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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is a global network of IEEE members and volunteers dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering and science. Their mission is to connect, support, and inspire women and girls worldwide, and facilitate their recruitment and retention in STEM fields, fostering technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.

Learn more about all activities and opportunities ongoing for women in STEM as well as WIE sponsors for leadership training and networking via its annual International Leadership Conference, Regional Leadership Summits, Regional and IEEE Society sponsored events, and various webinars on the IEEE WIE website.

IEEE NPSS has taken the WIE pledge:

“IEEE WIE pledges to work towards gender-diversified panels at all IEEE meetings, conferences, and events, including our own.”

For more information about the WIE pledge and best practices:


NPSS WIE Travel Grants

The NPSS sponsors Leadership Development Travel Grants to provide leading-edge professional development for women who are in mid-level to senior phases of their careers. Information on the Grants can be found on the NPSS Awards page.

NPSS Sponsored WIE Events

The NPSS sponsors events at our NPSS conferences to enhance networking in our technical communities, to provide opportunities for career mentoring, and to promote work/life balance. Previous NPSS WIE events include panels, keynotes and theatre productions! Look at your NPSS conference schedule to find the WIE event. Everyone is welcome to attend all WIE events.

If you plan to have a WIE event at your NPSS sponsored conference and need support, please contact the WIE Liaison Audrey Corbeil-Therrien through the following form:


WIE Contact

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