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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


The NPSS awards can be given to nominees who are in any of the technical fields of the NPSS. The deadline for receiving nominations for most of these Awards is January 31 of each year. All nomination forms and supporting materials must be received by this deadline to be considered. Also see the awards presented by each technical committee at Technical Committee Awards.

NPSS Merit Award

NPSS Merit Award

Description: To recognize outstanding technical contributions to the fields of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.

Prize: $5,000, Plaque, and Certificate

Funding: Funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Any individual who has made technical contributions to the fields of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.

Basis for Judging: Selection criteria, in order of importance are:

  1. importance of individual technical contributions;
  2. importance of technical contributions made by teams led by the candidate;
  3. quality and significance of publications and patents;
  4. years of technical distinction;
  5. leadership and service within the fields of nuclear and plasma sciences and related disciplines.
  6. Nominations are limited to 8 pages in length.

Presentation: Award presented at an NPSS sponsored meeting chosen by the Awardee.

Frequency: One award presented annually.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the Awards Chair.



Click here to view past Merit Award recipients and their citations.

NPSS Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award

NPSS Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award

Description: To recognize outstanding contributions through leadership and service to the NPSS and to the fields of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.

Prize: $5,000, Plaque, and Certificate

Funding: Funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Any member of the IEEE and NPSS who has contributed to the fields of nuclear and plasma sciences through leadership and service.

Basis for Judging: Selection criteria are:

  1. leadership roles and leadership quality;
  2. innovative and important contributions to Society activities;
  3. service and dedication to the NPSS;
  4. technical achievements.
  5. Nominations are limited to 8 pages in length.

Presentation: Award presented at an NPSS sponsored meeting chosen by the Awardee.

Frequency: One award presented annually.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the Awards Chair.



Click here to view past Richard F. Shea Distinguished Member Award recipients and their citations.

NPSS Early Achievement Award

NPSS Early Achievement Award

Description: To recognize outstanding contributions to any of the fields making up Nuclear and Plasma Sciences, within the first ten (10) years of an individual’s career.

Prize: $3,000, Plaque, and Certificate

Funding: Funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Member of the IEEE NPSS who at the time of the nomination is within the first ten (10) years of his or her career within the field of interest of NPSS.

Basis for Judging: Three (3) letters of recommendation, publications and/or reports, patents, etc. which demonstrate outstanding contributions early in the nominee’s career. Nominations are limited to 8 pages in length.

Presentation: At any major NPSS sponsored conference chosen by the Awardee.

Frequency: One award presented annually.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the Awards Chair.



Click here to view past Early Achievement Award recipients and their citations.

NPSS Graduate Scholarship Award

NPSS Graduate Scholarship Award

Description: To recognize contributions to the fields of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.

Prize: $2500, Certificate, and one-year paid membership in the NPSS.

Funding: Funded by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Any graduate student in the fields of Nuclear and Plasma Sciences.

Basis for Judging: Evidence of scholarship such as academic record, reports, presentations, publications, research plans, related projects and related work experience. Participation in IEEE activities through presentations, publications, student Chapter involvement, etc., will also be considered. Nominations limited to 8 pages in length.

Presentation: Check and certificates sent to nominator to be presented at a special occasion at the winner’s institution.

Frequency: Up to four (4) awards presented annually.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the Awards Chair.



Past Recipients: Daniel Diedda (2019), Samuel Joseph Cope (2019), Mercy Iyabode Akerele (2020), Michael Hua (2020), Sneha Banerjee (2021), Matthew Durbin (2021), Mariia Gorchichko (2021), George Tzintzarov (2021), Connor Bevington (2022), Alexander Meadows (2023), Nathan Giha (2023), Louis-Daniel Gaulin (2023), Ricardo Lopez (2023).

NPSS Charles K. Birdsall Award for Contributions to Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences

NPSS Charles K. Birdsall Award for Contributions to Computational Nuclear and Plasma Sciences

Description: For outstanding contributions in computational nuclear and plasma science, with preference given to areas within the broadest scope of plasma physics encompassing the interaction of charged particles and electromagnetic fields.

Prize: $2000 and a plaque. Multiple recipients are not allowed.

Funding: By the IEEE Foundation though a gift from Ginger Birdsall and the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: All members in good standing of the IEEE NPSS are eligible.

Basis for Judging: Judging will be based on outstanding contributions to computational nuclear and plasma science, with preference given to areas within the broadest scope of plasma physics encompassing the interaction of charged particles and electromagnetic fields.

Presentation: At an IEEE NPSS conference specified by the recipient.

Frequency: Annual. However, if the Awards Committee determines that there is no suitable candidate in a given year, no award will be given that year.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 OF EACH YEAR to the Chair of the NPSS Awards Committee.



Click here to view past Birdsall Award recipients and their citations.

NPSS Robert J Barker Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Pulsed Power Applications

NPSS Robert J Barker Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Pulsed Power Applications

Description: To recognize and enable outstanding graduate students enrolled in an accredited MS or Ph.D. level research program in the field of nuclear and plasma sciences, in pulsed power applications with preference given to medical and environmental applications and to compact pulsed power research and applications.

Prize: The recipient will receive US$3000, a travel allocation not to exceed US$500, and a plaque. Only One Allowable Recipient Selected Annually. Recipient receives full prize including honoraria, and, if applicable, plaque and/or certificate.

Funding: Funded by an endowment through a gift from Karl and Gisela Schoenbach and Fran Barker, and funds provided by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, and managed by the IEEE Foundation.

Eligibility: Graduate students enrolled in an accredited MS or Ph.D. level research program in the field of nuclear and plasma sciences, in pulsed power applications with preference given to medical and environmental applications and to compact pulsed power research and applications. Nominees must be a student when nominated and be members in good standing of the IEEE NPSS.

Basis for Judging: Judging will be based on outstanding contributions to nuclear and plasma sciences, with the preference given to areas within the broadest scope of plasma sciences encompassing medical and environmental pulsed power applications, compact pulsed power research and applications, and high power microwaves.

  • Quality of research contributions (40 points);
  • Quality of educational accomplishments (30 points);
  • Quality and significance of publications and patents (30 points)..

Presentation: At an IEEE NPS Society Conference specified by the recipient, preferably at the IEEE Pulsed Power Conference.



Past Honorees: Jon Cameron Pouncey (2020), Zachary Shaw(2021), Daniel Maler (2022), Hao Sun (2023).

NPSS Women in Engineering Leadership Development Travel Grant

NPSS Women in Engineering Leadership Development Travel Grant

Description: To provide leading-edge professional development for women who are in mid-level to senior phases of their careers.

Grant: One awardee per year will receive a certificate and be reimbursed for expenses associated with traveling to and participating in the IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Conference (WIE ILC) up to a maximum of $3,000.

Funding: By the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Eligible nominees must be women who are members of the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society who are at least 5 years beyond their highest degree and whose prior technical accomplishments and future potential earmark them as current and future leaders in the field of nuclear and plasma sciences and as role models for future generations of women in the field. Nominees must be able to attend the WIE ILC in the year of the travel grant call. Preference shall be given to applicants who are also members of the IEEE Women in Engineering.

Basis for Judging: Selection criteria are:

  1. leadership roles and leadership quality;
  2. technical achievements;
  3. mentoring and outreach activities in areas related to recruitment and retention of women in STEM careers.
  4. Nominations are limited to 5 pages in length.

Presentation: Presented at the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences sponsored conference chosen by the awardee.

Frequency: One award given annually.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the NPSS Awards Chair.

NPSS WIE Leadership Development Travel Grant Application Form

NPSS WIE Leadership Development Travel Grant Application Form

Past Honorees: Marquida Pacheco (2019), Pauline Paki (2020), Enxia Zhang (2022).

IEEE Magne “Kris” Kristiansen Award for Contributions to Experimental Nuclear and Plasma Science

IEEE Magne “Kris” Kristiansen Award for Contributions to Experimental Nuclear and Plasma Science

Description: To recognize individuals for outstanding contributions in experimental nuclear and plasma science with preference given to areas within the broadest scope of plasma sciences encompassing the generation of strong pulsed electromagnetic fields including their interaction with plasmas and other pulsed power applications.

Prize:  US$2,000 and a plaque.  Only One Allowable Recipient Selected Annually. Recipient receives full prize including honoraria, and, if applicable, plaque and/or certificate.

Funding: Funded by an endowment through a gift from Aud Kristiansen, and funds provided by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society, and managed by the IEEE Foundation.

Eligibility: All members in good standing of the IEEE NPSS are eligible.

Basis for Judging: Judging will be based on outstanding contributions to experimental nuclear and plasma science with preference given to areas within the broadest scope of plasma sciences encompassing the generation of strong pulsed electromagnetic fields including their interaction with plasmas and other pulsed power applications.

Presentation: At an IEEE NPSS conference specified by the recipient and NPSS.

Frequency: Annual. However, if the Awards Committee determines that there is no suitable candidate in a given year, no award will be given that year.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the Awards Chair.



Click here to view past Magne “Kris” Kristiansen Award for Contributions to Experimental Nuclear and Plasma Science Award recipients and their citations.

IEEE NPSS Edward J. Hoffman Early Career Development Grant

IEEE NPSS Edward J. Hoffman Early Career Development Grant

Description: For outstanding early career researchers who have the potential to transform the field of medical imaging. The grant is intended to support the career development of the awardee. This may include, but is not limited to, the funding of a pilot project, purchase of laboratory equipment, or funding to support a short term visit to another institution/lab for the purpose of additional training.

Prize: The prize is $10,000 and a plaque. Preference is for a single recipient in any given year. However, up to 2 recipients per annum are allowable in the case of a tie (based on separate achievements and contributions), with the cash prize to be shared equally among recipients and a plaque given to each recipient. The award shall be paid into an account of the awardee’s current academic employer and administered by the academic institution on their behalf.

Funding: Funded by the IEEE NPSS Edward J. Hoffman Memorial Fund, managed by the IEEE Foundation, and is intended to continue in perpetuity.

Eligibility: Award nominee must:

  • Researchers currently working at an academic institution, who received their highest degree within the last 10 years. An academic institution means an institution that confers bachelors and/or postgraduate research degrees, which may include research laboratories affiliated with such an institution.
  • The nominee’s primary field of research shall be medical imaging.
  • Nominees to have presented their research at the IEEE Medical Imaging Conference at least 2 out of the last 5 years.
  • Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations.
  • Previous Award winners are not eligible.

Basis for Judging: Detailed criteria for judging shall be established by the Award Committee but shall include: (i) novelty and (ii) significance of the nominee’s research since their highest degree, (iii) it’s scientific rigour and (iv) the potential of the nominee to have a lasting impact on the field of medical imaging. Scoring shall be conducted independently by Committee members based on the submitted nominations alone and aggregated by the Chair to produce a ranked list, with the highest ranked nominee being selected as the awardee. In the event of a tie, the Committee may either decide to split the award or take a vote to select a single awardee from among the tied nominees. In the event of a vote, voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. In the event that the vote is tied the award shall be split).

Presentation: The award shall be presented at the next available IEEE Medical Imaging Conference or another IEEE NPSS conference mutually agreed upon by the recipient and NPSS.

Frequency: One award annually. However, if the Award Committee determines that there is no suitable candidate in a given year, no award will be given that year.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the Awards Chair.



Click here to view past Hoffman Award recipients and their citations.

IEEE Ronald J. Jaszczak Graduate Award

IEEE Ronald J. Jaszczak Graduate Award

Description: Recognizes and enables an outstanding graduate student enrolled in an accredited Ph.D. curriculum, Post-doctoral Fellow or Ph.D. level Research Associate in the field of nuclear and medical imaging sciences to advance his/her research activities.

Prize: The Graduate Award will be used to provide support for one (1) year to one (1) individual recipient for expenses as follows:

  • Up to a maximum of U.S. $5,000 one (1) year to be used to support, for example, the following academic and/or research activities:
    • attendance at appropriate scientific workshops;
    • visit appropriate colleague research laboratories;
    • travel to make presentations during the annual IEEE NPSS Medical Imaging Conference (MIC) or IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium (NSS);
    • annual IEEE and NPSS membership fees;
    • purchase of appropriate specialized research publications, software or hardware when traditional institutional or grant support is unavailable.

Funding: By the IEEE Foundation though a gift from Ronald Jaszczak and the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Award nominee must:

  • Be 35 years of age or younger at the date that the application form is submitted
  • Be a graduate student that has completed at least one year of graduate studies at a University and is working to obtain a Ph.D. degree, or be a Post-Doctoral Fellow or Ph.D. level Research Associate at a University or at a Non-profit Research Institute
  • Be actively engaged in Engineering or Physics research related to the field of Nuclear and Medical Imaging Sciences
  • The applicant must be a regular or student member of IEEE NPSS, or have applied for NPSS membership, by the Deadline date for the receipt of the Nomination Package.
  • Consideration will be given to nominees of Western Slavic heritage that use the Latin alphabet, for example, Polish-American, Czech-American, Croatian – American, Slovak-American, Slovenian-American.

No relatives of current members of the IEEE Board of Directors, the IEEE NPSS Administrative Committee (AdCom) or IEEE staff may be nominees or nominate or endorse nominees for this Award. The donor and his family may not be nominees, nominate or endorse nominees for this Award.

Basis for Judging: The NPSS Awards Committee will select the awardee. The NPSS Award’s Committee may at its discretion, appoint an Awards Sub-committee to select the Awardee subject to confirmation by the NPSS Awards Committee of the Sub-committee’s selection.  The following criteria will be used for judging:  The following criteria will be used for judging:

  • Demonstrated contribution to the field of nuclear and medical imaging sciences via quality of scientific publications, proposed innovative nuclear medical imaging approaches (including hardware or software technologies), patents and/or high-quality recognition of the nominee’s scientific and engineering skills by her or his colleagues;
  • Potential leadership skills;
  • Potential to serve as role model for other Ph.D. level graduate students, or Post-doctoral Fellows or Ph.D. level Research Associates.

Presentation: No specific presentation is necessary; however, award presentation may be made at an NPSS Meeting selected by the recipient if the recipient intends to attend that meeting. A letter will be sent to the recipient’s supervisor/mentor.

Frequency: One award annually. However, if the Award Committee determines that there is no suitable candidate in a given year, no award will be given that year.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 each year to the Awards Chair.



Click here to view past Jaszczak Award recipients and their citations.

IEEE Glenn F. Knoll Post Doctoral Educational Grant

IEEE Glenn F. Knoll Post Doctoral Educational Grant

Description: For outstanding post doctoral researchers in the field of nuclear science instrumentation, medical instrumentation, or instrumentation for security applications. The grant is intended to support travel and attendance to conferences, workshops or summer schools, or special research projects.

Prize:  $5000 and plaque. Multiple recipients are not allowed.

Funding: By the IEEE Foundation through gifts from Gladys H. Knoll and Valentin T. Jordanov, and funds provided by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Any post doctoral researcher who is a member in good standing of the IEEE and NPSS and is within 10 years of having received their doctoral degree.

Basis for Judging: Judging will be based on the accomplishments of the candidate in their field of study and will include number of publications, talks and presentations at conferences, other awards and recognitions, quality of research and potential for future accomplishment. Up to three letters of recommendation may also be submitted with the nomination that will be used in the selection process.

Presentation:  At an IEEE NPSS conference mutually agreed upon by the recipient and NPSS.

Frequency:  Annual.  However, if the Awards Committee determines that there is no suitable candidate in a given year, no grant will be given that year.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 OF EACH YEAR to the Chair of the NPSS Awards Committee.

NPSS Glenn Knoll Postdoctoral Education Grant Nomination Form.docx

NPSS Glenn Knoll Postdoctoral Education Grant Nomination Form.pdf

Past Honorees: Patricia Schuster (2017), Stefan Gundacker (2018), Nicola Lusardi (2020), Luis Stand (2021), Linh Tran (2022), Oskari Pakari (2023).

IEEE Glenn F. Knoll Graduate Educational Grant

IEEE Glenn F. Knoll Graduate Educational Grant

Description: For outstanding graduate students in the field of nuclear science instrumentation, medical instrumentation, or instrumentation for security applications. The grant is intended to support travel and attendance to conferences, workshops or summer schools, or special research projects.

Prize:  $5000 and plaque. Multiple recipients are not allowed.

Funding: By the IEEE Foundation through gifts from Gladys H. Knoll and Valentin T. Jordanov, and funds provided by the IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Eligibility: Any graduate student who is a member in good standing of the IEEE and NPSS.

Basis for Judging: Judging will be based on the accomplishments of the candidate in their field of study and will include number of publications, talks and presentations at conferences, other awards and recognitions, quality of research and potential for future accomplishment. Up to three letters of recommendation may also be submitted with the nomination that will be used in the selection process.

Presentation:  At an IEEE NPSS conference mutually agreed upon by the recipient and NPSS.

Frequency:  Annual.  However, if the Awards Committee determines that there is no suitable candidate in a given year, no grant will be given that year.

Nominations: SUBMIT BY JANUARY 31 OF EACH YEAR to the Chair of the NPSS Awards Committee.

NPSS Glenn Knoll Graduate Education Grant Nomination Form.docx

NPSS Glenn Knoll Graduate Education Grant Nomination Form.pdf

Past Honorees: Audrey Corbeil Therrien (2017), Negar Omidvari (2018), Jun Yeol Won (2019), Michael Hua (2021), Stefano Marin (2022), Vanessa Nadig (2023).

IEEE Best Paper Awards

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Best Paper Award

See the TNS page for the description of this award and past winners.

IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science Best Paper Award

See the TPS page for the description of this award and past winners.

IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences Best Paper Award

See the TRPMS page for the description of this award and past winners.

Award Winners by Year

2018 NPSS Award Winners

2019 NPSS Award Winners

2020 NPSS Award Winners

2021 NPSS Award Winners

2022 NPSS Award Winners

2023 NPSS Award Winners

Submission of NPSS Awards

The Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society has instituted an electronic submission process for the NPSS Awards. All forms for an Awards submission should be prepared as PDF files. It is preferred that a single file be used to contain all award submission material, though multiple PDF files can be used. All file names should begin with the last name of the awardee. Once all of the forms and letters of support have been prepared, they should be uploaded to the awards site using the following link. A message will indicate if your file was successfully uploaded.

Award Submission

  • Max. file size: 50 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Once the files have been uploaded, send an email notification to the Awards chair: Ron Schrimpf