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Nuclear & Plasma Sciences Society


The Publications Committee is chaired by the Publications Chair, and includes the Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions on Nuclear Science, the Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions on Plasma Science, the Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, the Editor of the Newsletter, and the Treasurer of the Society. The Publications Chair is responsible for the publication program and assuring the financial soundness and maintenance of schedules and format standards. The responsibility for the technical content of any Transactions is controlled by that Transactions’ Editor-in-Chief, who shall is nominated by the Publications Committee Chair or by the Society President and approved by the AdCom.

The Publications Committee members include:

Paul Dressendorfer (Chair)
Zane Bell – Editor-in-Chief, Transactions on Nuclear Science
Steve Gitomer – Editor-in-Chief, Transactions on Plasma Science
Dimitris Visvikis – Editor-in-Chief, Transactions on Radiation & Plasma Medical Sciences
Albe Larsen – Editor, NPSS Newsletter
Ralf Engels – NPSS Treasurer