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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


acceleratorThe Particle Accelerator Science and Technology (PAST) committee is one of the technical committees of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, dealing with the science and engineering of particle accelerators.

PAST Technical Committee Information

On behalf of IEEE-NPSS, PAST co-sponsors the xPAC Particle Accelerator Conferences held in North America along with the APS Division of Physics of Beams (APS-DPB). The xPAC conferences are held about every eighteen months with IPACs in North America held in the spring on a three-year cycle and the NA-PACs held interspersed within the IPACs on a three-year cycle in the fall. They are the principal conferences in the North America devoted broadly to the science and technology of particle accelerators, initially created as PAC under the auspices of the IEEE in 1965. The xPAC conferences are governed by the PAC OC under an MOU agreed between IEEE-NPSS, APS-DPB and PAC OC in 1993. The PAST Chair and the elected IEEE-NPSS PAST member-at-large for AdCom are voting members on PAC OC.

In addition to the Particle Accelerator Conferences, the PAST committee is active in promoting accelerator science and technology. They are active in IEEE-NPSS member recruitment at IPAC and NA-PAC conferences, as well as advancement (IEEE Senior Member and IEEE Fellow Nomination) support. The PAST ExCom meets every 18 months at the xPACs.

Two areas that the PAST committee pursues actively are the Teacher’s Day and the WISE events usually held on Wednesdays at the xPACs, with support from IEEE-NPSS. Starting in 2015 at IPAC’15, PAST will initiate the hosting of a PAST Committee Business Meeting for all IEEE members attending the xPAC conferences.

Please contact the PAST Chair with your comments, proposals and suggestions.

PAST Information

Constitution and Bylaws

Constitution and Bylaws of the Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Technical Committee of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society


Committee Membership

Elected members of the PAST TC Executive Committee (ExCom)Committee are the Chair, Vice-Chair, PAST TC Chair, four (4) Members-at-Large, Young Professional Member-at-Large, PAST TC representative on IEEE-NPSS AdCom, and the previous PAST TC representative on IEEE-NPSS AdCom. The Chair line comes from individuals who were elected as Members-at-large.

PAST Standing Committee Membership

PAST TC ExCom Members:

Chair: Wolfram Fischer (BNL) (2023 – 2024)
Vice-Chair: Paolo Craievich (PSI) (2023 – 2024)
Past-Chair: Marion White (ANL) (2023 – 2024)
Member-at-Large: Nathan Moody (LANL)  Member-at-Large (2020 – 2023)
Member-at-Large: Brandon Weatherford (SLAC) (2021 – 2024)
Member-at-Large: Willem Blokland (ORNL) (2023 – 2026)
Member-at-Large:Vladimir Shiltsev (NIU) (2023 – 2026)
Member-at-Large:John Byrd (ANL) (2023 – 2026)
Young Professional M-a-L: Salvador Sosa (LANL) (2023 – 2024)
PAST-TC M-a-L to AdCom: Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC)  (2022 – 2025)
PAST-TC M-a-L to AdCom: John Lewellen (LANL)  (2022 – 2025)
Past PAST-TC M-a-L to AdCom: Evgenya Simakov (LANL) (2023 – 2024)



Nomination of New Members

In addition to the Particle Accelerator Conference, the PAST committee will leverage the NPSS and IEEE resources to promote accelerator science and technology. IEEE member recruitment and advancement (IEEE Senior Member and IEEE Fellow Nomination) are supported. Please contact the PAST chair with your comments, proposals and suggestions.

Bylaws Subcommittee: To recommend to EcCom changes to the PAST bylaws.

Chair: Paolo Craievich (PSI)
Members: Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL), Willem Blokland (ORNL)


  • Bylaws Subcommittee: To recommend to the ExCom changes to the PAST bylaws.
    • Chair: Paolo Craievich (PSI)
    • Members: Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL), Willem Blokland (ORNL)
  • Membership Subcommittee: To recommend to the ExCom and to implement approved actions for increasing Committee membership and encouraging Senior and Fellow member status. The subcommittee will maintain an up-to-date searchable list of Committee members with identification of Senior and Fellow members. They will also manage and operate our IEEE booths at NA-PAC and IPAC conferences held in North America.
    • Chair and subcommittee members – TBD
  • Publicity, Education and Outreach Subcommittee: To identify/ recommend to the ExCom and to implement approved actions for improving knowledge about PAST, for supporting students taking accelerator related studies, for supporting and publicizing WISE activities, for supporting the NPSS Distinguished Lecturers Program and for providing information for outreach in various communities.
    • Chair and subcommittee members – TBD
  • Website Subcommittee: To manage, up-date and improve the PAST-TC website on the IEEE-NPSS web page.
    • Chair – Vladimir Shiltsev (FNAL), Willem Blokland (ORNL)
  • Nominations Subcommittee chaired by the Past Chair: To recommend to the ExCom for their approval the slate of candidates for each electable position on ExCom, and possible chairs and members of the ExCom Functional Subcommittees. The Chair of the Nominations Subcommittee shall actively encourage the broadest possible representation from throughout the accelerator community on the ExCom and in its activities.
    • Chair – Fulvia Pilat (ORNL)
  • Conferences Subcommittee: To recommend to the ExCom and to implement approved actions for ensuring xPAC conferences are meeting the needs of the Committee members and are planning adequately for the future.
    • Chair – TBD
  • Minicourse Subcommittee: To identify, encourage, and solicit potential PAST minicourses at future xPACs.
    • Chair – TBD
  • Awards Subcommittee: To identify, encourage, and solicit Committee member candidates for various IEEE awards, including the PAST Doctoral Student Award and the two Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Awards.
    • Chair – Sandra Biedron (UNM), PAST Award
    • Chair – Mark Hogan (SLAC), PAST Doctoral Student Award

Election Nominations

There is one open Member-at-Large position for election into the PAST Executive Committee (ExCom) for 2023 for the term 2025-2028. Send all nominations to Wolfram Fischer.


ExCom Meeting Information

Next meeting at IPAC24, Nashville, May 21st Tuesday, 2024.

PAST Co-Sponsored Conference Information

Particle Accelerator Conferences (PAC)

PAST co-sponsors the Particle Accelerator Conferences held in North America {xPAC standing for the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC) and the North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NA-PAC)} along with the APS Division of Physics of Beams.

The Particle Accelerator Conferences have been held biannually since 1965, now every 18 months. They are the principal conference in the United States devoted broadly to the Science and Technology of Particle Accelerators. The conference was created under the auspices of the IEEE. The PAST committee of NPSS continues that tradition in cooperation with the Division of Physics of Beams of the American Physical Society.  The Particle Accelerator Conference is governed by an Organizing Committee.

IPAC’12 was held in New Orleans, LA on May 20-25, 2012. Vic Suller was the Conference Chair and Jeff Corbett was the Scientific Program Committee Chair.

NA-PAC’13 was held in Pasadena, CA on September 29–October 4, 2013. Steve Gourlay was the Conference Chair and Alex Chao was the Scientific Program Committee Chair.

IPAC’15 was held in Richmond, VA on May 3–8, 2015. Andrew Hutton was the Conference Chair and Stuart Henderson was the Scientific Program Committee Chair.

NA-PAC’16 was held in Chicago, IL on October 9–14, 2016. Marion White was the Conference Chair and Vladimir Shiltsev is the Scientific Program Committee Chair.

IPAC’18 was held in Vancouver, BC on May 20–25, 2018. Shane Koscielniak was the Conference Chair and Tor Raubenheimer was the Scientific Program Committee Chair.

NA-PAC’19 was held in Lansing, MI on Sept 2-6, 2019. Yoshishige Yamazaki was Conference Chair and Tor Raubenheimer was the Scientific Program Committee Chair .

IPAC’21 chair was Liu LIn, and Scientific Program Committee Chair was John Byrd.

NA-PAC’22 chair was Stephen Milton, and Scientific Program Committee Chair was Sandra Biedron (Element Aero and CBB).


Proceedings of recent PAC conferences are available via IEEE Xplore (search for Particle Accelerator Conference) or the JACoW Website.

Particle Accelerator Conferences Organizing Committee (North America)

Particle accelerators are an essential part of modern life in North America as well as in the world, with applications that include but are not limited to discovery science, medicine, industry, energy and the environment, as well as security and defense. A diverse constituency nurtures, develops and utilizes the accelerator science and technology that enables such a broad spectrum of activities in North America. The Particle Accelerator Conferences NA-PAC and IPAC bring together this diverse constituency. The Organizing Committee for these Particle Accelerator Conferences provides the forum for integrated stewardship of accelerator science, engineering, technology and application in North America by:

  • Integrating the support of the two professional societies that embrace accelerator science, engineering, technology and applications for mutual benefit
  • Arranging regular conferences to promote technical exchange, sharing and discussion of leading-edge science, engineering, technology and applications
  • Supporting the involvement of undergraduate and graduate students
  • Fostering mutually beneficial interactions between research, technology development and industrial application
  • Providing a focal point for interaction with other accelerator communities in the world, in particular with Europe and Asia

The Particle Accelerator Conferences Organizing Committee (PAC OC) is a non-profit body overseeing meetings of individuals involved in aspects of research and development for accelerators, related technologies and applications. These conferences referred to as xPAC include both the North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NA-PAC) and the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC) held in North America. The PAC OC determines the locale for upcoming conferences, ensures good local management for the conferences, ensures that effective conference programs are planned and is the body that holds the corporate memory of past and future xPACs. The PAC OC follows the guidelines set by IEEE MCE. They also operate under a Memorandum of Understanding signed in May 1993 between IEEE-NPSSAPS-DPB and PAC OC.

To oversee and manage each IPAC conference held in North America and each NA-PAC conference, two separate subcommittees reporting to the PAC OC operate following PAC OC Bylaws. Membership on the PAC OC consists of representatives from major American institutions and organizations involved in active and significant accelerator activities.

PAC OC Information Page (password protected)

PAC OC Members

Fulvia Pilat (ORNL, Chair)

Wolfram Fischer (BNL)

John Lewellen (LANL)

Soren Prestemon (LBNL)

Sandra Biedron (UNM)

Liu Lin (LNLS)

Stephen Milton (TAU Systems)

Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC, on leave)

Jie Wei (FRIB/MSU)

Armando Antillón D’iaz (UNAM)

Eric Colby  (DOE)

Alan Todd (AMM)

Brian Richter (GMW)

Ed Bonnema (MTM)

John Byrd (ANL)

Alexander Valishev (FNAL)

Evgenya Simakov (LANL)

Fernando Sannibale (LBNL)

Roark Marsh  (LLNL)

Mike Spata  (TJNAF)

Marco Marchetto  (TRIUMF)

Jared Maxson  (Cornell)

Jie Wei (FRIB/MSU)

Patrick O’Shea (UMD)

Sandra Biedron (UNM)

Eric Prebys (UC Davis)

Pavel Snopok (IIT)

Robert Saethre (ORNL, Secretary)


PAC Bylaws

PAST Award

Award Description

The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society awards the Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Award to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of particle accelerator science and technology.

Two Awards are granted in each occurrence of the Particle Accelerator Conferences held in North America (PAC or IPAC). At least one award will be given to an individual early in his/her career.

Past PAST Award Recipients

2022 The 2022 PAST Awards (from the 2021 nomination process) will be presented at the 2022 North American Particle Accelerator Conference (NAPAC’22), that will be held 7-12 August 2022 in Albuquerque, NM, USA.

Dr. Jean Delayen – Old Dominion University

For his extensive and pioneering contributions to the science and technology of superconducting rf accelerators, particularly crab cavities, and for his leadership in developing the Center for Accelerator Science at Old Dominion University for educating a new generation of accelerator scientists.

Dr. Alexander Romanenko – Fermilab

For outstanding contributions to science and technology of radio frequency superconductivity for particle accelerators.


2022 PAST Prize Committee: Sandra G. Biedron (UNM, Element Aero) (Chair), John Cary (U Colorado, Tech-X), Paolo Craievich (PSI), Chan Joshi (UCLA), Nathan Moody (LANL), Patric Muggli (Max Planck Institute), and Xijie Wang (SLAC).

2021 The 2021 PAST Awards were presented at the 2021 International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’21), that will be held 23 – 28 May 2021 in Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

Dr. Xijie Wang, Distinguished Staff Scientist and Director of SLAC MeV-UED at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

For contributions to the development of high brightness, ultrafast electron beams and their applications to free-electron lasers and ultrafast electron diffraction.


Dr. Nathan Moody, Technical Staff Member and Group Leader of the Accelerators and Electrodynamics (AE) group within Accelerator Operations and Technology Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory

For deep and broad contributions to accelerator science and technology, especially multi-disciplinary photocathode science.

2021 PAST Prize Committee: Sandra G. Biedron (UNM, Element Aero) (Chair), John Cary (U Colorado, Tech-X), Paolo Craievich (PSI), Anna Grassellino (FNAL), Chan Joshi (UCLA), Patric Muggli (Max Planck Institute)

2019 The 2019 PAST Awards were presented at the 2019 North Amaerican Particle Accelerator Conference (NAPAC’19), which was held in Lansing, MI, USA, September 1-6, 2019.

Dr. John R. Cary, Professor of Physics at the University of Colorado and CEO of Tech-X Corporation

For exceptional contributions to accelerator and beam physics.



Dr. Paolo Craievich, Paul Scherrer Institute

For exceptional contributions to accelerator science and technology.


2019 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Sandra Biedron, Mark Hogan, Wim Leemans, Kiyomi Seiya

2018 The 2018 PAST Awards were presented at the 2018 International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’18), which was held in Vancouver, BC, Canada, April 29 – May 4, 2018. The Louis Costrell Awards Session was held Thursday, April 3, 2018 at 14:00-16:00.

Dr. Herman Grunder, Founding Director, Jefferson Lab; Director Emeritus, Argonne National Laboratory

For far reaching contributions to accelerator science and technology.



Dr. Sandra Biedron, University of New Mexico

For broad impact in accelerator science and technology.


2018 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Sergey Belomestnykh, Mark Hogan, Hasan Padamsee, Wim Leemans.

2016 The 2016 PAST Awards were presented at the 2016 North America Particle Accelerator Conference (NA-PAC’16), held in Chicago, Illinois, October 9-14, 2016.

LeemansDr. Wim Leemans, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

For pioneering development of laser-plasma accelerators.




GrasellinoDr. Anna Grassellino, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

For pioneering nitrogen-doping of superconducting RF cavities.


2016 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Stephen Milton, Vitaly Yakimenko, Hasan Padamsee, Sergey Belomestnykh.

2015 The 2015 PAST Awards were presented at the 6th International Particle Accelerator Conference May 3-8 Richmond, VA USA, during the Awards Session on Thursday May 7, 2015.

Dr. Sergey Belomestnykh, Brookhaven National Laboratory

For achievements in the science and technology of RF and SRF for particle accelerators.

BazarovProf. Ivan Bazarov, Cornell University

For contributions to science and technology of energy recovery linacs and high-brightness photoinjectors.


2015 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Chan Joshi, Stephen Milton, Hasan Padamsee, Vitaly Yakimenko.

2013 The 2013 PAST Awards were presented at the 2013 Particle Accelerator Conference in Pasadena, CA.

PortraitAlexander J. Dragt, University of Maryland

For substantial contributions to the analysis of non-linear phenomena in accelerator beam optics by introducing and developing map-based approach.

PortraitMarc Hogan, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

For leadership and scientific contributions in forging an unprecedented partnership between plasma-based and conventional particle accelerator science and technology.

2013 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Chan Joshi, Stephen Milton, Vitaly Yakimenko.
2012 Awarded at a ceremony during the International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC12) in New Orleans, LA, 20-25 May 2012.

PortraitHasan Padamsee, Cornell University

For contributions to the science and technology of RF superconductivity.

PortraitVitaly Yakimenko, Brookhaven National Laboratory

For contributions to high-brightness electron beams and to their application to advanced accelerators and light sources.

2012 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Michael Harrison, Chan Joshi, Victor Malka, John Seeman.
2011 AAwarded at a ceremony during the biennial Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC11)in New York, NY, 28 March – 1 April 2011.

PortraitAlper A. Garren, Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory

For Seminal Contributions to Beam Physics and Lattice Design.

PortraitPatric Muggli, University of Southern California

For Seminal Contributions to Beam Physics and Beam-Plasma Interactions.

2011 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Ron Davidson, Victor Malka, Thomas Roser, and John Seeman.
2009 Awarded at a ceremony on May 7, 2009 during the biennial Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC09) in Vancouver. Canada, May 4-8, 2009.

PortraitChandrashekhar Joshi, University of California at Los Angeles

For his pioneering role, scientific contributions and leadership in the development of laser and particle driven plasma accelerators.

PortraitKiyomi Seiya, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

For developing and successfully implementing slip stacking of proton batches injected into the Fermilab Main Injector.

2009 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Ron Davidson, Victor Malka, Thomas Roser, and John Seeman.
2007 Awarded at a ceremony on Wednesday, June 27, 2007 during the biennial Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC07) in Albuquerque, New Mexico, June 25-29, 2007.

PortraitVictor Malka, Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée, Palaiseau, France.

For groundbreaking work on laser-plasma accelerators.

PortraitMichael Harrison and Satoshi Ozaki, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton NY USA.

For leadership in the successful design and construction of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider.

PortraitDrs. Ozaki and Harrison are Senior Scientists at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

2007 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi (Chair), Bruce Brown, Ron Davidson, Steve Milton, Thomas Roser, and John Seeman
2005 Awarded at a ceremony on May 18, 2005 during the biennial Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC05) in Knoxville, Tennessee, May 16-20, 2005.

PortraitRonald Davidson, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University

For pioneering contributions to the theory of charged particle beams with intense self fields, including fundamental studies of nonlinear dynamics and collective processes.

PortraitThomas Roser, Brookhaven National Laboratory

For pioneering scientific work and introduction of new technology in the acceleration, storage and collision of polarized protons in the high energy collider RHIC.

2005 PAST Prize Committee: Ilan Ben-Zvi, Bruce C. Brown (Chair), Gerald P. Jackson, Patrick O’Shea, Stanley O. Schriber, Alan Todd
2003 Awarded at a ceremony on May 14, 2003 during the biennial Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC03) held in Portland, Oregon, May 12-16, 2003.

PortraitKeith Symon, University of Wisconsin, Madison

For many fundamental accelerator concepts which include invention of Fixed Field Alternating Gradient Accelerators (FFAG), most notably incorporated into spiral sector cyclotrons; for defining a formalism describing motion under the influence of RF as required for stacking and other particle manipulations; and for techniques for analyzing collective instabilities.

PortraitStephen Milton, Argonne National Laboratory

For contributions to coherent radiation sources especially his leading role in achieving saturated operation at visible and ultraviolet wavelengths in a self-amplified spontaneous emission free-electron laser.

Dr. Milton is a Senior Scientist at ANL and was recently appointed to lead the ANL contribution to the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.

2003 PAST Prize Committee: Matthew A. Allen, Bruce C. Brown (Chair), Norbert R. Holtkamp, Gerald P. Jackson, Patrick O’Shea, Stanley O. Schriber, Alan Todd, Wu-Tsung W. Weng
2001 Awarded at a ceremony on June 19, 2001 during the biennial Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC01) held in Chicago, Illinois, June 18-22, 2001.

PortraitJohn T. Seeman, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

For his outstanding leadership of the accelerator physics of the design, construction and commissioning of the highly successful PEP II positron-electron asymmetric collider.

PortraitLloyd M. Young, Los Alamos National Laboratory

For his invention, development, and beam line operation of the resonantly-coupled RFQ structure and the methods used to tune it and other RFQ structures.


Ilan Ben-Zvi, Brookhaven National Laboratory

For contributions to high-brightness electron beam technology and superconducting rf technology and for his leadership of Brookhaven’s National Laboratory’s Accelerator Technology Facility.

G. William Foster and Gerald P. Jackson, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

For their leading roles in the conceptualization, design, and development of the first large-scale application of permanent magnet technology for beam transport, in the forms of the 8 GeV Booster to Main Injector transfer line and the Recycler Ring at Fermilab.


K. Leung, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

For his many ion source technology contributions benefitting synchrotrons, fusion devices and systems, ion implantation, proton therapy, and ion beam lithography.

David Sutter, US Department of Energy

For forming and managing a highly effective federal R&D program for the advancement of particle accelerator technologies.


Pierre M. Lapostolle

For development of beam dynamics and accelerator structure theory.

Jtirgen Struckmeier, GSI Darmstadt

For physical and mathematical description of emittance growth in intense beams.


Thomas L. Collins, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory

For his invention of long, straight sections for synchrotron and storage rings, and his design of the lattices of the Fermilab Main Ring, Tevatron, and Antiproton Source.

Louis W. Anderson, University of Wisconsin and Yoshiharu Mori, KEK

For their invention and development of the optically pumped polarized negative hydrogen ion source.


Perry B. Wilson and Z.D. Farkas, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center

For the invention and implementation of the SLED Scheme at SLAC.

Ronald M. Scanlan, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and David Larbelestier, University of Wisconsin-Madison

For the development of Ni-Ti superconducting material for high current density application in high field superconducting magnets.

L. Jackson Laslett, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

For many outstanding contributions to accelerator science and technology


Nomination packages are to be submitted by electronic mail only. The package should include a nomination letter containing a suggested award citation, a brief curriculum vitae, a list of relevant publications and up to three letters of support from persons besides the nominator.

Nominations should be sent to Paolo Craievich by 15 February 2024.

The 2024 PAST Awards will be presented at the 2024 International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’24) in the city of Nashville, Tennessee.

The PAST Award is sponsored by the Particle Accelerator Science and Technology (PAST) Technical Committee (TC) of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS).

The IEEE organization is committed to fostering a culture that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable. Link to diversity statement:

Award Committee

2024 PAST Prize Committee:

Paolo Craievich (PSI), (Chair)
Sandra G. Biedron (UNM, Element Aero)
Jean Delayen (ODU)
Nathan Moody (LANL)
Alexander Romanenko (Fermilab)
Xijie Wang (SLAC)

PAST Doctoral Student Award

Award Description

The Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Doctoral Student Award is to recognize significant and innovative technical contributions to the field of particle accelerator science and technology as demonstrated in a student’s doctoral thesis.

This award is given in the same year as a Particle Accelerator Conference is held in the Americas. The recipient will be invited to present the work as an invited talk in an appropriate session of the meeting.


This award is $2000 and Plaque.

Funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society’s Particle Accelerator Conference (PAC) budget.

Eligibility and Judging

Nominations can be submitted only by IEEE members. Nominees must pass their thesis defense not more than 24 months before the nomination deadline from any university world-wide. An individual should be nominated once; however, an unsuccessful candidate will be carried over for one PAC cycle.

Nominees will be judged according to their contributions to particle accelerator science and technology as demonstrated by the technical merit and creativity of their research. Priority will be given to nominees whose research has been published in peer-reviewed journals, especially if the nominee is the first author.


The IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society invites nominations for the 2022 Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Doctoral Student Award.

Nominations should include a nomination letter from the thesis adviser containing a suggested award citation, a link to a web site containing an English version of the Ph.D. thesis, a brief curriculum vitae, a list of relevant publications, and up to three letters of support from persons besides the nominator.

The 2024 PAST Doctoral Student Award will be presented at the 2024 International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC’24) in the city of Nashville, Tennessee.

The PAST Doctoral Student Award is sponsored by the Particle Accelerator Science and Technology (PAST) Technical Committee (TC) of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society (NPSS).

The IEEE organization is committed to fostering a culture that is diverse, inclusive, and equitable. Link to diversity statement.

Nominations should be sent to Edda Gschwendtner by 15 February 2024.

Past Award Recipients

Axel Huebl, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

For outstanding contributions to the modeling of laser-ion accelerators by pioneering full-geometry modeling on GPUs that led to first-of-a-kind quantitative predictions matching experimental results, and far reaching community building for establishing open standards in plasma acceleration modeling.

Yipeng Wu, Tsinghua University

For the demonstration of efficient external injection of electron bunches from a linear accelerator to a laser wakefield accelerator and the demonstration of beam energy spread reduction using a plasma de-chirper.

David B. Cesar, SLAC

For contributions to dielectric laser accelerators and time-resolved electron microscopy.

Martina Martinello, Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory

For contributions to physical understanding of limiting factors in SRF cavities.

PosenSam Posen, Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory

For contributions to the development of Nb3Sn SRF cavities.

SubashiniSubashini De Silva

For contributions to the development of a new class of superconducting structures for the deflection and crabbing of particle beams with a wide range of applications.

GrassellinoAnna Grassellino

For contributions to the fundamental understanding of the field dependent loss mechanisms in SRF cavities.

WangErdong Wang

For contributions to the physics of high quantum-efficiency photocathodes.

RomanenkoAlexander Romanenko

For contributions to the physics and materials science of superconducting niobium radio‐frequency resonating cavities, in particular for discovering subtle structural changes that occur during low‐temperature baking.

KallosEfthymios Kallos

For the demonstration of two-bunch high-gradient acceleration in a plasma wakefield accelerator and the development of novel multi-bunch concepts.

Award Committee

Edda Gschwendtner (CERN), Chair
Anna Grassellino (FNAL)
Mark Hogan (SLAC)
Michiko Minty (BNL)
Todd Satogata (JLab)
Bob Zwaska (FNAL)

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant


JACoW and Conferences

The Joint Accelerator Conferences Website is maintained to provide online access to the proceedings from several accelerator-related JACoW Collaboration Conferences. The collaborating conferences now include: IPAC, NA-PAC, COOL, CYCLOTRONS, IBIC, FEL, ICALEPCS, ICAP, ICFA Advanced Beam Dynamics Workshops, LINAC, RUPAC. Please see the JACoW link for access to the proceedings.

Accelerator Training

Academic Training in the field of accelerators and beams is provided in both special settings like USPAS and in traditional academic departments. The USPAS provided links for many other programs: USPAS