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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


sunThe Fusion Technology committee covers the technology of both inertial and magnetic confinement fusion experiments, which are leading to a better understanding of the requirements for a fusion reactor and for an environmentally benign, virtually limitless source of energy for electric power and industrial uses. This committee organizes the biennial Symposium on Fusion Engineering. This committee also supports the IEEE USA Energy Policy committee in the preparation of energy-related white papers.


FTC Standing Committee Members

Carl Pawley (appointed 2020)
General Atomics

David Donovan (appointed 2021-2024)
University of Tennessee Knoxville

Daniel Andruczyk (appointed 2021-2024)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Heather Lewtas (appointed 2021-2024)
Culham Center for Fusion Energy

Ryoji Hiwatari (appointed 2021-2024)
National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology

Mirela Cengher (appointed 2022-2025)
General Atomics

George Sips (appointed 2022-2025, Chair)
General Atomics

Chase Taylor (appointed 2022-2025)
Idaho National Laboratory

Marc-Andre de Looz (appointed 2023-2026)

Trey Gebhart (appointed 2023-2026)

Sehila M. Gonzalez de Vicente (appointed 2023-2026)
Clean Air Task Force

Francisco Hernandez-Gonzalez (appointed 2023-2026)

Richard Pearson (elected 2024-2027)
Kyoto Fusioneering

Hanni Lux (elected 2024-2027)

Diana Grandas (elected 2024-2027)

Monica Gehrig (elected 2024-2027)ORNL

Mark Tillack (elected 2024-2027, NPSS AdCom representative)
University of California San Diego

Aida Silva Pérez
Executive Administrator for SMG

Past Fusion Technology Committee Chairs

2024 – 2026 George Sips, DIII-D National Fusion Facility
2021 – 2023 Martin Nieto-Perez, The Pennsylvania State University
2016 – 2020 Charles Neumeyer, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
2012 – 2015 Jean Paul Allain, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2009 – 2012 Dennis Youchison, Sandia National Laboratory
2006 – 2009 Mark Tillack, University of California, San Diego
2002 – 2005 Phil Heitzenroeder, Princeton Plasma Physics Lab
1998 – 2001 Dick Foley, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
1994 – 1998 Albe Larsen, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
1990 – 1993 Rich Callis, General Atomics
1986 – 1989 Martin Lubell, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Past Fusion Technology Elected Members of AdCom

2024-2027 Mark Tillack, University of California San Diego
2021 Roger Raman, University of Washington
2019 – 2020 Susana Reyes, Stanford Linear Accelerator
2016 – 2018 Dennis Youchison, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
2012 – 2015 John Sethian, US Naval Research Laboratory
2008 – 2011 Hutch Neilson, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
2004 – 2007 Charles Neumeyer, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
2000 – 2003 Rich Callis, General Atomics
1996 – 1999 George Miley, University of Illinois
1992 – 1995 Albe Dawson Larsen, MIT
1988 – 1991 Holt Murray
1984 – 1987 H. Ward Harris, Los Alamos National Laboratory
1980 – 1983 unknown
1976 – 1979 E. L. Kemp

Duties of the FTC Chair

The primary responsibilities of the Fusion Technology Technical Committee Chair fall into four areas:

The primary responsibilities of the Fusion Technology
Technical Committee Chair fall into four areas:
(1) Coordinate committee business
The Standing Committee is responsible for oversight of the SOFE, including selection of the location and general chair, guidance on the program, budget, attendance projections, and future directions such as co-locating with other technical committee conferences. In addition, the committee administers the NPSS Fusion Technology awards. Coordination typically involves organizing 2-3 conference calls per year.
(2) Manage and maintain membership of the Standing Committee
As an elective committee, members are elected via annual voting by NPSS members-at-large.  The committee chair and vice chair are elected by the members of the FTC to serve 2-year terms starting on January 1 of even numbered years.  Once elected the chair then has appointive powers over members of the functional subcommittees.
(3) Serve as a voting member of the IEEE/NPSS Administrative Committee (AdCom)
AdCom consists of representatives from all of the NPSS technical committees, working committees, and elected representatives. There are generally 3 meetings per year. At AdCom meetings, each Technical
Committee Chair presents a report which discusses current conference activities, future plans and directions, and any issues. The working committees also present reports and, as needed, seek guidance. AdCom meetings also include discussions and actions on IEEE/NPSS policy and finance. The FTC chair is a voting member, expected to review and vote on all motions of NPSS.
(4) Provide and/or coordinate articles for the IEEE/NPSS Newsletter
The FTC Chair is responsible for providing and/or coordinating reports and articles for inclusion in the IEEE/NPSS Newsletter, which is published 3 times per year.

Technical Committee Information

FTC Constitution & Bylaws

Fusion Technology Awards

Award Description

To recognize outstanding contributions to research and development in the field of Fusion Technology. Two awards are presented at each biennial Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE), one for each calendar year of the two year cycle with the first year corresponding to the year between SOFE conferences and the second year corresponding to the year of the SOFE conference at which the presentation is made.


$3,000 and a plaque. Each award recipient will have SOFE conference registration fees waived for the conference year in which the award is presented and will be reimbursed reasonable travel expenses for conference attendance upon presentation of a travel report.

This award is funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society and the travel expenses by the SOFE conference at which the presentations are made.


Any person, regardless of nationality or Society affiliation, is eligible for the award, with the exception that no current member of the IEEE/NPSS Standing Committee on Fusion Technology may be considered.

Basis for Judging

The recipient shall be selected for one of two categories as determined by the IEEE/NPSS Standing Committee on Fusion Technology that year: (a) outstanding and innovative technical contributions which are widely recognized and have a major impact in the Fusion Technology Community; or (b) outstanding and innovative technical leadership in or service to the Fusion Technology Community. The nominee is not required to be a member of IEEE or NPSS but, where candidates have otherwise equal qualifications, preference shall be given to the candidate who is a member of IEEE.


By the Chairperson of the IEEE/NPSS Standing Committee on Fusion Technology or his/her representative, on behalf of the NPSS, during the Symposium on Fusion Engineering.


The Fusion Technology standing committee solicits nominations for the Fusion Technology Award by February 14th. The nomination package consists of a nomination letter describing the technical and/or leadership contributions on which the nomination is recommended and a resume from the candidate.

Nominations should be sent to the Fusion Technology Awards Committee chair, Trey Gebhart.

Past Recipients

2024 Fernanda Rimini

In recognition of her technical contributions and outstanding leadership in the record setting JET D-T campaigns.

2023 Jean Paul Allain

In recognition of his contributions to plasma materials interactions, development of tungsten-based alloys and lithium conditioning.

2022 Dennis L. Youchison
In recognition of his work in high-heat flux (HHF) solutions, the development of testing facilities and public-private partnerships in fusion technology.
2021 Elizabeth Surrey

For her early work in neutral beams for JET and MAST upgrade followed by her significant leadership in the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority.

2020 David Ruzic

For his extensive research into plasma – materials interactions and for his leadership in development of liquid metals protection of reactor walls and divertors.

2019 Lutz Wegener

For his outstanding technical contributions and leadership for the assembly of W7-X, as well as his collaboration on the assembly and integration of NCSX in Princeton and ITER in Cadarache.

2018 Larry Baylor

For his research and leadership in the field of plasma fueling strategies for magnetically confined plasmas, and his role in the fueling, pumping, and disruption mitigation system design activities for the US ITER project.

2017 David Humphreys

Presented to David Humphreys in recognition of his outstanding contributions and leadership in advancing the field of real-time control of magnetically-confined plasmas, backed by an impressive record of publications and citations.

2016 Wayne Meier

Presented to Wayne Meier by the IEEE-NPSS Standing Committee on Fusion Technology in recognition of his outstanding record of accomplishment and leadership in advancing the science, technology and integrated assessment of Inertial Fusion Energy power plants.

2015 Charles Kessel

Presented to Chuck Kessel by the IEEE-NPSS Standing Committee on Fusion Technology for his outstanding contributions to fusion engineering and technology, especially in the area of fusion machine scenario simulation and design of future fusion reactors.

2014 Felix Schauer

Presented to Felix Schauer by the IEEE-NPSS Standing Committee on Fusion Technology in recognition of his many outstanding contributions to fusion engineering and superconducting magnet technology, in particular relating to the design and construction of the stellerator experiment Wendelsten 7-X and design of the stellerator reactor HELIAS 5-B.

2012   Abbas Nikroo, General Atomics

For his many exemplary technical contributions and leadership initiatives in the field of IFE target fabrication techniques in support of the National Ignition Campaign.

2011    Remmelt Haange, ITER International Organization

For his transformational technical leadership of international fusion experiments and lifetime dedication to furthering the development of fusion energy.

2010    Michael Ulrickson, Sandia National Laboratories

For his outstanding and innovative technical leadership in the development of plasma facing components for fusion energy, for his leadership contributions to the ITER Blanket Integrated Product Team and the US ITER Domestic Agency, and for his many years of service to the fusion energy sciences community.

2009    A. René Raffray, University of California, San Diego

For his internationally recognized expertise in fusion engineering and his outstanding contributions to fusion technology, especially in the area of high heat flux components for both magnetic and inertial fusion energy.

2007    Farrokh Najmabadi, University of California, San Diego

For his outstanding and innovative technical leadership in the development of fusion energy, for his contributions to the merging of physics and engineering considerations into the development of attractive fusion reactor concepts, and for his many years of service to the fusion energy sciences community.

2006    Steven Zinkle,, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For his outstanding contribution to the understanding of radiation effects in materials and his exceptional leadership in the U.S. fusion materials program.

2005    Bradley Nelson, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For his innovative technical contributions to the engineering of fusion experiments and his exceptional leadership in the design and construction of experimental fusion facilities.

2004    Charles Baker, UC San Diego

For his leadership in the development of fusion technology and the quest to build future fusion power plants, for his leadership of the US ITER fusion efforts, and for his leadership of the US Virtual Laboratory for Technology.

2003    George H. Miley, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

For many innovative contributions to the advancement of alternate confinement fusion concepts and technology, for pioneering the development of fusion neutron sources for industrial applications, and for educating and mentoring a generation of the IEEE/NPSS Symposium on Fusion Engineering.

2001    Joel H. Schultz, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

For his many contributions to fusion engineering and superconducting magnet technology.

1995    Richard J. Thome, MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
1994    Kenneth R. Schultz, General Atomics
1993    Michael David Williams, Princeton University Plasma Physics Lab

For his development of neutral beam heating of fusion plasmas, For his activities in supporting the transfer of fusion technology from PPPL to the industrial sector, For his leadership in preparing TFTR for the very important and historical introduction of D-T in TFTR.

1991    Stanley Lawrence Milora, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

For his development of plasma fueling by hydrogen pellet injection, for his contribution to the theory of pellet ablation, for his invention and design of the light gas pellet injection concept, and for his pioneering efforts to achieve the application of pellet injectors on plasma machines.

1989    D. Bruce Montgomery, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

For his contributions to the development of both superconducting magnets and high-performance copper magnets: For his pioneering development of hybrid coils: For the engineering concept development of the Alcator series of magnets and for excellence in engineering management, both at the Massachusetts Institute of technology and at a national level on the Compact Ignition Tokamak project.

Fusion Technology Best Student Paper Awards

Award Description

To recognize outstanding student papers presented at the Symposium on Fusion Engineering (SOFE) in the field of Fusion Technology. Up to two awards can be made at each Symposium.


The award is $500 and a plaque.

This award is funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society’s Symposium on Fusion Engineering.


Any student presenting a paper (or papers) at the current year’s Symposium on Fusion Engineering, regardless of nationality or Society affiliation, is eligible for the award.

Basis for Judging

Student abstracts submitted are prescreened by the Fusion Technology Awards Committee. A select number of students are invited to present a 10-minute oral summary of their paper at the Fusion Technology Committee luncheon, which is held early in the week of the symposium. The recipient(s) shall be selected based on the quality of their oral presentation and the quality of the work represented by their presentation.


By the Chairperson of the IEEE/NPSS Standing Committee on Fusion Technology or his / her representative, on behalf of the NPSS, during the Symposium on Fusion Engineering.


All students presenting a paper (or papers) at the current year’s SOFE and who submit their abstract(s) in accordance with abstract submittal requirements will be automatically qualified for consideration.

Past Recipients

2023 Matthew Riding, University Of Strathclyde
Laser-induced ultrasonic phased array imaging for non-contact, non-destructive evaluation of tokamak power plant welds.
2021   Pilar Cano-Megias, Universidad de Sevilla

Boosting the efficiency of future fusion power plants by combining energy and heat production

2019   Thomas Looby, University of Tennessee

Convolutional Neural Networks for Heat Flux Model Validation on NSXT-U

2017   German Vogel

Extreme Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Applied to Study RMP Effects on Core Impurity Concentration in EAST.

2015   Kevin Benjamin Woller,  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

In Situ Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis of Tungsten and Molybdenum Surfaces During ITER-Like Helium Irradiation

2011    Wenyu Xu, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

“Thermoelectric Driven Liquid Lithium Flow for Divertor Heat Handling”

2009    Mai Ichinose, Kyoto University

“Preliminary Design of High Temperature Lithium-Lead Blanket with SiC Cooling Panel”

2007    Brandon Smith, University of Wisconsin, Madison

“3-D Neutronics Analysis of the ITER First Wall/Shield Module 13”

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant


IEEE Fellows Process