Distinguished Lectures
The NPSS Distinguished Lecturers Program (DLP) sponsors the presentation of lectures at NPSS Chapter meetings as well as at IEEE Section and Student Chapter meetings.
In addition, NPSS Distinguished Lecturers are available for presentations to other IEEE entities as well as to non-IEEE organizations, such as universities and colleges.
NPSS Distinguished Lecturers are volunteers who are nominated by the NPSS Technical Committees based on distinguished stature and achievement within their technical communities.
To arrange a lecture, please contact the lecturer directly using the links provided below. For additional information, please contact the Distinguished Lecturers Coordinator Dan Fleetwood.
Distinguished Lecturer Bi-fold – A brochure describing the NPSS Distinguished Lecturers program.
NPSS DLP – A statement of program guidelines and procedures.
NPSS DL Introduction Slides for Distinguished Lecturers to use.
Dr. Jean Paul Allain
University of Illinois
- Challenges to a foundational understanding of the plasma-material interface in plasma-burning nuclear fusion reactors
- Directed irradiation synthesis: manipulating matter in nanoscale self-organized systems
Dr. Lay Kee (Ricky) Ang
Singapore University of Technology and Design
- Electron Emission Models for Two-Dimensional Novel Materials
- Space Charge Limited Current Models
- Ultrafast Laser Induced Electron Emission Models
- Some Applications on Fractional Modelling in Physics and Engineering
Dr. Janet L. Barth
NASA, retired
- Space and Atmospheric Radiation Environments
- The Space Environment from Low Earth Orbits to Deep Space
Dr. Stephen Bayne
Texas Tech University
- Semiconductor Devices for Pulsed Power and High Voltage Applications
Dr. Monica Blank
Communications and Power Industries
- High Power and High Frequency Gyrotrons
- Millimeter Wave Sources for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Enhanced Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Dr. Christian Bohm
University of Stockholm
- How to extract maximum information from radiation detectors
- Trigger and DAQ systems for large high energy physics experiments
Dr. Richard E. Carson
Professor of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging and of Biomedical Engineering. Director, Yale PET Center
- Quantitative Strategies for PET Imaging: Challenges and Opportunities
- PET Imaging in Oncology: Novel methods and algorithms
Dr. Audrey Corbeil Therrien
Université de Sherbrooke
- From particles to bits: The journey of information (Edge computing for radiation detectors)
- Building efficient and impactful communications
Dr. Cinzia Da Vià
Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester UK
- Radiation Detectors: Imaging What You Cannot See
- Harnessing Energy, The Only Solution for a Viable Future
- Nuclear Energy: Present Status, Challenges and the Rise of a New Era
- Women and Climate Change: Reskilling and Upskilling
- Radiation Instrumentation Interface with Industry and the Medical Sector
Dr. Alberto Del Guerra
University of Pisa
- Past, Present and Future of Positron Emission Tomography
- The current status and challenges of detection and imaging in particle therapy
Dr. Angela Di Fulvio
Associate Professor at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
- Detectors and Algorithms for Neutron Spectroscopy
- Fuel Accountability and Monitoring at Advanced Nuclear Reactors
- Machine Learning for Radiometric Clustering and Classification
Dr. Daniel Fleetwood
Vanderbilt University Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- 1/f Noise, Radiation Effects, and Defects in Microelectronic Devices
- Moore’s Law and Radiation Effects on Microelectronics
- Radiation Effects in a Post-Moore World
Dr. Hossam Gabbar
Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science, and Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science Ontario Tech University, Canada
- Resilient Nuclear-Renewable Hybrid Energy Systems
Dr. Martin Grossmann
Paul Scherrer Institut
- Recent Developments in Protontherapy – Technology for the Benefit of Patients
Dr. Ralph B. James
Chief Research Officer and Associate Laboratory Director for Science and Technology at Savannah River National Laboratory
- Nuclear Radiation Detectors – Past, Present and Future
- Solid-State Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride Gamma Ray Detectors
- Brookhaven National Laboratory's R&D on Advanced Sensor Technology for Homeland Security Applications
Dr. Allan Johnston
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Radiation Effects in Optoelectronic Devices
- An Introduction to Space Radiation Effects in Electronics
Dr. Ravindra P. Joshi, Ph.D., P.E
Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Texas Tech University
- Pulsed Power Opens A Gateway to Biomedical Engineering: Tumor Treatment and Drug Delivery, to Nerve Stimulation and Beyond
Dr. Hulya Kirkici
Professor and Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Eng., University of South Alabama, USA
- Electrical Insulation and Dielectrics in Repetitive Pulsed Power
- Gaseous Breakdown at High Frequencies
Dr. Richard Kouzes
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
- The End of Helium-3 As We Know It: The Helium-3 Problem
- Radiation Detection at International Borders
- Radiation Detection and Its Applications
- Neutrinos: A Personal Journey
- Muon Imaging Methods and Applications
Dr. Mounir Laroussi
Electrical & Computer Engineering Department Laser & Plasma Engineering Institute Old Dominion University
- Interaction of Cold Plasmas with Biological Cells: Can Plasmas Play a Role in Modern Medicine?
Dr. Paul Lecoq
Senior Physicist at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and Technical Director of European Center for Research in Medical Imaging in Marseilles
- Development Of New Scintillating Crystals For High Energy Physics, Medical Imaging And Other Applications
- Spin-Off From Particle Detectors In The Field Of Medicine And Biology
- Metamaterials For Novel X Or Gamma Ray Detector Designs
- Molecular Imaging Challenges With PET and SPECT Techniques
- How to Improve Timing Resolution in Scintillators
- Goals and Achievements of the EndoTOFPET-US FP7 Project
Dr. Patrick Le Du
Senior Scientific Advisor Institut National de Physique Nucleaire et de Physique des Particules, France
- Application of Fundamental Physics Innovative Techniques and Tools to Other Fields
- Innovative Concepts in Electronics and Data Acquisition for Biomedical Applications
- Introduction to Nuclear Medical Physics
- How to present your work ?
Prof. Dr. Abdallah Lyoussi
Experimental Physicist, French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission
- Instrumentation and Measurement in Nuclear Environments
Dr. Bucur Novac
Professor of Pulsed Power, Loughborough University UK
- Magnetic Flux-Compression
- Fast Transient Sensors
Dr. Sara Pozzi
University of Michigan
- Dual Particle (Neutron and Gamma ray) Imaging
- Monte Carlo Methods for Radiation Detection
- Neutron Detection in Proton Therapy for Cancer Treatment
- Science and Technology for Nuclear Treaty Verification
Dr. Martin Purschke
Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Handling of Petabyte-Scale datasets in modern Physics Experiments
- Introduction to Programming with CUDA
Dr. Stefan Ritt
Paul Scherrer Institute
- Know your Signals: Waveform Digitizing in the Giga-sample Range with Switched Capacitor Arrays
- Real-time data visualization and control using modern Web technologies
Dr. Archana Sharma
Senior staff scientist at CERN
- Gaseous Radiation Detectors: Status, Trends and applications
Dr. Andrei Seryi
Associate Director at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
- Breakthrough By Design
- Evolution of scientific instruments – from methodology of inventiveness TRIZ to applications of plasma acceleration
- Accelerator Science and Technology via Inventive Principles of TRIZ
Dr. Evgenya Simakov
Physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory
- Accelerators as tools for discovery, innovation, and everyday life
Dr. Vesna Sossi
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
- Brain network analysis for neuroimaging PET data
- Advances in PET/MR multimodality imaging: relevance to the study of brain function
Dr. Manfred K.A. Thumm
Professor of Microwave Theory & Techniques, Emeritus Director Institute of Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
- High-Power Low-Loss Micro- and Millimeter Wave Transmission
- State-of-the Art of High-Power Gyro-Devices
- The Physics of Vacuum Electron Devices
Dr. John Verboncoeur
Michigan State University
- High-voltage breakdown: from surface multipactor to ionization discharge
- Plasma Physics Computer Laboratory
Dr. Dimitris Visvikis
National Institute of Health and Medical Research in France and co-director of the Medical Image Processing Lab in Brest
- Quantitative Multimodality PET/CT and PET/MR Imaging
- The Promise of Radiomics and Multi-Parametric Modeling in Nuclear Medical Imaging
- Motion Modeling/Correction in Multimodality PET/CT/MR Imaging
- Artificial Intelligence in the Nuclear Medical Imaging Context
Dr. Jinyuan Wu
Engineer II, III, Particle Physics Division Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- Conventional and Unconventional Applications of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
- FPGA Based TDC: A Convenient Digitization Scheme and its Applications beyond Time Measurements
- Tracking Triggers in High Energy Physics Experiments