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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society

BRINGSThe Fellow candidate Evaluation Committee evaluates the credentials of, and ranks, the IEEE Fellow Candidates referred to the NPSS for evaluation. The committee shall follow the procedures and guidelines established by the IEEE Fellow Committee. Information on the IEEE Fellows process is located at


Fellows Search Committee Members

2024 Fellows Search Committee

Alberto del Guerra, Chair (NMISC)
Jane Lehr (PPST)
Edl Schamiloglu (PSAC)

Fellows Search Committee Bylaws

Fellows Evaluation Committee Members

2024 Fellows Evaluation Committee

Hugh Barnaby, Chair (RE)
Stefan Ritt (CANPS)
Margaret Witherspoon (NMISC)
Ken Conner (FTC)
Vladamir Shiltsev (Past)
David Abe (PPST)
Yakov Krasik (PPST)
Monica Blank (PSAC)
Nadar Behdad (PSAC)
Sara Pozzi (RISC)
Richard Lanza (RISC)


The current NPSS Fellows List can be found here

List of NPSS Fellows to 2023:

  • Abe, David, 2015,
    For leadership and contributions to the development of high power microwave and millimeter wave vacuum  electronic devices
  • Agee, Forrest, 2012,
    For leadership in and contributions to the engineering and physics of high power microwave, pulsed power, and ionizing radiation devices.
  • Akiyama, Hidenori, 2000,
    For contributions to the development of pulsed power technology and its industrial applications.
  • Allen, M, 1995,
    For contributions to the design and construction of radio frequency apparatus for high-energy storage rings and accelerators.
  • Allen, John, 2017,
    For contributions to high current radio frequency discharges, sheath and wave phenomena, and electronegative and dusty plasmas
  • Anders, Andre, 2001,
    For contributions to the physics and technology of cathodic arc plasmas
  • Ang, Lay-Kee, 2022,
    For contributions to electron emission and space charge effects in nanodiode and quantum materials
  • Antonsen, Thomas, 2012,
    For contributions to the theory of magnetically confined plasmas, laser-plasma interactions and high power coherent radiation sources
  • Armstrong, Carter, 2013,
    For technical leadership in the development of high power microwave and millimeter-wave radiation sources, especially their power modules
  • Baker, William, 2015,
    For leadership in the application of high-power beam technology.
  • Barnaby, Hugh,  2017,
    For research of radiation effects in bipolar junction transistors
  • Barrett, Harrison, 2016,
    For contributions to medical imaging, image processing and optics.
  • Barth, Janet, 2017,
    For leadership in spacecraft reliability and electronic systems
  • Baumann, Robert, 2005,
    For contributions to the understanding of the reliability impact of terrestrial radiation mechanisms in commercial electronics.
  • Beg, Farhat, 2013,
    For contributions to high intensity laser matter interactions and pulsed power pinches
  • Behdad, Nader, 2017,
    For contributions to sub-wavelength electromagnetic periodic structures
  • Bell, H Clark, 2010,
    For advancements in synthesis techniques and development of new prototype networks for microwave filters.
  • Ben-Zvi, Ilan, 2009,
    For leadership in superconducting accelerators, high  brightness electron sources and free electron lasers
  • Benford, Jim, 2017,
    For development of high power microwave sources and for transferring this technology into custom products.
  • Bernhardt, Paul, 2006,
    For contributions to artificial modification of space plasmas with high power radio waves.
  • Bilek, Marcela,  2017,
    For contributions to the science and application of plasma processes for materials modification and synthesis
  • Blank, Monica, 2020,
    For development of gyrotron oscillators and amplifiers
  • Booske, John, 2008,
    For contributions to vacuum electronics and microwave processing of materials
  • Bowen, James, 2010,
    For leadership in “safety by design” in electrical substation engineering
  • Boxman, Raymond, 2012,
    For advances in vacuum arc theory and its applications.
  • Brill, Aaron, 2002,
    For contributions to the use of radiation in medicine.
  • Brillson, Leonard, 2000,
    For contributions to the understanding and control of semiconductor interfaces and electrical contacts by atomic-scale techniques.
  • Brown, Ian, 2012,
    For developing the state-of-the-art MEVVA intense metal (and carbon) vacuum arc ion source for accelerators and for industry.
  • Brown, Dennis, 2014,
    For contributions to radiation effects in semiconductor devices for space microelectronics
  • Capolini, Filippo, 2020,
    For contributions to development of electromagnetic phenomena in metamaterials and periodic structures
  • Carlsten, Bruce, 2016,
    For contributions to high-brightness electron beams and vacuum electron devices
  • Carson, Richard, 2019,
    For contributions to quantitative positron emission tomography
  • Chen, Francis, 2003,
    For significant contributions to plasma diagnostics and to the understanding of plasma instabilities and anomalous transport phenomena.
  • Chen, Xiaodong, 2015,
    For contributions to antennas for wireless communications and satellites
  • Cherry, Simon, 2008,
    For contributions to molecular imaging
  • Chu, Paul, 2003,
    For contributions to the understanding of plasma implantation and deposition.
  • Chu, Kwo,  2017,
    For contributions to the basic understanding of relativistic electron cyclotron interaction with electromagnetic waves and development of high power radiation sources based on such interactions.
  • Claeys, Cor, 2009,
    For contributions to semiconductor device physics, defect  engineering, and low frequency noise characterization
  • Clout, Peter, 2019,
    For leadership in data acquisition and control in nuclear and plasma sciences
  • Commisso, Robert, 2016,
    For contributions to high-voltage pulsed-power systems, and high-current pulsed plasmas for opening switches
  • Conley, John, 2015,
    For contributions to semiconductor process technology to improve radiation hardening of MOS devices
  • Connor, Kenneth, 2012,
    For contributions to the development of particle beam probing for nuclear fusion research.
  • Conrad, Edward,  2010,
    For technical leadership in the understanding and characterization of trasient nuclear radiation effects on insulators
  • Cooperstein, Gerald, 2015,
    For contributions to pulsed power and intense electron and ion beam technologies and development of x-ray sources for pulsed radiography
  • Cova, Sergio, 2005,
    For contributions to the instrumentation of nuclear electronics, in particular, the conception and demonstration of silicon single-photon detectors.
  • Coverdale, Christine, 2010,
    For contributions to the development of neutron sources
  • Cressler, John, 2001,
    For contributions to the understanding and optimization of silicon and silicon-germanium bipolar transistors.
  • Cuneo, Michael, 2014,
    For developments in inertial confinement fusion with magnetically-driven-implosions and electrode cleaning
  • Daube-Witherspoon, Margaret, 2023,
    For Contributions to 3D Image Reconstruction in PET and   Corrections for Physics Effects
  • Dawson, W Kenneth, 2006,
    For technical leadership and contributions to the development of instrumentation bus standards and nuclear data acquisition and control systems.
  • Dawson, Francis, 2009,
    For contributions to  modeling of excitation  and detection of electrical arcs
  • Dayton, James, 2003,
    For contributions to the design of microwave devices
  • Deeney, C,  2012,
    For contributions to Z-pinch physics.
  • Defrise, Michel, 2010,
    For contributions to computer tomography
  • Del Guerra, Alberto, 2017,
    For contributions to radiation detectors and systems for medical physics and molecular imaging
  • Derenzo, Stephen, 2013,
    For contributions to the development of high resolution positron tomography and the discovery of new scintillators.
  • Dodd, Paul, 2010,
    For contributions to the understanding and simulation of single-event effects in microelectronics
  • Dressendorfer, Paul, 2016,
    For contributions to the development and understanding of radiation-hardened technologies for electronic devices and circuits.
  • Eden, J, 2016,
    For contributions to the discovery of visible and ultraviolet lasers, and the development of laser techniques for the spectroscopy of excimer lasers.
  • Ekdahl, Carl, 2015,
    For contributions to high-power accelerator development and the generation and transport of electron beams for flash-radiography
  • El Fakhri, Georges, 2016,
    For contributions to biological imaging
  • Engelson, Irving, 1996,
    For management leadership of IEEE technical activities worldwide.
  • Eriksson, Lars A, 2012,
    For development of instrumentation and methodologies for molecular imaging
  • Ferlet-Cavrois, Veronique, 2011,
    For contributions to understanding of radiation effects on electronic devices
  • Fessler, Jeffrey, 2006,
    For contributions to theory and practice of image reconstruction.
  • Fleetwood, Daniel, 1997,
    For contributions to the field of electronic devices and materials.
  • Flescher, Harold, 2011,
    For leadership in the development of radiation hardening technology.
  • Galloway, Kenneth, 1986,
    For contributions to the study of radiation effects in microelectronics.
  • Gilgenbach, Ronald, 2015,
    For contributions to high power microwave vacuum-electron devices.
  • Gitomer, Steven, 2008,
    For leadership in the field of plasma science and the modeling of laser-produced plasmas.
  • Godfrey, Brendan, 2015,
    For leadership in generation and application of intense charged-particle beams, and in numerical simulation of beams and plasmas.
  • Goebel, Dan, 1999,
    For advancements in plasma sources and technology for pulsed-power switches and microwave sources.
  • Gold, Steven, 1996,
    For research in high power, coherent radiation sources including millimeter-wave free-electron lasers, gyrotrons, cyclotron autoresonance masers, and the magnicon.
  • Goto, Toshio, 2017,
    For contributions to plasma processing, gaseous electronics and lasers.
  • Granatstein, Victor, 2002,
    For contributions to the invention and development of high-power microwave generators, especially gyrotron amplifiers.
  • Gullberg, Grant, 2014,
    For contributions to medical imaging technologies.
  • Haddad, Nadim, 2012,
    For development of radiation hardened semiconductor device technology and products for space applications
  • Hammer, David, 2011,
    For contributions to physics, technology and applications of intense, pulsed electron and ion beams, and dense z-pinch plasmas.
  • Hassanein, Ahmed, 2012,
    For contributions to modeling and simulation of fusion, laser, and discharge produced plasmas
  • Heijne, Erik, 2012,
    For contributions to semiconductor detector systems and radiation tolerant detector readout electronics.
  • Hershkowitz, Noah, 2012,
    For contributions to basic plasma science, plasma diagnostics, and RF heating and stabilization of mirror-continued plasmas.
  • Huang, Sung Cheng, 2010,
    For contributions to kinetic modeling and biological quantification in positron emission tomography
  • Huesman, Ronald, 2013,
    For contributions to computed tomographic reconstruction, parameter estimation from dynamic reconstructed images, and related analysis.
  • Hughes, Harold, 2005,
    For discovery of radiation-induced oxide-trapping effects in metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) structures, and the hardening against such radiation effects.
  • Hussey, Thomas, 1998,
    For advances in the understanding and application of fast, hollow-core, plasma z pinches.
  • Ibe, Eishi, 2008,
    For contributions to neutron-induced soft-error analysis for semiconductor memory devices
  • Ishihara, Osamu, 2016,
    For contributions to the discovery of the quasilinear mechanism of turbulent heating and the understanding of collective effects of wave-particle interaction in plasma turbulence.
  • James, Ralph, 2002,
    For contributions to and leadership in the development of wide band-gap compound semiconductor devices used for detecting and imaging X- and gamma-ray radiation.
  • Jaszczak, Ronald, 2009,
    For contributions to nuclear medical imaging, in particular, to the development, characterization, and understanding of single photon emission computed tomography(SPECT).
  • Jiang, Weihua, 2014,
    For contributions to repetitive pulsed power generation utilizing solid-state device technology
  • Jiang, Jin,  2017,
    For contributions to methodology, design, and evaluation of engineering systems safety
  • Johnson, C, 2001,
    For contributions to engineering management and design, especially in the field  of high-density magnetic recording.
  • Johnston, Allan, 2013,
    For contributions to the understanding of space radiation effects in optoelectronics.
  • Jordanov, Valentin, 2021,
    For contributions to real-time digital and analog pulse processing in radiation measurements
  • Jory, H, 1995,
    For technical leadership in the development of gyrotrons
  • Joshi, Ravindra, 2009,
    For contributions to bio-electrics and simulation of cellular responses to pulsed power excitation
  • Karp, Joel,  2017,
    For contributions to quantitative imaging of positron emission tomography
  • Katsouleas, Thomas, 2016,
    For pioneering contributions to the fields of ultra-high gradient particle accelerators and novel light sources using plasmas.
  • Keyser, Ronald, 2017,
    For contributions to high purity germanium detectors for gamma-ray spectroscopy
  • Kinahan, Paul, 2011,
    For contributions to positron emission tomography
  • Kirkici, Hulya, 2017,
    For contributions to high frequency, high field dielectric breakdown and electrical insulation for space and aerospace power systems
  • Kleinfelder, Stuart,  2017,
    For contributions to sensors and instrumentation for high-speed imaging applications
  • Koester, Steven,  2017,
    For contributions to group-IV electronic and photonic devices
  • Kong, Michael,  2016,
    For contributions to atmospheric pressure glow discharge sources in biology and medicine
  • Kouzes, Richard, 2006,
    For contributions to nuclear radiation detection systems
  • Krasik, Yakov, 2021
    For contributions to plasma-based electron sources
  • Kristiansen, M,  2011,
    For contributions to plasma technology and pulsed power.
  • Kuehl, Hans, 1997,
    For contributions to the theory of antenna in plasma.
  • Kushner, Mark, 2018,
    For contributions to the fundamental understanding of low-temperature plasmas.
  • Lai, Shu, 2010,
    For contributions to spacecraft interactions with space plasmas.
  • Lanza, Richard, 2023,
    For developing novel imagers and radiation detectors applied to medicine   and security problems
  • Laroussi, Mounir, 2009,
    For contributions to biomedical applications of low temperature atmospheric pressure plasmas
  • Larsen, R, 1997,
    For contributions to advances in high-speed analog sampled data devices, circuits, and large0scale systems, and for leadership in the development of high-speed data bus standards.
  • Lau, Yue-Ying, 2008,
    For contributions to electron beam devices, coherent radiation sources, and discharge physics
  • Law, Mark, 1998,
    For contributions to integrated circuits process modeling and simulation.
  • Leahy, Richard, 2004,
    For contributions to positron emission tomography, encephalography, and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Lecoq, Paul, 2015,
    For contributions to scintillator detectors for high-energy physics and medical imaging
  • Lehr, Jane, 2014,
    For contributions to high power switches for generating electromagnetic radiation
  • Lenahan, Patrick,  2017,
    For contributions to understanding of radiation damage and reliabilityof metal-oxide semiconductor devices
  • Leray, Jean-Luc, 2004,
    For contributions to the implementation of radiation hardened silicon-on-sapphire and silicon-on-insulator technologies.
  • Levush, Baruch, 2001,
    For leadership in the development of theoretical and computational models of free electron radiation sources.
  • Lewellen, Tom, 2008,
    For contributions to nuclear medicine and positron emission tomography imaging systems
  • Liang, Jerome, 2007,
    For contributions to medical image reconstruction and virtual colonoscopy
  • Lieberman, Michael, 2013,
    For contributions to research in plasma-assisted materials processing, nonlinear dynamics, and controlled fusion.
  • Lindemuth, Irvin, 2016,
    For contributions to magnetized plasma and related pulse power technology.
  • Lonngren, Karl,  2009,
    For contributions to the understanding of nonlinear effects in plasma and related areas.
  • Luhmann, Neville, 2002,
    For advances in millimeter/submillimeter wave plasma diagnostics, intense microwave plasma interactions, and coherent radiation generation.
  • Machavaram, Kartikeyan, 2020,
    For contributions to high-power millimeter wave and terahertz sources
  • Maenchen, John, 2018,
    For leadership in the development of intense pulsed charged particle beams, and their application for flash radiography
  • Manheimer, Wallace, 2014,
    For contributions to the analysis of nonlinear phenomena in plasma and electron beams.
  • Maron, Yitzhak,  2008,
    For contributions to spectroscopic techniques for diagnosing high-current, high-voltage electric and magnetic properties.
  • Marshall, Paul, 2013,
    For contributions to understanding the impact of particle radiation on satellite reliability and survivabilty
  • Massengill, Lloyd, 2005,
    For contributions to radiation effects in
  • McGarrity, James,  2013,
    For contributions to the understanding of the physical mechanisms producing radiation damage in MOS devices.
  • McMorrow, Dale, 2019,
    For contributions to laser-based methodologies for simulating single-event effects in digital devices
  • Mcnab, Ian, 2006,
    For contributions to the development of electromagnetic launchers.
  • Mcnulty, Peter,  2017,
    For contributions to radiation-induced soft errors in microelectronics
  • Mehlhorn, Thomas, 2014,
    For leadership in understanding intense, pulsed electron and ion beams
  • Melcher, Charles, 2014,
    For the discovery of a cerium-activated lutetium oxy-orthosilicate scintillator and its application to medical imaging
  • Messenger, George, 1995,
    For contributions to the determination of radiation damage to semiconductors and advances in semiconductor device technology.
  • Miley, George, 2003,
    For contributions to the design of confinement systems in magnetic and inertial fusion reactors and nuclear pumped.
  • Miller, H Craig, 2011,
    For research on discharges and electrical insulation in vacuum
  • Milton, Stephen,  2017,
    For contributions to free electron lasers
  • Mizuno, Akira, 2018,
    For the reduction of gaseous pollutants.
  • Moses, William, 2006,
    For the development and application of efficient, high resolution position tomography.
  • Moszynski, Marek, 2018,
    For contributions to scintillation detectors in nuclear physics and nuclear medicine.
  • Mourad, Samiha,  2015,
    For contributions to fault modeling in digital circuits and systems
  • Muggli, Patrick, 2011,
    For contributions to plasma wakefield acceleration of electrons and positrons
  • Neuber, Andreas, 2012,
    For contributions to the physics of dielectric surface flashover in high electric fields
  • Nusinovich, Gregory, 2000,
    For contributions to the theory of gyrotron oscillators and amplifiers and cyclotron autoresonance masers.
  • Nuyts, Johan, 2021
    For contributions to theory and algorithms for image reconstruction in emission and transmission tomography
  • Oakes, L, 1989,
    For contributions to nuclear power reactor control systems.
  • Oldham, Timothy, 2018,
    For contributions to the understanding of complex time-dependent radiation response of MOS electronic devices.
  • Oliver, Bryan, 2017,
    For contributions to the theory and simulation of intense particle beams and plasmas
  • Osepchuk, John, 1993,
    For contributions to microwave technology and to microwave safety.
  • Ottinger, Paul, 2011,
    For contributions to physics of intense charged particle beams and vacuum pulsed-power technology
  • Pan, Xiaochuan,  2013,
    For contributions to nuclear and non-invasive imaging
  • Pantelides, Sokrates, 2015,
    For contributions to point-defect dynamics in semiconductor devices
  • Pease, Ronald, 2012,
    For contributions to radiation response of  microelectronic devices, circuits, and systems
  • Peratt, Anthony, 2009,
    For contributions to the development of three-dimensional, electromagnetic, particle-in-cell simulations of plasmas.
  • Petersen, Edward, 2010,
    For contributions to upset rate calculations for microelectronics in space environments.
  • Phelps, Paul, 1996,
    For contributions to the development and applications of instrumental methods in environmental radionuclide detection and behavior.
  • Pickel, James, 2014,
    For contributions to the development of methods to characterize, model, and mitigate the effects of single event mechanisms in microelectronics.
  • Podgorski, Andrew, 2009,
    For contributions to broadband immunity and compatibility certification
  • Powers, E, 1997,
    For contributions to the analysis of data relating to nonlinear phenomena in materials such as controlled thermonuclear plasmas.
  • Pozzi, Sara, 2020,
    For contributions to neutron detection techniques and neutron transport Monte Carlo methods
  • Qi, Jinyi, 2014,
    For contributions to statistical image reconstruction for emission-computed tomography
  • Radeka, Veljko, 2000,
    For contributions to the theory and practice of nuclear detector signal processing.
  • Reed, Robert,  2017,
    For contributions to understanding the effects of single-event particle radiation on integrated circuits
  • Reinovsky, Robert, 2014,
    For contributions to pulsed power science and technology.
  • Ritt, Stefan, 2016,
    For the development of the Domino Ring Sampler series of chips
  • Rocca, Jorge,  2016,
    For the development of plasma excited lasers and the table-top soft x-ray laser.
  • Roser, Thomas, 2010,
    For contributions to the design of magnets in particle accelerator applications
  • Ross, Hugh, 1989,
    For contributions to the design theory and development of transistors.
  • Rossi, Lucio, 2013,
    For leadership in developing magnetic systems for the Large Hadron Collider
  • Sah, Chih-Tang,  2009,
    For contributions to the theory, understanding and development of solid-state electronic devices
  • Sauthoff, Ned, 2007,
    For contributions to plasma physics and fusion energy
  • Schamiloglu, Edl, 2002,
    For contributions to the generation and propagation of intense pulsed charged particle beams.
  • Schoenbach, Karl, 2012,
    For contributions to the research and research and development of very-high-power electronic devices.
  • Schriber, Stan, 2014,
    For contributions to linear accelerator technology.
  • Schrimpf, Ronald, 2000,
    For contributions to the understanding and the modeling of physical mechanisms governing the response of semiconductor devices to radiation exposure.
  • Schwank, Jim, 2014,
    For contributions to the field of radiation effects on electronic devices and integrated circuits.
  • Scully, Robert, 2013,
    For contributions to protection of aerospace systems from lightning and electromagnetic interference
  • Seidler, William, 2011,
    For contributions to research in electromagnetic pulse effects.
  • Sessler, G, 2001,
    For contributions to the field of electroacoustic transduc
  • Sexton, Frederick, 2011,
    For contributions to ionizing radiation and catastrophic single-event effects in microelectronics
  • Shaneyfelt, Marty, 2002,
    For contributions to the understanding of radiation effects in semiconductor devices and to the development of radiation-hardened technologies.
  • Shiltsev, Vladimir, 2020,
    For development of electron lenses and contributions to accelerator technology and beam physics
  • Shiozawa, T, 2007,
    For contributions to engineering-oriented relativistic electromagnetic theory and theoretical study of free-electron lasers.
  • Shohet, J,  2009,
    For leadership in plasma science and engineering
  • Shumlak, Uri, 2023,
    For research of sheared flow stabilization of the Z pinch for fusion energy
  • Singh, Amarjit, 1990,
    For contributions to the knowledge of microwave plasmas and devices, and for research leadership.
  • Slade, Paul, 2007,
    For contributions to the behavior of high-current metal contacts.
  • Smith, Graham, 2017,
    For contributions  to the advancement of detectors for x-rays, charged particles and thermal neutrons
  • Sossi, Vesna, 2023,
    For contributions to quantitative and translational brain PET imaging
  • Speck, Carlton, 2008,
    For the application of the theory and practice of electrostatic effects in the automotive industry.
  • Spratt, James, 2000,
    For contributions to the design and fabrication of radiation-hardened integrated circuits, and advances in semiconductor device technology.
  • Srour, Joseph, 2007,
    For contributions to the understanding of radiation effects on electronic materials and devices.
  • Staprans, Armand, 1995,
    For leadership in the development of linear beam microwave tubes.
  • Stearns, Charles, 2015,
    For contributions to medical imaging with positron emission tomography
  • Strauss, Michael, 1998,
    For contributes to nuclear instrumentation and measurement techniques.
  • Strauss, Bruce, 2005,
    For leadership in low temperature superconducting materials and magnet systems.
  • Sweeney, Mary Ann, 2014,
    For contributions to the understanding of plasma opening switches and beam interactions with matter in particle beam accelerators
  • Temkin, Richard, 2017,
    For leadership in the development and application of millimeter-wave and infrared coherent sources.
  • Thumm, Manfred, 2002,
    For contributions to the development and application of gyrotron oscillators, oversized microwave mode converters and transmission line components.
  • Tobin, Kenneth, 2012,
    For contributions to computer vision technology for instrumentation and measurement
  • True, Richard, 2009,
    For contributions to a unified theory of electron-beam transport in high-power microwave systems.
  • Tsui, Benjamin, 2017,
    For contributions to nuclear medicine imaging, especially in single photon emission computed tomography.
  • Turchi, Peter, 2016,
    For leadership and contributions in multi-megajoule, multi-megampere pulsed power science and technology.
  • Tyo, J Scott,  2015,
    For contributions to transient electromagnetics ultra-wideband antennas, and mesoband radiating systems
  • Van Lint, Victor, 2000,
    For contributions to the understanding of radiation effects and to the applications of this knowledge to improve the survivability of military and space systems.
  • Verboncoeur, John, 2013,
    For contributions to computational plasma physics and plasma device applications
  • Viergever, Max, 2007,
    For leadership and contributions to medical imaging
  • Visvikis, Dimitris, 2022,
    For contributions to image reconstruction and analysis of positron emission tomography
  • Weber, Larry, 2013,
    For contributions to plasma display technology.
  • Weiland, Thomas, 2012,
    For development of the finite integration technique and impact of the associated software on electromagnetic engineering
  • Wharton, C, 1992,
    For contributions to the understanding of plasma and to the development of plasma diagnostic techniques.
  • Winokur, Peter, 2015,
    For contributions to the understanding and improvement of the radiation response of electronic materials and devices, and for improvements in total-dose hardness assurance of integrated circuits.
  • Woody, Craig, 2012,
    For the development of radiation detectors for high energy and nuclear physics, and medical imaging
  • Yanabu, Satoru, 2007,
    For contributions to research and development of advanced switcher and application in transmission and distribution systems.
  • Zeng, Gengsheng, 2011,
    For contributions to instrumentation and image reconstruction algorithms in single photon emission computed tomography
  • Zentai, George, 2010,
    For contributions to the advancement of digital x-ray imagers