Tool for Plagiarism Cross-Check
Cross-checking for plagiarism for papers submitted to conference records is possible using the CrossCheck tool. A description of the procedure for using Cross-Check is given here.
CrossCheck compares submitted manuscripts against a very large database of published technical papers (as well as over 6 billion web pages), and provides editors with a summary report that highlights the similarity to previously published work. The publisher can then follow up to isolate and review a high-scoring paper as necessary. Plagiarism detection systems are only as effective as the amount and quality of the source content within them.
CrossCheckâs significant advantage over all other similar services is that it includes the indexed, full-text content of participating CrossCheck member publishers.
Tool for Membership Validation
Conference Organizers can validate the membership of attendees by deploying the Membership Validator. The web page is: (sign-in with IEEE account is required).