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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


In addition to eight Technical Committees, the NPSS has thirteen Functional Committees, as listed below. The contact information for each of the committee chairs is provided on the AdCom page.

Awards Committee: Solicits nominations for the various awards made by the Society, evaluates the nominees and selects those to whom the awards will be made. The Chair of the Awards Committee serves as the NPSS liaison to the TAB Awards and Recognition Committee.

Chapters and Local Activities Committee: Provides organizational and program assistance, especially with respect to conferences and educational activities, to support and motivate NPSS Chapters and Student Chapters. Promotes and assists in the creation of new Chapters and Student Chapters.

Communications Committee: The Communications Committee oversees all NPSS community communications (member and public) except technical publications and conferences. The Membership Committee, the Webmaster, the Video Editor, and the Social Media Editor all report to the committee. The Communications Committee is also responsible for preparing and maintaining promotional material for membership recruitment and other purposes as required. The permanent members of the Communications Committee are the Chair, Peter Clout, and the NPSS Web Master. AdCom members form the Communications Committee at large.

Conferences Committee: Responsible for recommending policies and procedures to AdCom for all conferences and symposia for which the NPSS takes either full or partial responsibility and for ensuring compliance with IEEE conference policies. In addition, provides assistance in the planning, operation and closeout of sponsored or technically cosponsored conferences as needed, and serves as a liaison between conference organizers and IEEE Meetings, Conferences and Events.

Distinguished Lecturers Committee: Responsible for the administration of the NPSS Distinguished Lecturers program, whose goal is provide Society lecturers to support NPSS chapters and to provide technical outreach to other IEEE and non-IEEE groups. Dan Fleetwood is the Chair of the Distinguished Lecturers Committee.

Educational Committee: The purpose of the Educational Committee (EduCom) is to provide strategic advice to NPSS AdCom on new educational initiatives, to effectively manage the NPSS Schools as an ongoing sustainable educational activity, and to act as the main point of contact for all educational activities of NPSS.

Fellow Candidate Search & Evaluation Committees: Search for, and evaluate, the credentials of, and ranks the IEEE Fellow Candidates referred to the NPSS for evaluation. The committee shall follow the procedures and guidelines established by the IEEE Fellow Committee.

Finance Committee: Monitors the financial status of the Society and reports any developing trends along with recommended actions, conducts financial studies and analyses on any Society or IEEE issues having financial implications for the Society, and reports on these matters regularly at AdCom meetings. The Finance Committee members include Co-Chairs Hal Flescher and John Verboncouer, the NPSS Treasurer, the Chair of the largest NPSS technical committee,  the Chair of the second largest NPSS technical committee,  the Chair of the third largest NPSS technical committee, and the Publications Committee Chair.

Membership Committee: Responsible for encouraging and recruiting new Society members and Society affiliation by inviting IEEE members who have an interest in NPSS activities, by generating interest among non-IEEE members, and by making application forms available and soliciting memberships at appropriate meetings and symposia. Robert Miyaoka is the Chair of the Membership Committee.

Nominating Committee: Formed and administered according to Section 6 of the NPSS Constitution and Bylaws pertaining to nominations, the Nominating Committee develops a slate of nominees for all directly elected member positions on the AdCom that become vacant each year and recommends candidates for Vice President of the Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society.

Publications Committee: Reports to AdCom on all publications activities sponsored by the NPSS. In particular, proposes an annual budget for each publication and brings to AdCom’s attention any proposed new initiatives for discussion and possible approval. Also keeps AdCom apprised of IEEE publications policies and procedures and is responsible for ensuring that NPSS publications follow these policies and procedures. The Publications Chair is responsible for the publication program and assuring the financial soundness and maintenance of schedules and format standards. The responsibility for the technical content of any Transactions is controlled by that Transactions’ Editor-in-Chief, who is nominated by the Publication Committee Chair or by the Society President and approved by the AdCom.

Transnational Committee: The committee fosters the involvement in NPSS activities of people from countries other than the United States and Canada. The directly elected member representing the Transnational Committee is the Chair of this committee. Candidates for this position must be members whose primary residence is outside of the United States and Canada.

Young Professionals Committee: The purpose of the YP committee shall be to advocate for the needs, interests and professional development of members who have entered the profession within the first 15 years of receiving their first degree. There is an option to participate beyond the fifteen year time span according to the respective criteria defined by IEEE. The main goal is to help YP members to evaluate their career goals, polish their professional image, and create the building blocks of a lifelong and diverse professional network. Srilalan Krishnamoorthy is the Young Professionals Committee Chair.