagoro, D. McMorrow, C. Foster, P. M. O’Neill and K. Nguyen, “Variable Depth Bragg Peak Method for Single-Event Effects Testing”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 58, No. 6, pp. 2976-2982, 2011.


C. J. Marshall, P. W. Marshall, R. L. Ladbury, A. Waczynski, R. Arora, R. D. Foltz, J. D. Cressler, D. M. Kahle, D. Chen, G. S. Delo, N. A. Dodds, J. A. Pellish, E. Kan, N. Boehm, R. A. Reed and K. A. LaBel, “Mechanisms and Temperature Dependence of Single-Event Latchup Observed in a CMOS Readout Integrated Circuit from 16-300K”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 57, No. 6, pp. 3078-3086, 2010.


D. F. Heidel, P. W. Marshall, J. A. Pellish, K. P. Rodbell, K. A. LaBel, J. R. Schwank, S. E. Rauch, M. Hakey, M. D. Berg, C. Casteneda, P. E. Dodd, M. R. Friendlich, H. S. Kim, A. D. Phan, C. M. Seidleck, M. R. Shaneyfelt and M. A. Xapsos, “Single-Event Upsets and Multiple-Bit Upsets on a 45 nm SOI SRAM”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 56, No. 6, pp. 3499-3504, 2009.


M. R. Shaneyfelt, , J. A. Felix, P. E. Dodd, J. R. Schwank, S. M. Dalton, J. Baggio, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, P. Paillet, and E. W. Blackmore, “Enhanced Proton and Neutron Induced Degradation and its Impact on Hardness Assurance Testing”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 55, No. 6, pp. 3096-3105, 2008.


P. E. Dodd, J. R. Schwank, M. R. Shaneyfelt, J. A. Felix, P. Paillet, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, J. Baggio, R. A. Reed, K. M. Warren, R. A. Weller, R. D. Schrimpf, G. L. Hash, S. M. Dalton and H. Saito, “Impact of Heavy Ion Energy and Nuclear Interactions on Single-Event Upsets and Latchup in Integrated Circuits”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 54, No. 6, pp. 2303-2311, 2007.


V. Ferlet-Cavrois, P. Paillet, M. Gaillardin, D. Lambert, J. Baggio, G. Vizkelethy, M. R. Shaneyfelt, K. Hirose, E. Blackmore, O. Faynot, C. Jahan and L. Tosti, “Statistical Analysis of the Charge Collection in SOI and Bulk Devices Under Heavy Ion and Proton Irradiation- Implications for Digital SETs”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 53, No. 6, pp. 3242-3252, 2006.


J. R. Schwank, M. R. Shaneyfelt, J. Baggio, P. E. Dodd, J. A. Felix, V. Ferlet-Cavrois, P. Paillet, D. Lambert, F. W. Sexton, G. L. Hash and E. Blackmore, “Effects of Particle Energy on Proton Induced Single-Event Latchup”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 52, No. 6, pp. 2622-2630, 2005.


P. E. Dodd, M. R. Shaneyfelt, J. A. Felix and J. R. Schwank, “Production and Propagation of Single-Event Transients in High Speed Digital Logic ICs”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 51, No. 6, pp. 3278-3284, 2004.


D. McMorrow, W. T. Lotshaw, J. S. Melinger, S. Buchner, Y. Boulghassoul, L. W. Massengill and R. L. Pease, “Three-Dimensional Mapping of Single-Event Effects Using Two Photon Absorption”, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 50, No. 6, pp. 2199-2207, 2003.


M.R. Shaneyfelt, R.L. Pease, J.R. Schwank, M.C. Maher, G.L. Hash, D.M. Fleetwood, P.E. Dodd, C.A. Reber, S.C. Witczak, L.C. Riewe, H.P. Hjalmarson, J.C. Banks, B.L. Doyle, J.A. Knapp, “Impact of Passivation Layers on Enhanced Low-Dose-Rate Sensitivity and Pre-Irradiation Elevated-Temperature Stress Effects in Bipolar Devices,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 49, No. 6, pp. 3171-3179, 2002.


P.E. Dodd, M.R. Shaneyfelt, K.M. Horn, D.S. Walsh, G.L. Hash, T.A. Hill, B.L. Draper, J.R. Schwank, F.W. Sexton, and P.S. Winokur, “SEU-Sensitive Volumes in Bulk and SOI SRAMS From First-Principles Calculations and Experiments,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 48, No. 6, pp. 1893-1903, 2001.


P.E. Dodd, M.R. Shaneyfelt, D.S. Walsh, J.R. Schwank, G.L. Hash, R.A. Loemker, B.L. Draper, and P.S. Winokur, “Single-Event Upset and Snapback in Silicon-on-Insulator Devices and Integrated Circuits,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 47, No. 6, pp. 2165-2174, 2000.


A.H. Johnston, T. Miyahira, G.M. Swift, S.M. Guertin, and L.D. Edmonds, “Angular and Energy Dependence of Proton Upset in Optocouplers,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 46, No. 6, pp. 1335-1341, 1999.


S.C. Witczak, R.C. Lacoe, D.C. Mayer, D.M. Fleetwood, R.D. Schrimpf, and K.F. Galloway, “Space Charge Limited Degradation of Bipolar Oxides at Low Electric Fields,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 45, No. 6, pp. 2339-22351, 1998.


F.W. Sexton, D.M. Fleetwood, M.R. Shaneyfelt, P.E. Dodd, and G.L. Hash, “Single Event Gate Rupture in Thin Gate Oxides,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 44, No. 6, pp. 2345-2352, 1997.


D.M. Fleetwood, L.C. Riewe, J.R. Schwank, S.C. Witczak, and R.D. Schrimpf, “Radiation Effects at Low Electric Fields in Thermal, SIMOX, and Bipolar Base Oxides,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 43, No. 6, pp. 2537-2546, 1996.


D.M. Fleetwood, W.L. Warren, J.R. Schwank, P.S. Winokur, M.R. Shaneyfelt, and L.C. Riewe, “Effects of Interface Traps and Border Traps on MOS Postirradiation Annealing Response,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 42, No. 6, pp. 1698-1707, 1995.


I.H. Hopkins, G.R. Hopkinson, and B. Johlander, “Proton-Induced Charge Transfer Degradation in CCDs for Near-Room Temperature Applications,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 41, No. 6, pp. 1984-1991, 1994.


C. Dale, P. Marshall, B. Cummings, L. Shamey, and A. Holland, “Displacement Damage Effects in Mixed Particle Environments for Shielded Spacecraft CCDs,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 40, No. 6, pp. 1628-1638, 1993.


R.E. Stahlbush, G.J. Campisi, J.B. McKitterick, W.P. Maszara, P. Roitman, and G.A. Brown, “Electron and Hole Trapping in Irradiated SIMOX, ZMR, and BESOI Buried Oxides,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 39, No. 6, pp. 2086-2097, 1992.


J.L. Titus, G.H. Johnson, R.D. Schrimpf, and K.F. Galloway, “Single-Event Burnout of Power Bipolar Junction Transistors,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 38, No. 6, pp. 1315-1322, 1991.


P.J. McWhorter, S.L. Miller, and W.M. Miller, “Modeling the Anneal of Radiation-Induced Trapped Holes in a Varying Thermal Environment,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 37, No. 6, pp. 1682-161689, 1990.


N.S. Saks and D.B. Brown, “Interface Trap Formation via the Two-Stage H+ Process,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 36, No. 6, pp. 1848-1857, 1989.


D.M. Fleetwood, P.S. Winokur, and J.R. Schwank, “Using Laboratory X-Ray and Cobalt-60 Irradiations to Predict CMOS Device Response in Strategic and Space Environments,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 35, No. 6, pp. 1497-1505, 1988.


G.P. Summers, E.A. Burke, C.J. Dale, E.A. Wolicki, P.W. Marshall, and M.A. Gehlhausen, “Correlation of Particle-Induced Displacement Damage in Silicon,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 34, No. 6, pp. 1134-1139, 1987.


J.R. Srour, R.A. Hartman, and K.S. Kitazaki, “Permanent Damage Produced by Single Proton Interactions in Silicon Devices,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 33, No. 6, pp. 1597-1604, 1986.

R.S. Wagner, J.M.. Bradley, C.J. Maggiore, J.G. Beery, and R.B. Hammond, “An Approach to Measure Ultrafast-Funneling-Current Transients,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 33, No. 6, pp. 1651-1656, 1986


P.S. Winokur, E.B. Errett, D.M. Fleetwood, P.V. Dressendorfer, and D.C. Turpin, “Optimizing and Controlling the Radiation Hardness of a Si-Gate CMOS Process,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 32, No. 6, pp. 3954-3960, 1985.

J.R. Srour and R.A. Hartman, “Effects of Single Neutron Interactions in Silicon Integrated Circuits,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 32, No. 6, pp. 4195-4200, 1985.


J.R. Schwank, P.S. Winokur, P.J. McWhorter, F.W. Sexton, P.V. Dressendorfer, and D.C. Turpin, “Physical Mechanisms Contributing to Device Rebound,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 31, No. 6, pp. 1434-1438, 1984.


R.L. Pease, R.M. Turfler, D.G. Platteter, D.W. Emily, and R.D. Blice, “Total Dose Effects in Recessed Oxide Digital Bipolar Microcircuits,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 30, No. 6, pp. 4216-4223, 1983.


W.A. Seidler, R.C. Keyser, D. Walters, and H.T. Harper, “The Limits to Hardening Electronic Boxes to IEMP Coupling,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 29, No. 6, pp. 1780-1786, 1982.


J.R. Srour, S. Othmer, A. Bahraman, and R.A. Hartmann, “The Search for Neutron-Induced Hard Errors in VLSI Structures,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 28, No. 6, pp. 3968-3974, 1981.


J.R. Srour, R.A. Hartmann, and S. Othmer, “Transient and Permanent Effects of Neutron Bombardment on a Commercially Available N-Buried-Channel CCD,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 27, No. 6, pp. 1402-1410, 1980.


H.E. Boesch, Jr., and J.M. McGarrity, “An Electrical Technique to Measure the Susceptibility of MOS Gate Insulators,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 26, No. 6, pp. 4814-4818, 1979.

W.A. Seidler, B. Goplen, and W. Thomas, “Investigation of Enhanced Electron Current Transport in a Dielectric – Lined Cavity,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 26, No. 6, pp. 4998-5005, 1979.


D.M. Tasca, E.T. Raylman, B.L. Beers, and J.E. Tigner, “SGEMP Response of Large, Multiwire Satellite Cables,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 25, No. 6, pp. 1382-1390, 1978.


J.P. Raymond and R.L. Pease, “A Comparative Evaluation of Integrated Injection Logic,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 24, No. 6, pp. 2327-2335, 1977.


P.S. Winokur, J.M. McGarrity, and H.E. Boesch, Jr., “Dependence of Interface-State Buildup on Hole Generation and Transport in Irradiated MOS Capacitors,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 23, No. 6, pp. 1580-1585, 1976.


G.F. Derbenwick and B. L. Gregory, “Process Optimization of Radiation-Hardened CMOS Integrated Circuits,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 22, No. 6, pp. 2151-2156, 1975.

J.E. Lohkamp and J.M. McKenzie, “Measurement of the Energy Dependence of Neutron Damage in Silicon Devices,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 22, No. 6, pp. 2319-2325, 1975.


J.R. Srour, O.L. Curtis, Jr., and K.Y. Chiu, “Charge Transport Studies in SiO2: Processing Effects and Implications for Radiation Hardening,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 21, No. 6, pp. 73-80, 1974.

R.J. Powell and G.W. Hughes, “Charge Injection and Trapping in Al2O3 Gate Insulators,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 21, No. 6, pp. 179-185, 1974.


E. Harari and B.S.H. Royce, “The Effects of Electron and Hole Trapping on the Radiation Hardness of AL2O3 MIS Devices,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 20, No. 6, pp. 280-287, 1973.


J.R. Srour and O.L. Curtis, Jr., “Short-Term Annealing in Silicon Devices Following Pulsed 14 -MeV Neutron Irradiation,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 19, No. 6, pp. 362-370, 1972.


R. J. Powell and G. F. Derbenwick, “Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Effects in SiO2,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 18, No. 6, pp. 99-105, 1971.


R. E. Leadon, “Model for Short-Term Annealing of Neutron Damage in P-Type Silicon,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 17, No. 6, pp. 110-117, 1970.


P.F. Schmidt, M.J. Rand, J.P. Mitchell, and J.D. Ashner, “Radiation-Insensitive Silicon Oxynitride Films for Use in Silicon Devices,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 16, No. 6, pp. 211-219, 1969.


H. J. Stein, “Electrical Properties of Neutron-Irradiated Silicon at 76 K: Hall Effect and Electrical Conductivity,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 15, No. 6, pp. 69-76, 1968.

D.K. Wilson, “Capacitance Recovery in Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Diodes by Majority and Minority -Carrier Trapping,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 15, No. 6, pp. 77-83, 1968.


C.W. Gwyn, D.L. Scharfetter, and J.L. Wirth, “The Analysis of Radiation Effects in Semiconductor Devices,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 14, No. 6, pp. 153-169, 1967.


H.H. Sander and B.L. Gregory, “Transient Annealing Effects in Semiconductor Devices Following Pulsed Neutron Irradiation,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 13, No. 6, pp. 53-62, 1966.


R.B. Oswald, Jr. and C. Kikuchi, “Changes in the Conductive Properties of CdS Induced by Thermal Neutrons,” (not published in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.).


R.C. Waddel, “Radiation Damage to Solar Cells on Relay I and Relay II,” IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 11, No. 5, pp. 60-68, 1964.

C.A. Goben and F.M. Smitts, “Anomalous Base Current Component in Neutron Irradiated Transistors,” (not published in IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci.).


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