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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


atomThe purpose of the Radiation Instrumentation Technical Committee (RITC) is to promote the development and application of radiation detectors, radiation instrumentation, nuclear electronics and measurement techniques for ionizing radiation and to serve the interests of people involved in the aforementioned activities. All IEEE NPSS members who have an interest in these topics are self-identified as RITC members.

The RITC is managed by the Radiation Instrumentation Steering Committee (RISC), which has 15 members-at-large elected from the general membership of the RITC. Five people are elected to the RISC each year, and each person is elected to a 3-year term. The Steering Committee manages the activities of the Technical Committee.

The RISC, in conjunction with the Nuclear Medical and Imaging Sciences Council (NMISC), oversees the annual Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference and is responsible for providing the long-range planning for the NSS/MIC, such as site selection and choosing a General Chairperson. The responsibility is with RISC for the even year editions of the conference.

The RISC provides input to the editorial board of the Transactions on Nuclear Science. RISC promotes radiation detectors and instrumentation together with related electronics and software generally by nominating members of the Committee for IEEE Fellow status and for various IEEE Awards. RISC itself manages three IEEE Awards for which it has direct control of the nomination and award processes through the RISC Awards Subcommittee: the Radiation Instrumentation Early Career Award, the Emilio Gatti Technical Achievement Award and the Glenn F. Knoll Outstanding Achievement Award. These are presented annually at the NSS in a dedicated Award Session.

RITC member participation in the Committee activities is fundamental and strongly encouraged. Several ways of serving and participating are possible, from upgrading ones membership from standard member status to senior member status, to nominating deserving persons for the RISC Awards, to self-nominating as a candidate for the Member-At-Large position and to giving suggestions and contributions for scientific and educational activities beneficial to the RITC Community.


Steering Committee Officers

The RITC is managed by the Radiation Instrumentation Steering Committee (RISC), which has 18 members elected from the general membership of the radiation instrumentation community. Five people are elected to the RISC each year; each person is elected to a 3-year term. The RISC manages the activities of the RITC.

Srilalan Krishnamoorthy – Chair
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Phone: +1 215-746-6892

Christer Fröjdh – Vice Chair
Mittuniversitetet, Sweden

John Valentine – Immediate Past Chair
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Lodovico Ratti – Secretary
University of Pavia, Italy

Elected members-at-Large

Member at Large 2022-2024

Christian Bohm
Stockholm University, Sweden

Farah Fahim
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, USA

Eric Mannel
Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Marc-Andre Tetrault
University of Sherbrooke, Canada

Yoshinobu Unno
KEK, Japan

Members at Large 2023-2025

Gabriella Carini
Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Grzegorz Deptuch
Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA

Alessandro Marchioro

Bruce Mellado
University of Witwatersrand, South Africa

Arianna Morozzi
INFN, Italy

Members at Large 2024-2026

Etiennette Auffray
CERN, Switzerland

Angela Di Fulvio
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

Abdallah Lyoussi
French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission

Stanislav Pospisil
Czech Technical University, Prague

Gianluca Traversi
University of Bergamo, Italy

Voting Ex-Officio Members

Srilalan Krishnamoorthy – Chair
University of Pennsylvania, USA

John Valentine – Immediate Past Chair
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA

Lorenzo Fabris – AdCom Representative (2022-2025)
Oak Rdge National Laboratory, USA

Giulia Hull – AdCom Representative (2023-2026)
CNRS/IN2P3, France

Non-voting Ex-Officio Members

Vesna Sossi NPSS President
University of British Columbia

Michael Lerch – Joint Oversight Subcommittee Chair
University of Wollogong, Australia

Gian Franco Dalla Betta – Radiation Instrumentation Senior Editor
Universita’ degli Studi di Trento and INFN Trento, Italy

Andrew Goertzen – NMISC Chair
University of Manitoba, Canada

Zane Bell – Editor-in-Chief, TNS
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

The NSS/MIC Joint Oversight Sub-Committee Members

The Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC) is a conference jointly organized by the Radiation Instrumentation Technical Committee (RITC) and the Nuclear and Medical Imaging Sciences Technical Committee (NMISTC). In order to coordinate the NSS/MIC conference site selection, the Joint Oversight Subcommittee (JOS) makes site visits and recommends the conference locations. The Joint Executive Subcommittee (JES), consisting of the RITC and NMISTC President, Past President, and President-Elect, takes the JOS recommendation and makes the final conference site selection. The current members of the JOS are found here.

Nominations for New Members

Nominations of candidates for election into the RITC is open the beginning of each year, with nominations due in June. The Steering Committee governs activities and issues relevant to the IEEE NPSS radiation instrumentation community. Candidates must be official members of the IEEE NPSS. Self nominations are encouraged. Please send all nominations by May 31st to Christer Fröjdh, RITC Nominations Chair, and Lodovico Ratti .

Technical committee information

Constitution and Bylaws

Radiation Instrumentation Early Career Award


This award is given to a young investigator in recognition of significant and innovative technical contributions to the fields of radiation instrumentation and measurement techniques for ionizing radiation. The prize, consisting of $1,500 and an engraved plaque, will be awarded at the IEEE/NPSS Nuclear Science Symposium.


Individuals whose highest degree has been awarded within 10 years of the date of nomination, and includes current graduate students.

Selection Criteria

Nominees will be judged according to their contributions to the fields of radiation instrumentation and measurement techniques for ionizing radiation as demonstrated by the technical merit and creativity of their research. Priority will be given to nominees whose research has been published in peer-reviewed journals.


Nominations must be received by July 15.


For tips on how to write a successful award nomination refer to Tips for Writing a Successful NPSS Award Nomination (pdf).

The nomination must be compliant with the IEEE Policy on Award Limitations, which states “Normally, an individual shall receive only one honor in recognition of a given achievement, unless the significance of the achievement is such as to merit subsequently a higher award. A higher award may be given in the following year or thereafter.”

Nomination forms are available in pdf format or in doc format.

Completed packets should be submitted ONLY VIA EMAIL to the RISC Awards Committee Chair listed below.

The nominator should provide the information requested in the nomination form. Please do not submit materials beyond those requested.

Award Committee Members

The members of the Radiation Instrumentation Early Career Award Committee are listed below.

John Valentine, LBNL, USA (Chair)
Chiara Guazzoni, Politecnico di Milano and INFN, Milan, Italy (Deputy Chair)
Cinzia da Vià, University of Manchester, Great Britain
Grzegorz Deptuch, BNL, USA
Arianna Morozzi, Universita’ di Perugia e INFN, Italy
JF Pratte, Universite’ de Sherbrooke, Canada
Srilalan Krishnamoorthy, USA (ex officio)

Conflict of Interest

We take seriously to manage and solve any Conflict of Interest that should arise. Nominations and endorsements by award sub-committee members may not be made for the awards cycle in which they are seated. Committee members need to be replaced prior to submitting a nomination or endorsing, otherwise the nominee is ineligible.

Past Recipients

2023 Gerard Estrada
2022 Davide Mezza
2021 Yihui He
2020 Arianna Morozzi
2019 Rosana Martinez Turtos
2018 Jean-François Pratte
2017 Yuntao Wu
2016 Marc Andre Tétrault
2015 Areg Danagoulian
2014 Jelena Ninkovic
2013 Rafael Ballabriga
2012 Feng Zhang
2011 Andrew Goertzen
2010 Matteo Porro
2009 Stuart Kleinfelder
2008 Grzegorz Deptuch
2006 L. Eric Smith
2004 Chiara Guazzoni

Glenn F. Knoll Radiation Instrumentation Outstanding Achievement Award


This award is given to an individual in recognition of outstanding and enduring contributions to the field of radiation instrumentation. The prize, consisting of $3,000 and an engraved plaque, is awarded at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium.


Any individual whose long-standing contributions to the field are particularly worthy of recognition.

Selection Criteria

Primary consideration will be given to nominees who have made original and significant innovations in the field of radiation instrumentation. Other factors include a nominee’s overall research contribution and his/her influence on radiation instrumentation through education.


Nominations must be received by July 15.


For tips on how to write a successful award nomination refer to Tips for Writing a Successful NPSS Award Nomination (pdf).

The nomination must be compliant with the IEEE Policy on Award Limitations, which states “Normally, an individual shall receive only one honor in recognition of a given achievement, unless the significance of the achievement is such as to merit subsequently a higher award. A higher award may be given in the following year or thereafter.”

Nomination forms are available in pdf format or in doc format.

Completed packets should be submitted ONLY VIA EMAIL to the RISC Awards Committee Chair listed below.

The nominator should provide the information requested in the nomination form. Please do not submit materials beyond those requested.

Award Committee Members

The members of the Glenn F. Knoll Radiation Instrumentation Outstanding Achievement Award Committee are listed below.

John Valentine, LBNL, USA (Chair)
Chiara Guazzoni, Politecnico di Milano and INFN, Milan, Italy (Deputy Chair)
Zane Bell, ORNL, USA
Paul Lecoq CERN & UNI Valencia, Spain
Marek Moszinsky, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland
Stanislav Pospisil, UTEF, Czech Republic
Srilalan Krishnamoorthy, USA (ex officio)

Conflict of Interest

We take seriously to manage and solve any Conflict of Interest that should arise. Nominations and endorsements by award sub-committee members may not be made for the awards cycle in which they are seated. Committee members need to be replaced prior to submitting a nomination or endorsing, otherwise the nominee is ineligible.

Past Recipients

2023 Anatoly Rozenfeld
2022 Roger Lecomte
2021 Charles Hurlbut
2020 Stanislav Pospisil
2019 Lothar Strüder
2018 GFK RIOA Marek Moszyński
2017 GFK RIOA Tadayuki Takahashi
2016 GFK RIOA Christopher Damerell
2015 GFK RIOA Sherwood Parker
2014 GFK RIOA Robert Klanner
2013 RIOA Lars Furenlid
2012 RIOA Richard Wigmans
2011 RIOA Gerhard Lutz
2010 RIOA Veljko Radeka
2009 RIOA Carel van Ejik
2007 RIOA Glenn Knoll
2005 RIOA Ralph James
2003 RIOA Emilio Gatti
2001 RIOA Steve Derenzo

IEEE Emilio Gatti Radiation Instrumentation Technical Achievement Award


This award is given to an individual in recognition of mid-career significant and innovative technical contributions in the field of radiation detectors, radiation instrumentation, and/or nuclear electronics, and/or measurement techniques for ionizing radiation. The award consists of US$2,000 and an engraved plaque and is awarded at the IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium.


Any individual with at least ten years of professional experience and significant contributions in the areas of radiation detectors, radiation instrumentation, and/or nuclear electronics, and/or measurement techniques for ionizing radiation can be nominated. For the scope of this award, mid-career is defined as no less than 10 years and no more than 28 years of research after obtaining the highest degree (Masters; PhD).

Selection Criteria

Primary consideration will be given to nominees who have made original and significant innovations in the field of radiation detectors, radiation instrumentation, and/or nuclear electronics, and/or measurement techniques for ionizing radiation. Other factors can include the cumulative research contributions over the first part of the career and the level of internationally recognized leadership. In addition, the roles of the nominee as a mentor may also be considered.


Nominations must be received by July 15.


For tips on how to write a successful award nomination refer to Tips for Writing a Successful NPSS Award Nomination (pdf).

The nomination must be compliant with the IEEE Policy on Award Limitations, which states “Normally, an individual shall receive only one honor in recognition of a given achievement, unless the significance of the achievement is such as to merit subsequently a higher award. A higher award may be given in the following year or thereafter.”

Nomination forms are available  in pdf format or in doc format.

Completed packets should be submitted ONLY VIA EMAIL to the RISC Awards Committee Chair listed below.

The nominator should provide the information requested in the nomination form. Please do not submit materials beyond those requested.

Conflict of Interest

We take seriously to manage and solve any Conflict of Interest that should arise. Nominations and endorsements by award sub-committee members may not be made for the awards cycle in which they are seated. Committee members need to be replaced prior to submitting a nomination or endorsing, otherwise the nominee is ineligible.

Award Committee Members

The members of the IEEE Emilio Gatti Technical Achievement Award Committee are listed below.

John Valentine, LBNL, USA (Chair)
Chiara Guazzoni, Politecnico di Milano and INFN, Milan, Italy (Deputy Chair)
Zane Bell, ORNL, USA
Paul Lecoq, CERN & UNI Valencia, Spain
Marek Moszinsky, National Centre for Nuclear Research, Poland
Stanislav Pospisil, UTEF, Czech Republic
Srilalan Krishnamoorthy, USA (ex officio)

Past Awardees

2023 Gian-Franco Dalla Betta
2022 Gabriella Carini
2021 Matteo Porro
2020 Stefan Ritt
2019 Réjean Fontaine

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant

IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant